View Full Version : USB
- Important !
- All USB related topics should be posted here
- USB A/D Datalogger
- pic18f driving usb printers
- Serial to USB converter
- PIC18xxx to USB device ?
- 18F4550 compile error
- Servo Control with USB and PIC16C745
- USB on Macintosh (mouse)
- PIC 16F877A programer using USB... HELP!!
- EasyHID VB help with multiple HID's
- USB Receiving a Word
- USB device
- HID Keyboard Example
- PIC Experiment Board K8048
- Converting from PIC18F452 to PIC18F4550
- EasyHID and USB for Newbies??
- PDFSUSB.exe source
- USB interface from PIC16F877 to PC
- HIDmaker from Trace Systems
- interrupt on USB com
- Pic 18F4550 & VB6
- converting USB to SERIAL port (9 pin)
- capacitor value for VUSB
- USB fail (Error 997)
- 18F4550 Not Recognised
- USB Complete by Jan Axelson
- Rafi
- Source for PDFSUSB.exe
- facing the problem in compiler suject in usb
- Ethernet PIC
- Composite Device
- Using PM.exe with newer USB Chips ??
- Help with HS in sample programms
- Pic powered from USB?
- 18f4550
- 18f4550
- Automatically detecting a USB device
- Slowing down FullSpeed
- How often do you service USB?
- USB and EasyHID Problems
- USB bootloader
- USB programmer problems
- HIDMakerFS versus EasyHID
- EasyHID and Endpoints
- EasyHID and buffer entry 0
- How do we flag a record as processed in EasyHID?
- EasyHID and structure of generated VB DoUSBIn
- Time to transfer data in EasyHID
- USB keyboard emulator
- Programmer for USB PIC devices
- Hi! Basic questions about PIC18F2550-I/SP
- USB 18F4550 in High or full speed???
- Using USB port in my pc
- USB joystick project
- Component Device Support ?
- I got a questin here....
- Once again me!!
- PortA reset zero after USBINIT / Service ?
- Three USB Samples
- Need help in VB codes to detect input switch of Picdem FS USB
- Try to Compile 18F4550 Macro missing
- PIC 18F4550 and MAC OS X
- MicroCode Studio Plus won't use mpasmwin
- Speed of USB EasyHID and Time problem
- USB Pics, ICD2, pic basic pro
- usb works without vusb connected?
- USBDemo with Bootloader
- the best 18fxx50 Bootloader?
- USB Endpoints
- Some HID devcie on one computer
- Pic18f2455/2550/4455/4550
- USB Serial Communication Continuous
- What have you done with PIC USB?
- USB to RS232 adapter
- USB CDC Communications for Dummies!
- mouse demo program PIC18F4550
- USB Control Of Powerpoint
- datalogging from pic16f877a to usb-stick
- Problem with enumeration and EasyHID
- Ports not stable
- EasyHID max usb buffer size
- hi . can someone help me ?
- pic 18fxxxx
- PIC 18F2455 USB code compiling problem
- USBSERVICE timing question
- Sending decimals
- USB Duplicator Help
- USB Programmer for 18F4550 PICs
- 18F4550 full speed
- 18F4550 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- did anyone got J50 to work ?
- Loaded USB question + Hey Squib
- Software on PIC will come in loop after disconnect USB connection
- CDC and Hardware Handshaking
- PICs and USB Flash Drives
- 18f4550 Device not recognized
- Usb X Pic16f877a
- problem of LOW voltage on USB ports of Intel 915GLVG mobos
- Schematic for simple demo
- Working bootloader hex on 18f2550
- Compiling error of Pdfsusb.exe source code
- USB-FTDI[UM232R] with PIC16f877a
- Vinculum Vdrive2
- USB Bootloader CRASH on Vista
- USB Keyboard how to make shift,ctrl,win,alt keypress,?
- Worst day of my life
- USB PBPL Compile errors
- USBBufferSize setting
- USB laptop supply
- Need Help with USB using PIC18F2455
- Where I can find SoftWire software ?
- How to work with USBMOUSE ?
- Speeding up HID
- USB to COM converter
- Usb Programmer ?
- How to receive caps lock or num lock from computer
- Its possible to conect 18f4550 to usb device?
- USB Cable extender
- Pulsin with usb?
- PIC as USB host
- USB Keyboard input don't work!!! Please Help
- USB power definitions
- how to respond to EP1 interrupt requsts?
- Varying USB Latency
- PBP2.50b
- Usb Mass Storage With 18f4550
- USB Speed
- USB Motor Controller
- USB with Dual Modes- one at a time
- Error 0X0000008E when connecting a 18F2550 USB HID
- composite device ASM changes
- easyHID question
- U2 programing
- Display modules array
- 18f2550 USB OSC Problem
- Serial data to USB
- USB devices
- USB Communications using Visual Basic 2005
- how to interfacing USB ??
- Microchip USB HID Bootloader v2.2, working???
- what is the wrong in this ??
- If you want to use USB bootloader later?
- disconnect USB - is it possible?
- CDC Assistance
- USB CDC help..
- Usb-Pc connection 18f4550 pls help
- USB to RS485
- Bootloader
- Analyzing USB Comm
- USB Debug tool
- Oscillator Selection
- USB help!
- Little ADC Help PLease !!!
- Ic2 to usb ??
- USB of prgmer unrecognized by computer
- Communicate PC-to-PC using PIC
- pc based oscilloscope..
- Usb communication
- General USB questions
- USB drive with PIC controller
- Basic USB question(s)
- PIC18F2550 and POT AND USB
- Quick USB CRC5 question
- USB with 20 pins anyone? PIC18F14K50 issues
- Query - 16F628A direct to USB
- Steve's USBDemo with PBP 2.60 and MPLAB 8.33
- USB Bootloader.
- Easy HID Command -Response application
- usb gamepad
- Usb lcd winamp pugin
- USB HID Joystick for Dummies
- USBSERVICE and LCDOUT won't work together
- usb to serial and back on the fly with ucase$
- USB MSD with HID code ?
- USB do not work
- USB to rs232 emulator
- USB communication between VB and an 18Fxx31 device
- PBP v2.50a Vs 2.60 and USB compile errors
- Does anyone understand descriptors ?
- Multiple Input Reports.
- USB to USB
- Transfer Program PIC to PIC
- USBSERVICE + serout2 problem
- VDrive2 wont read all USB Sticks
- USB 18F2550 Problem
- 18F4550.BAL, PBPL, and USB
- PIC18F13K50, CDC USB communication and ultra-low power temperature logger
- CDC Communications 18F14K50 Low Pin Count Development Board
- Easyhid don't work on my notebook (device not recognized)
- MCP2200 - USB to UART Converter
- Usb hid
- Device not recognized with PIC18F13K50 and ...14K50
- USB to RS232 chips
- HID USB Multimedia Keypad
- USB to USB flash Drive File Copier
- High sampling rate of ADC in PIC18F2550 using PBP for USB communication with PC
- USB HID for Micro 87c51??
- USB on 18F2455 funky problem
- CDC - Connect to any PC USB Slot
- USB HID and RealBasic
- Adding usb and microchip bootloader to X1 development board
- USB interface with PIC18f4550 and labview
- Send Data to Visual Basic Express Edition from PIC
- 18F4550 USB takes over
- USB Bootloader with EEPROM - 18F4550
- USB confused (running out of hair)
- USB IO Board Kit (PIC18F2455 / PIC18F2550)
- usb to usb direct data transfer
- Need 18f4550 usb I/O codes please (I'm going crazy)
- how can I increase the size of HID usb buffer?
- HID USB on 18F87J50
- Question on how to create this application?
- pic18f4550 detect usb host present or not
- Next Project - Canon Camera Control over USB
- 12F1822 embedded host?
- USB device with 2 options: HID and audio device class
- usb code help
- MIDI over USB peripheral
- Strange reading from RFID..need help
- usb keypad
- 4 mhz program speed in pic 18f4550 please
- pause 1 min in osc 48 ?
- USB to virtual serial com port Please
- Lab X USB
- HIDMaker fs is AWESOME. Soft Detach with a total of 6 USB devices in one PIC18F4550
- USB data corruption
- Sure electronics mb-cm13111 usb host
- EEPROM write with USB
- USB Cdc communication pic18f4550 with MCHPFSUSB
- KINECT Sensor interfacing with PICs
- MikroElectrnica EasyPIC v7 USB Driver
- Usb to serial converter with pic18f
- Getting Error 87 with WinUSB_WritePipe with LowPin USB Dev Kit
- writing data from PIC to USB memorystick
- usb serial emulator
- USB CDC serial duplex string example wanted
- 2 Axes USB HID Descriptor problem
- USB Learning
- Pic18f2550 HID Keyboard
- Pic18f2550 EEPROM Write
- What a Pain In The USB-utt
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