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  1. Blinky on Lab-X1 twice as fast on 16F877 as on a 18F4550
  2. PIC16F1779 settings for EUSART
  3. Infrared HPWM setup
  4. Long 1-wire bus
  5. u2 programmer suddenly stopped working?
  6. PBP3 download trial and purchase links
  7. PBP3 support for some 24F 16 bit devices?
  8. Settings for pulse width modulation
  9. ReadCode Writecode erasecode beyond 64k pbp 3.1.3
  10. NBit Math Question
  11. Unable to Open DT-INT or REENTERPBP
  12. 12F675 reseting
  13. PIC10F322 6 pin chip
  14. Discovering PIC 16F18446 - TOGGLE "ASM WARNING - Invalid RAM location"
  15. PIC16F18446 - 12 bits ADC gives 16 bits results!!!!
  16. Program not running on 16F88
  17. ErrorLevel is not ignoring a message