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  1. Important !
  2. I2C I/O Expander PCF8574 hanging?
  3. PIC to PIC RS485 with users the communication
  4. How can I "see" if a PCF8574 is "alive" in the I2C bus
  5. Is the world ready for TTL RS-232 serial?
  6. Need Help with PIC as SPI Slave
  7. PIC16f876 writing recieved serial data to eeprom
  8. Mssp
  9. 16F877A serin problem with baud rate 19200
  10. Serin2 and serout2
  11. Smart card reader with PIC16F84A
  12. problem with USART
  13. I2C between three or more PICs
  14. serin
  15. PIC to PIC, How Many IO Connections Required?
  16. Sharing a USART
  17. Serial Communications initialising PIC USART
  18. PCA9555 - second Start Bit required in a read.
  19. Additional USART question
  20. HSERIN and I2C ?
  21. SPI PIC to PIC Bi-Directional Communication
  22. How to implement 8E2 serial protocol?
  23. How to parse a simple ascii string?
  24. Auto Baud Rate Detection
  25. help pic16f628 and 115200
  26. simulating mouse
  27. Hyperterminal
  28. Yet another RF Serial Data Question
  29. 12F629 maximun Baudrate
  30. VB6 Code Help
  31. I2C Speed
  32. HSERIN problem
  33. Unusual serial comunication
  34. HSerOut 16F877 Interrupt Driven
  35. PIC Basic PRO 16F877 USART Interrupt TX
  36. USART TXREG Problems
  37. wireless serial data?
  38. Serout/serout2
  39. PC Serial Port Connections
  40. COM port problem
  41. ds1923
  42. DEBUG baud rates
  43. I2C clock frequency?
  44. How does serin function?
  45. 2 Serial inputs at the same time?
  46. I2C speed
  47. I2c Slave On 16f628
  48. PIC16F877 & Serial Comms
  49. hserin problems
  50. read signal from computer
  51. PC - PIC problem...
  52. Notebook Com Port win2k problems
  53. Serial comm between two PICs
  54. VB sending serial data to PIC
  55. Serial link
  56. Send float to pc
  57. send and receive data using pic 16f84a
  58. how to send data from VB to PIC 16f84
  59. Usart problem with 18F4550
  60. serial comm to C328 camera module
  61. send data from VB 6 to PIC 16f84
  62. need help to set up a serial link
  63. Serout2 string formating
  64. PIC Basic Pro <-> HP-IL communications
  65. Sharing Serial connection
  66. Vb 6.0 Graphical plug in
  67. Rfid Reader
  68. I2C, little help please
  69. Interupts and Command string
  70. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
  71. I2C to AT24C512 eeprom not working
  72. Calculating a frame check sequence using CRC-16
  73. 8 data and parity using HSERIN, HSEROUT
  74. Serin for a numpty
  75. RS232 to Weigand
  76. usart not workin
  77. serin2 DEC problem
  78. Digital Compass Project
  79. RS232 problem
  80. UArt question
  81. Parity Modes
  82. Has anyone read this? "Serial Complete..."
  83. communication between 3 pic16f877
  84. USB to Serial Adapter with 9.6v
  85. Serial Communication with PC code
  86. How to configure the clock??!!
  87. pic18f252 hserout problem
  88. pic18f252 hserout some times is incomplete
  89. Serial Communication Problems (Strange!!)
  90. Serial Communication again but easier i think ;)
  91. Remote comms
  92. Serout2 Issues 18f258 Vs. 18f2585
  93. Serial questions
  94. Hanging on SERIN2 - SOLVED!
  95. PIC12F675F use
  96. Please Help With STP Controller card
  97. Multiple Data on to USART RX pin
  98. I thought PORTA.0[33] was the same as PORTE.1 ?!?
  99. PIC Hangs when using Serin TimeOut
  100. Baud rate calculation
  101. Help with serial comms with Qbasic & 16F877
  102. serial communication of pic16F877
  103. Help with sending text file from pic
  104. SerialPort access in visual basic express ed
  105. I2CWRITE to control a I2C device
  106. USART interrpt in PIC16F877A
  107. Data verification
  108. Serial communication problems
  109. HSERIN and HSEROUT problems
  110. 18F4550 UART and SPI
  111. capture/repeat data ?
  112. PIC to PIC serial resistor?
  113. recognizing a serin2 string
  114. Slave/Master communication problems
  115. Baby Monitor
  116. serial connection n vb interface
  117. Comparative advantages?
  118. Remote communication
  119. Defining 2 stop bits using HSEROUT
  120. Trouble with Serin2 and variable size
  121. i need help please...
  122. Direct PIC to PC without MAX232
  123. Very Useful Free Terminal Software for Windows
  124. Long varible strings
  125. USART 9 bit receiver with address detect
  126. serin2?
  127. LCD serial backpacks
  128. On Interrupt
  129. What do i send
  130. How can I initiate i2c
  131. Question about Pif18f2520
  132. Card reader/writer
  133. USART Stops Receiving Characters
  134. Hser-rx test
  135. Hserin problems
  136. SEROUT or HSEROUT "ODD" parity
  137. serin string question
  138. PIC16F877 sends/receives data to/from a PC
  139. baud vs b/s
  140. Serin2 - All I Need Is 8 Numbers....
  141. Serial Communication
  142. Serial code placement
  143. PC serial port funny
  144. I want to connect PIC16F877 to PIC16F84 by using serial communication
  145. Serial interface with RFID reader
  146. Multiple Pics to One serial port
  147. 16F648 and 115200 at 4 Mhz doesn't work...
  148. RS485 serial communication
  149. 16f628 Usart
  150. 18F458 to PC communication Help
  151. HSERIN and internal buffer problem on 16F628
  152. Can't set 38400 baud @ 48Mhz
  153. How to use RSIN
  154. Anyone know whats wrong with this code
  155. B868mc-tiny/40-smd-ia - Rts Cts
  156. One-Wire Communications
  157. Modifing the 9th data bit to be 1 or 0
  158. Receiving Packet Array In Usart
  159. PIC16F88 senior design
  160. How to set up UART??
  161. 1/ 100th second Slot car Timer
  162. Clock Out Signal
  163. Serial cable problems
  164. SPI Interfacing
  165. Hserout
  166. Communication between PC and PIC16f876
  167. PIC16F819 serial coms
  168. Serial com with internal oscillator
  169. Serial coms with a pc
  170. Serial communication between two 16F877As
  171. EUSART Stop Receiving
  172. Serin to Vb
  173. Slot Car timer with pic 16f84a
  174. SPI vs I2C
  175. How to receive multiple bytes using the hardware usart in the PIC18F2550
  176. Addressable USART 16F628A
  177. Reversing RS485 line
  178. Even Parity
  179. USB to Serial..MAYDAY...MAYDAY!!
  180. SERIN with a PIC12F675
  181. Tws 434/ Rws 434
  182. 18f242 serin2 timeout
  183. Failure Serial Connection with Hyperterminal
  184. multipal serial ports
  185. Chip to PC problem
  186. Haw to connect two pic?
  187. RFID Application
  188. SERIN2 – SEROUT2 and Manchester mistake.
  189. Allegro A6280 with PICBASIC
  190. Re: Serial port isolation
  191. Serial protocol not supported?
  192. PIC to Hyperterminal
  193. DEBUGIN not working on 12F629
  194. 18F452 PC Comminication Problem
  195. Variant of Serin2/Timeout Hang Problem
  196. RS232 for 16F877A
  197. wireless rf (USING TWS 433 Mhz AND RWS 433Mhz) DATA COMMUNICATION
  198. USART: TRIS for RX/TX -Both as inputs
  199. Serial Port Complete 2nd Edition
  200. MCP23016 I2C serial I/O expander chip
  201. PIC to PC not working
  202. Reading SERIN whilst running other operations
  203. serial data over ethernet?
  204. DS1996 Read/Write
  205. need help with "hello world" in hyperterm
  206. are MAX232s neccessary?/ Increase reliability?
  207. wat is the value binairy of this codepiece
  208. Pic16f818 ,spi
  209. Sending menu to PC from PIC16F876A
  210. SERIN2 ending in linefeed
  211. SERIN timeout
  212. Keypad_Lcd problem
  213. Write and Read from internal Memory
  214. debug -> infrared -> PocketPC??
  215. Power line comms X-10
  216. Maximum Distance Without Driver
  217. Saving numeric data to eeprom from array
  218. I2C to LCD display
  219. PIC to PIC , 16F867
  220. Tibbo Special Offer
  221. Lookup2 & Lookdown2
  222. Serial Peripheral Interface
  223. Seriously Slow Speed Asynchronous Serial Data Transmission
  224. pic16f877 problem repeating serial data
  225. Serial Byte Format
  226. signal too weak for RS232?
  227. ONE WIRE & Oscillator Frequency
  228. Data on DC power lines?
  229. I2c & Variable Size
  230. PIC16F877A interface with computer
  231. Serial reading of binary at 75 baud
  232. Required Guidance about SPI
  233. SPI communication problem (newbie)
  234. pic18f4550 & pic16f84a serially ?
  235. Tricks for monitoring RX
  236. serin2
  237. how to bidirectional communicate pic to pic ?
  238. I2C Comm with Digital Compass HMC6352
  239. 16f688 <-> Max232
  240. graphics lcd with lcdout style serial??
  241. PIC and MAX232 in/out
  242. Hyperterminal problem
  243. pic 2 pic pic'n my brains out!
  244. SERIN2 Syntax
  245. Interface for 16f818
  246. Hyperterminal Question
  247. HSERIN2 not working on PIC18F97J60 ???
  248. serout out of order on 12F675
  249. Quansheng TG-K4AT
  250. SERIN from a large string