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View Full Version : PBP Wish List

  1. Ability to pay per MCU License. (11 replies)
  2. Better code check before compile? (29 replies)
  3. The book of dt interrupts (15 replies)
  4. New version of DT_Ints?? for Enhanced 16F series of processors (2 replies)
  5. SWAP COMMAND extended to Longs and array variables (1 replies)
  6. ESP_BasicPro?! (2 replies)
  7. Future PBP (19 replies)
  8. Floating point math (5 replies)
  9. Graphic display support? (1 replies)
  10. Configurator (27 replies)
  11. Sideline Markers to "pair" the IF and ENDIF commands (4 replies)
  12. Microcode Studio Plus (7 replies)
  13. Faster Interrupt System (0 replies)
  14. How to make a wish list on funbrain? (0 replies)
  15. Can we have such IDE for PBP? (1 replies)
  16. Auto Save option in editor (6 replies)
  17. LCDIN not working? (1 replies)
  18. Extra LCDOUT DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS CLR SCREEN please (0 replies)
  19. Accessing bits of an array element (5 replies)
  20. Hpulsin (5 replies)
  21. Basic Macro (create a macro with basic) similar to function (3 replies)
  22. Supported compiler with Proteus VSM; true Windows 7 64 bit compatibility (6 replies)
  23. pbp code (2 replies)
  24. PBP for dsPIC 16bit?? (33 replies)
  25. Conditional default config's (10 replies)
  26. Support for RTCC (0 replies)
  27. In Circuit Debugger Needed for the 18F4685 (7 replies)
  28. Improve PBP with integrated configuration (9 replies)
  29. Open source PBP bootloader (40 replies)
  30. New chips PIC18F27J53 and PIC18F47J53 (8 replies)
  31. Support for Ethernet using SPI (0 replies)
  32. FillMem or ClearMem (9 replies)
  33. Shiftout Modifiers for SPI LCDs (DOGM series) (0 replies)
  34. WIKI wish list (0 replies)
  35. A header wizard (229 replies)
  36. String types and functions AND Functions with arguments (3 replies)
  37. More OSC freqs... and don't forget STRINGS (4 replies)
  38. Include Files for some Routines (2 replies)
  39. The last Fourth Wish (27 replies)
  40. Third wish (0 replies)
  41. SEcond wish is PIC codes Wizard (11 replies)
  42. May be it is good idea (2 replies)
  43. Initial EEPROM data (2 replies)
  44. How about .... (1 replies)
  45. I2C HW support (2 replies)
  46. Other Microprocessor support? (2 replies)
  47. Not as important as STRINGS, but... (0 replies)
  48. On...gosub (5 replies)
  49. functions (2 replies)
  50. CRC Calculator Routine (18 replies)
  51. Pic18F14K50 when? (16 replies)
  52. PICBASIC Pro & MPLAB integration syllabus (16 replies)
  53. Select Case range of values (3 replies)
  54. Allow file name change (2 replies)
  55. Menu Builder (10 replies)
  56. PBP with iMac (15 replies)
  57. On Line DRC / Code size reporter. (2 replies)
  58. SERIN2 that can recognise a frame error (1 replies)
  59. A real String type & functions to match (3 replies)
  60. Automatically incrementing version counter/variable (4 replies)
  61. dsPICs (10 replies)
  62. Symbolic bit references for SFR's (0 replies)
  63. Storing STRINGS in codespace (2 replies)
  64. DTs instant Interrupts (5 replies)
  65. Define for extern oscillator (3 replies)
  66. I Need Help.. I want to generate controlled pulses (7 replies)
  67. Error help (1 replies)
  68. 4-Line LCD and 18F4620 (6 replies)
  69. FineLine IDE for PicBasicPro (3 replies)
  70. Code Folding - Microcode Studio Wish (4 replies)
  71. Composite USB Devices (11 replies)
  72. Melabs PIC Basic Pro - 16 bit devices support (10 replies)
  73. ELSEIF Block Would be Good. (30 replies)
  74. random generator with a limiter (11 replies)
  75. wanted, support for wifi or networking (8 replies)
  76. What's the purpose of the thread? (11 replies)
  77. HI2CREAD and HI2CWRITE (17 replies)
  78. pcf8574 (2 replies)
  79. I2C Slave, config Vref - + in pic with ADC (4 replies)
  80. graphics (10 replies)
  81. damm fuses (0 replies)
  82. IDE with emulation! (22 replies)
  83. Allow better control of text in GUI (1 replies)
  84. 32-Bit or 64-Bit calculation (8 replies)
  85. BRANCH/BRANCHL for GOSUB (11 replies)
  86. PBP compilers for other microcontrollers. (2 replies)
  87. Manual (2 replies)
  88. Subs and functions (0 replies)
  89. Library of Keywords and Modifiers with examples (0 replies)
  90. Bookmark support for the PBP Editor? (12 replies)
  91. I2CWRITE/READ improve for EEPROM (0 replies)
  92. Example CODE LIBRARY (1 replies)
  93. Linux with PBP (0 replies)
  94. Command to Clock Cycle table (1 replies)
  95. 18f452 help (1 replies)
  96. WRITE routine for EEPROM writing (5 replies)
  97. Ability to export meLabs Programmer Configuration settings (7 replies)
  98. PBP Editor Wish List: (7 replies)
  99. How about a thread that replaces RTFM and RTFDataSheet: (12 replies)
  100. control servo motor by using pic16F84A (10 replies)
  101. Separate fuse configs for each MCU type during programming? (5 replies)
  102. More Powerful LCD Commands (31 replies)
  103. CAN support (4 replies)
  104. Job Placement Service / Tech Support (44 replies)
  105. DSPIC Support (14 replies)
  106. functions (1 replies)
  107. local variables (2 replies)
  108. My wish: AT Keyboard and Mouse commands (0 replies)
  109. 14/16 Segment Display Program (2 replies)
  110. Bi-Direction serial communication PC > PIC *16F84A via RWS-434 TWS-434 (11 replies)
  111. ATAN2(,) function (0 replies)
  112. How about String Variables? (40 replies)
  113. downloadables (3 replies)
  114. "Bookmark" tool for next version of MicroCode Studio editor (3 replies)
  115. Touch Screen Wish List!!! (2 replies)
  116. More Config options with LCDout (2 replies)
  117. I wish its true !! (18 replies)
  118. Graphic LCD support? (22 replies)
  119. Re heated debate apologies (1 replies)
  120. Heated Debate... Features and Updates and Things... (39 replies)
  121. 7 segment commands? (6 replies)
  122. DEFINE OSC too limited (18 replies)
  123. PBP wish list..... (7 replies)
  124. PBP hardware oriented? (7 replies)
  125. A more in depth PBP manual (2 replies)
  126. Faster baud rates with SEROUT commands (1 replies)
  127. did we mention FP Math? (9 replies)
  128. Important ! (0 replies)
  129. character lcd 4 lines (4 replies)
  130. New Version (0 replies)
  131. Compact flash support,fat16 included... (0 replies)
  132. Double (or Quad) Precision and FP math (1 replies)
  133. Functions (4 replies)
  134. PPP- UDP- Stack (0 replies)
  135. The Ultimate PIC Basic (4 replies)
  136. Improved interrupt handling (2 replies)
  137. CAN BUS support and docs (0 replies)
  138. PBP Wish List (5 replies)