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  1. Easy LCD Contrast
  2. Smart Card Envelope
  3. Electronic 'Soft' Power Switch
  4. Shaping DTMF Signal out of PIC
  5. Sleepy Keypad
  6. AT keyboard interfaced to a PIC
  7. Battery Backup with PIC controlling switch
  8. 0-10V Output Needed
  9. Programmer for 16F877
  10. pic18f452 programmer
  11. Extra I/O
  12. Best Way To Use A Thermistor
  13. Wiegand data and com port
  14. Electronic speed control
  15. Multiple PIC's with 1 crystal
  16. universal PIC Board (PCB)
  17. Bootloader Hardware Modification
  18. Two LCDs on one PIC
  19. Little pic trainer for 16F876
  20. Very Simple ICSP Programmer
  21. PC interface
  22. PIC16F877 and EEPROM FM24C16A
  23. Newbie needs help
  24. Easy LCD BackLight
  25. Crystals/Internal Clocks
  26. what IS an ICSP connector?
  27. 16F877 universal PCB with I/O module
  28. ICD, ICD2, Pre-Purchase Opinions
  29. 20Mhz Crystal /Resonators
  30. Which is the best way to connect..
  31. Universal PIC board rev2
  32. PIC16F877A to DS1307
  33. 16F877A to SED1330 GLCD Schematic
  34. Hall Sensor
  35. Important !
  36. Important !
  37. Mosfet stable Volt out
  38. Unpowered Laptop ICSP external power
  39. accurate vref < 1vdc 16F876 comparator
  40. Input buffer
  41. I2C-Bus Opto-Isolation
  42. AC Relay EMI Suppression
  43. Interface DB-25 Female Connector to PIC 16F628
  44. Rc Speed Sensor Help
  45. Catching 12 khz
  46. parallel port multi pic programmer?
  47. Help LCD with 2 wire Connect (Idea)
  48. I2C Array Example?
  49. AC and DC how to?
  50. flip flop for driving latching solenoids
  51. need a project for PIC16F84
  52. switching high inductance loads
  53. Automatic turn off
  54. Protel Libraries.
  55. Problems with 18F458
  56. using gp3 12f629
  57. [16F871] Power on RA4 before power on vdd?
  58. need help...
  59. can someone help me check?
  60. Two PICs Architecture
  61. PWM to V with I feedback
  62. centering servomotor using 16F84A
  63. LEDs schematics
  64. schematic drawing
  65. 1 line interrupted keypad reading
  66. Eagle & Tait's Programmer
  67. Schematic for PICPLC16?
  68. Wave Form Identifier
  69. HELP''''line foolowing module with 16F84A'''''
  70. RGB LED driver, Any comments?
  71. TWS/RWS-434 schematic
  72. adapter for pic18f8520
  73. Pic Ammeter
  74. How to connect Buzzer to PIC?
  75. pic16c54a
  76. I need Help to Connect P-Channel Mosfet
  77. Transformerless Power Suppply
  78. How i ken read 7.2v with pic
  79. receiver can not receive signal
  80. How to connect PIC16F84A to mobile phone
  81. How to program a 18F2455 with Velleman kit 8048 ?
  82. First pic controls #2.....
  83. Using pic chips in a noisy electrical environments
  84. problem in build the inverter
  85. LCD backlight controlled by software how to ?
  86. Scrolling LED sign / marquee
  87. Aurel XTR 434 transceiver
  88. schematic for rechargeable batteries
  89. looking for a portable mp3 player circuit that uses picbasic pro
  90. Help about a ICD2
  91. Temperature Meter
  92. I need an off the shelf IO card
  93. More than one Pic to one crystal?
  94. Low resistance value measurement
  95. Microcode Bootloader without MAX232
  96. Grounding Negative voltage through I/O pin
  97. DS1307 automotive application
  98. RF video reciever - digital tuning
  99. Crystal vs Resonator
  100. PICs on a bus . . . ?
  101. LCD backlight overheats 7805
  102. sensor ultrasonic 8051&PIC
  103. sensores
  104. dsPIC ?!
  105. Using the PIC12F675 for sampling / selecting?
  106. day/night sensor
  107. How to wire and program seven segment display to PIC16F84A
  108. combination lock
  109. I need simple schematics to USB
  110. Ups
  111. Microchip AN615
  112. Max485 & RS232
  113. Decent 24 volt Pic power supply
  114. Erratic behavior with a PIC16F88 and an custom LCD Board
  115. Light Sensor & LCD :: Code & Schematic
  116. Hi to all Readers, wondering what to write in my first message
  117. JDM type Programmer + WinPic800 (or whatever)
  118. Detecting mains current
  119. Can I do like this?
  120. 3.7v to 5v
  121. Pic reseting when switching mains current with relay
  122. DDS with pic and request Collins receiver scheme
  123. 3.3v signals to 5v signals
  124. PIC network over AC 220V
  125. PIC Newbie
  126. Low-Cost USB Oscilloscope
  127. ftdi without eeprom
  128. Looking for DMX512 schematics
  129. NTC Thermistor with PWM
  130. Circuit Diagram for interfacing AC to PIC IC?
  131. Key Pad Project
  132. Pic12f683, Trisio, High Z, A2d
  133. about filters..
  134. Off Topic?? - Serial coms.
  135. Public domain (free project)
  136. Info about Snubbers
  137. MAX232 Pin Voltages / Bootloader / Microcode Studio
  138. Philips FR951 Schema needed
  139. PIC-Powered Timer Project
  140. Simon Says Game- Schematic Only
  141. How do i get pwm oscillator with pic16c56a
  142. 18B20 temperature sensor and PIC
  143. JDM programmer
  144. Some comments on serial comms please.
  145. Motor direction control with One button ; no PIC used.
  146. How to find complimentary mosfets???
  147. Dual 7-Segment LED Display
  148. High Voltage Danger? When?
  149. AC to PIC read hi or low
  150. Encoder pin out question
  151. 5v and 7v on same board - question
  152. Help scaling voltage...
  153. destroying my last pic? driving a miniature motor
  154. 2x16 lcd not working with pic16f72
  155. ICSP and 16F684
  156. need help in displaying data send by PC s/w controlling radio scanner.
  157. Help me on RC circuit
  158. I need a
  159. Help me to invert voltage
  160. need help in controlling Fan speed using TRIAC
  161. Seiko EG7500B-LS Graphic LCD
  162. LED Matrix Question
  163. Math 'N Resistors
  164. Making circuit with proteus
  165. Resistor Ohm Meter
  166. Using sound/audio as a potentiometer?
  167. MAh - Battery question
  168. 1.5 v to 3v and 5v? Really confused.
  169. Voltage Divider Question
  170. Table LED Matrix, Weeks of debugging, column problems
  171. ICSP Help
  172. 555 Timer Configuration?
  173. 2.2v to 5v
  174. Labx2 icp problem .. help please
  175. 12v car battery monitoring
  176. Need a programmer? And, ICSP - Effects on rest of circuit?
  177. Controlling volume of an amplifier..
  178. PIC to AC 220 V switch
  179. Block diagram for PIC based mp3 player
  180. Rfid Reader- Pic
  181. Memory
  182. door bell , detect activation
  183. Reccomendation for pic18f4525 programmer to build
  184. Looking for a fresh set of eye's
  185. Expanded Scale Voltmeter
  186. LED with Transistor
  187. pic16f627A and 74H374 help
  188. How to interface PIC to Optrex 81852
  189. 18F4550 Solar battery charger / regulator & inverter system
  190. lcd with Hserout and a max232 connections? help
  191. LCD Display Project
  192. Analog Vref Question
  193. Read Values of Headphone Jack
  194. PH Probe A/D Coverter ?
  195. getting started
  196. need universal pic programmer....
  197. need help with power inverter
  198. Advice on Input circuitry for 0-10v or Pot
  199. Need ISP circuit
  200. Really simple SD/MMC card socket
  201. 6V to 5V
  202. Identifying which port to use
  203. connecting a 4X4 keypad
  204. Door bell
  205. Need help in booting/wakeup pc by lan using PIC16f628
  206. linking picbasic to proteues
  207. Developement board
  208. PS/2 barcode reader to RS232 port - need help
  209. how to connect ac sensor to PIC ?
  210. Digital audio delay
  211. DC volts and A/D converter
  212. TTL magnetic card reader interface ith PC
  213. 120 line to 5v signal
  214. USB and serial cable connection(s)
  215. Dialer schematic
  216. x-10 transmit & receiver test
  217. CANT read the TC4432 datasheet correctly?
  218. i need jdm usb circuit
  219. 12F683 Programmer
  220. 24V to 3.3V
  221. Current flow controller for DC Motors
  222. help with pwm
  223. Transistor Selection for Switching Relay Coil-with a little bit of info on my "ARSC"
  224. Input Output interface
  225. PIC with WIFI module
  226. PIC to Relay
  227. 100A pulsed constant current regulator
  228. Stepper motor controller
  229. Help me with RFID scanner interface it with PIC16F877.
  230. I need to make H-bridge diver for DC motor ?
  231. Connecting ibutton to pic!
  232. DTMF on a 12V car system
  233. Pic 16Fxx Battery Charger Help
  234. Transistor selection, PWM fan control
  235. Short circuit portection circuit ?
  236. Electroluminescent LCD backlight
  237. Negative voltage for LCD driving?
  238. power supply help ?
  239. Please help me make an ASK Rx/Tx pair
  240. PICs and harsh environments
  241. 24VAC Transformer from Air Handler, 7805
  242. Microstepper controller
  243. Phototransistor applications?
  244. Idea Help, Monitor AC line switch to temporary alternate power
  245. MAX232 minumum connections.
  246. Need help with a pulse counter project PIC18F2620
  247. 32.768kHz silicon oscillator (5v)
  248. Etching and ground planes
  249. On Screen Displays (OSD) with PIC and MAX 7456
  250. LDR to 16F877A