- PBP Wish List
- CAN BUS support and docs
- Improved interrupt handling
- The Ultimate PIC Basic
- PPP- UDP- Stack
- Functions
- Double (or Quad) Precision and FP math
- Compact flash support,fat16 included...
- New Version
- character lcd 4 lines
- Important !
- did we mention FP Math?
- Faster baud rates with SEROUT commands
- A more in depth PBP manual
- PBP hardware oriented?
- PBP wish list.....
- DEFINE OSC too limited
- 7 segment commands?
- Heated Debate... Features and Updates and Things...
- Re heated debate apologies
- Graphic LCD support?
- I wish its true !!
- More Config options with LCDout
- Touch Screen Wish List!!!
- "Bookmark" tool for next version of MicroCode Studio editor
- downloadables
- How about String Variables?
- ATAN2(,) function
- Bi-Direction serial communication PC > PIC *16F84A via RWS-434 TWS-434
- 14/16 Segment Display Program
- My wish: AT Keyboard and Mouse commands
- local variables
- functions
- DSPIC Support
- Job Placement Service / Tech Support
- CAN support
- More Powerful LCD Commands
- Separate fuse configs for each MCU type during programming?
- control servo motor by using pic16F84A
- How about a thread that replaces RTFM and RTFDataSheet:
- PBP Editor Wish List:
- Ability to export meLabs Programmer Configuration settings
- WRITE routine for EEPROM writing
- 18f452 help
- Command to Clock Cycle table
- Linux with PBP
- I2CWRITE/READ improve for EEPROM
- Bookmark support for the PBP Editor?
- Library of Keywords and Modifiers with examples
- Subs and functions
- Manual
- PBP compilers for other microcontrollers.
- 32-Bit or 64-Bit calculation
- Allow better control of text in GUI
- IDE with emulation!
- damm fuses
- graphics
- I2C Slave, config Vref - + in pic with ADC
- pcf8574
- What's the purpose of the thread?
- wanted, support for wifi or networking
- random generator with a limiter
- ELSEIF Block Would be Good.
- Melabs PIC Basic Pro - 16 bit devices support
- Composite USB Devices
- Code Folding - Microcode Studio Wish
- FineLine IDE for PicBasicPro
- 4-Line LCD and 18F4620
- Error help
- I Need Help.. I want to generate controlled pulses
- Define for extern oscillator
- DTs instant Interrupts
- Storing STRINGS in codespace
- Symbolic bit references for SFR's
- dsPICs
- Automatically incrementing version counter/variable
- A real String type & functions to match
- SERIN2 that can recognise a frame error
- On Line DRC / Code size reporter.
- PBP with iMac
- Menu Builder
- Allow file name change
- Select Case range of values
- PICBASIC Pro & MPLAB integration syllabus
- Pic18F14K50 when?
- CRC Calculator Routine
- functions
- On...gosub
- Not as important as STRINGS, but...
- Other Microprocessor support?
- I2C HW support
- How about ....
- Initial EEPROM data
- May be it is good idea
- SEcond wish is PIC codes Wizard
- Third wish
- The last Fourth Wish
- Include Files for some Routines
- More OSC freqs... and don't forget STRINGS
- String types and functions AND Functions with arguments
- A header wizard
- WIKI wish list
- Shiftout Modifiers for SPI LCDs (DOGM series)
- FillMem or ClearMem
- Support for Ethernet using SPI
- New chips PIC18F27J53 and PIC18F47J53
- Open source PBP bootloader
- Improve PBP with integrated configuration
- In Circuit Debugger Needed for the 18F4685
- Support for RTCC
- Conditional default config's
- PBP for dsPIC 16bit??
- pbp code
- Supported compiler with Proteus VSM; true Windows 7 64 bit compatibility
- Basic Macro (create a macro with basic) similar to function
- Hpulsin
- Accessing bits of an array element
- LCDIN not working?
- Auto Save option in editor
- Can we have such IDE for PBP?
- How to make a wish list on funbrain?
- Faster Interrupt System
- Microcode Studio Plus
- Sideline Markers to "pair" the IF and ENDIF commands
- Configurator
- Graphic display support?
- Floating point math
- Future PBP
- ESP_BasicPro?!
- SWAP COMMAND extended to Longs and array variables
- New version of DT_Ints?? for Enhanced 16F series of processors
- The book of dt interrupts
- Better code check before compile?
- Ability to pay per MCU License.