- Important !
- I2C I/O Expander PCF8574 hanging?
- PIC to PIC RS485 with users the communication
- How can I "see" if a PCF8574 is "alive" in the I2C bus
- Is the world ready for TTL RS-232 serial?
- Need Help with PIC as SPI Slave
- PIC16f876 writing recieved serial data to eeprom
- Mssp
- 16F877A serin problem with baud rate 19200
- Serin2 and serout2
- Smart card reader with PIC16F84A
- problem with USART
- I2C between three or more PICs
- serin
- PIC to PIC, How Many IO Connections Required?
- Sharing a USART
- Serial Communications initialising PIC USART
- PCA9555 - second Start Bit required in a read.
- Additional USART question
- HSERIN and I2C ?
- SPI PIC to PIC Bi-Directional Communication
- How to implement 8E2 serial protocol?
- How to parse a simple ascii string?
- Auto Baud Rate Detection
- help pic16f628 and 115200
- simulating mouse
- Hyperterminal
- Yet another RF Serial Data Question
- 12F629 maximun Baudrate
- VB6 Code Help
- I2C Speed
- HSERIN problem
- Unusual serial comunication
- HSerOut 16F877 Interrupt Driven
- PIC Basic PRO 16F877 USART Interrupt TX
- USART TXREG Problems
- wireless serial data?
- Serout/serout2
- PC Serial Port Connections
- COM port problem
- ds1923
- DEBUG baud rates
- I2C clock frequency?
- How does serin function?
- 2 Serial inputs at the same time?
- I2C speed
- I2c Slave On 16f628
- PIC16F877 & Serial Comms
- hserin problems
- read signal from computer
- PC - PIC problem...
- Notebook Com Port win2k problems
- Serial comm between two PICs
- VB sending serial data to PIC
- Serial link
- Send float to pc
- send and receive data using pic 16f84a
- how to send data from VB to PIC 16f84
- Usart problem with 18F4550
- serial comm to C328 camera module
- send data from VB 6 to PIC 16f84
- need help to set up a serial link
- Serout2 string formating
- PIC Basic Pro <-> HP-IL communications
- Sharing Serial connection
- Vb 6.0 Graphical plug in
- Rfid Reader
- I2C, little help please
- Interupts and Command string
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
- I2C to AT24C512 eeprom not working
- Calculating a frame check sequence using CRC-16
- 8 data and parity using HSERIN, HSEROUT
- Serin for a numpty
- RS232 to Weigand
- usart not workin
- serin2 DEC problem
- Digital Compass Project
- RS232 problem
- UArt question
- Parity Modes
- Has anyone read this? "Serial Complete..."
- communication between 3 pic16f877
- USB to Serial Adapter with 9.6v
- Serial Communication with PC code
- How to configure the clock??!!
- pic18f252 hserout problem
- pic18f252 hserout some times is incomplete
- Serial Communication Problems (Strange!!)
- Serial Communication again but easier i think ;)
- Remote comms
- Serout2 Issues 18f258 Vs. 18f2585
- Serial questions
- Hanging on SERIN2 - SOLVED!
- PIC12F675F use
- Please Help With STP Controller card
- Multiple Data on to USART RX pin
- I thought PORTA.0[33] was the same as PORTE.1 ?!?
- PIC Hangs when using Serin TimeOut
- Baud rate calculation
- Help with serial comms with Qbasic & 16F877
- serial communication of pic16F877
- Help with sending text file from pic
- SerialPort access in visual basic express ed
- I2CWRITE to control a I2C device
- USART interrpt in PIC16F877A
- Data verification
- Serial communication problems
- HSERIN and HSEROUT problems
- 18F4550 UART and SPI
- capture/repeat data ?
- PIC to PIC serial resistor?
- recognizing a serin2 string
- Slave/Master communication problems
- Baby Monitor
- serial connection n vb interface
- Comparative advantages?
- Remote communication
- Defining 2 stop bits using HSEROUT
- Trouble with Serin2 and variable size
- i need help please...
- Direct PIC to PC without MAX232
- Very Useful Free Terminal Software for Windows
- Long varible strings
- USART 9 bit receiver with address detect
- serin2?
- LCD serial backpacks
- On Interrupt
- What do i send
- How can I initiate i2c
- Question about Pif18f2520
- Card reader/writer
- USART Stops Receiving Characters
- Hser-rx test
- Hserin problems
- SEROUT or HSEROUT "ODD" parity
- serin string question
- PIC16F877 sends/receives data to/from a PC
- baud vs b/s
- Serin2 - All I Need Is 8 Numbers....
- Serial Communication
- Serial code placement
- PC serial port funny
- I want to connect PIC16F877 to PIC16F84 by using serial communication
- Serial interface with RFID reader
- Multiple Pics to One serial port
- 16F648 and 115200 at 4 Mhz doesn't work...
- RS485 serial communication
- 16f628 Usart
- 18F458 to PC communication Help
- HSERIN and internal buffer problem on 16F628
- Can't set 38400 baud @ 48Mhz
- How to use RSIN
- Anyone know whats wrong with this code
- B868mc-tiny/40-smd-ia - Rts Cts
- One-Wire Communications
- Modifing the 9th data bit to be 1 or 0
- Receiving Packet Array In Usart
- PIC16F88 senior design
- How to set up UART??
- 1/ 100th second Slot car Timer
- Clock Out Signal
- Serial cable problems
- SPI Interfacing
- Hserout
- Communication between PC and PIC16f876
- PIC16F819 serial coms
- Serial com with internal oscillator
- Serial coms with a pc
- Serial communication between two 16F877As
- EUSART Stop Receiving
- Serin to Vb
- Slot Car timer with pic 16f84a
- SPI vs I2C
- How to receive multiple bytes using the hardware usart in the PIC18F2550
- Addressable USART 16F628A
- Reversing RS485 line
- Even Parity
- USB to Serial..MAYDAY...MAYDAY!!
- SERIN with a PIC12F675
- Tws 434/ Rws 434
- 18f242 serin2 timeout
- Failure Serial Connection with Hyperterminal
- multipal serial ports
- Chip to PC problem
- Haw to connect two pic?
- RFID Application
- SERIN2 – SEROUT2 and Manchester mistake.
- Allegro A6280 with PICBASIC
- Re: Serial port isolation
- Serial protocol not supported?
- PIC to Hyperterminal
- DEBUGIN not working on 12F629
- 18F452 PC Comminication Problem
- Variant of Serin2/Timeout Hang Problem
- RS232 for 16F877A
- wireless rf (USING TWS 433 Mhz AND RWS 433Mhz) DATA COMMUNICATION
- USART: TRIS for RX/TX -Both as inputs
- Serial Port Complete 2nd Edition
- MCP23016 I2C serial I/O expander chip
- PIC to PC not working
- Reading SERIN whilst running other operations
- serial data over ethernet?
- DS1996 Read/Write
- need help with "hello world" in hyperterm
- are MAX232s neccessary?/ Increase reliability?
- wat is the value binairy of this codepiece
- Pic16f818 ,spi
- Sending menu to PC from PIC16F876A
- SERIN2 ending in linefeed
- SERIN timeout
- Keypad_Lcd problem
- Write and Read from internal Memory
- debug -> infrared -> PocketPC??
- Power line comms X-10
- Maximum Distance Without Driver
- Saving numeric data to eeprom from array
- I2C to LCD display
- PIC to PIC , 16F867
- Tibbo Special Offer
- Lookup2 & Lookdown2
- Serial Peripheral Interface
- Seriously Slow Speed Asynchronous Serial Data Transmission
- pic16f877 problem repeating serial data
- Serial Byte Format
- signal too weak for RS232?
- ONE WIRE & Oscillator Frequency
- Data on DC power lines?
- I2c & Variable Size
- PIC16F877A interface with computer
- Serial reading of binary at 75 baud
- Required Guidance about SPI
- SPI communication problem (newbie)
- pic18f4550 & pic16f84a serially ?
- Tricks for monitoring RX
- serin2
- how to bidirectional communicate pic to pic ?
- I2C Comm with Digital Compass HMC6352
- 16f688 <-> Max232
- graphics lcd with lcdout style serial??
- PIC and MAX232 in/out
- Hyperterminal problem
- pic 2 pic pic'n my brains out!
- SERIN2 Syntax
- Interface for 16f818
- Hyperterminal Question
- HSERIN2 not working on PIC18F97J60 ???
- serout out of order on 12F675
- Quansheng TG-K4AT
- SERIN from a large string