View Full Version : Code Examples
- Retrieving 32bit Multiply Result
- Retrieving Div32 Remainder
- Motor Stepper Example
- Sorting an Array
- Making Program Code Space your playground...
- 48 level Software Stack
- Elapsed Timer Demo
- Manchester Coding / Decodeing for RF Modules
- RS232 to Parallel Printer Converter
- a short tutorial on creating your own infrared encoder & decoder ICs with PBP
- instruction execution time
- real time clock
- Tx and Rx of Single Pin PIC's
- ISD4004-16mp
- Codespace Saving Tip... Don't mix Words and Bytes
- 1 Wire Search Routine
- Re: quick fix for sound command?
- Pulse Counter
- Communications Example : PC to PIC bi-directional dialogue
- Olympic Timer
- Mssp
- Dallas DS1994 iButton CLOCK
- Alarm Time
- Audio Frequency Counter
- Interrut Driven Oscillator
- How to make your own PIC network
- How to make your own PIC network
- Important !
- RC5 Transmitter
- Decimal to binary conversion
- NMEA CheckSum Routine
- Dallas CRC8 Routines
- Dallas CRC16 Routines
- 32-bit Variables and DIV32, Hourmeter 99999.9
- Message String Table using Readcode
- Easy and Accurate Clocks without RTC IC
- DS18S20 & Parasite Power
- GPS waypoint distance in Km
- Using the OSC value in PBP
- LCD BARgraphs
- How much code space do PBP statements use.
- EEPROM Variables (EE_Vars.pbp)
- Need a cheap touch sensor idea.. here it is
- Easy LCD OUT :-)
- AT/PS2 Keybord - PIC Interface?
- Optrex 51553 graphic LCD
- Timer with TMR0
- Matrix Keypad routine
- Instant Interrupts - Revisited
- PIC10F200 Automated IR Light Switch
- SEROUT workaround for 16F676
- Keypad unlock (as in garage door possibly)
- Electronic DICE for PIC10F or anything else!
- RH/Temp Sensor Example Code
- Timing the pressing and releasing of a PushButton ?
- Wireless LCD 16x2 Display by InfraRed ?
- Get a 62.5% more program space easily
- Dallas 1-wire search Routine
- Rotary phone with PIC
- Indexing Port Pins
- SMS control for Relays
- SED1335 320x240 graphic LCD
- Comm example: Pic to Pic
- VB6 Code Help
- Changing 18F WDT postscaler on-the-fly
- PIC18F452 bootloader from MMC-card
- PIC to LCD interface
- Another RTC, DS1287
- Using LEDs as light sensors
- USBDemo, something to learn USB a little bit
- DS1820 display with 7-seg 4 digits
- PICBASIC fast and simple
- Time display on 7-seg 4 digits
- I2C Master/Slave 16F88/16F767 working code
- R/C Servo pulse Monitor
- PID-filter routine (2nd try).
- universal lcd setup menu
- Free Project - 245 LED Display
- Simple 4 line LCD display with 18F4550
- Simon Game
- CRC-8 for SMBus
- BaseBall pitching Code sample - NewBie
- countdowntimer with dual 7segment display with 16f628a
- Reliable wireless data transfer
- Beam Switches for Laser Table
- Complete Keypad Example
- Full list of project examples at a glance
- Virtual LED Clock For Windows By Trent Jackson
- 20 Digit Virtual LED Counter
- Samples
- bisiklet hız ölçer (bicycle speedmetre )
- 122x32 GLCD basic code
- DMX512 Reception + 3 * 8-Bit PWM Outputs
- 245 Led Matrix Display (as constructed by Magu)
- Number Sort Algorithm
- Parallax RFID Reader code example
- Super easy 18F print strings to UART
- 0-255 minute count down PIC and LCD
- Pic12F675 serial voltmeter
- KITT2000 Stoplight - Indexing/Referencing Ports & Tristate use
- Automatic VB6 to pic serial connection
- Sensirion CRC
- How to drive the Vinculum VDIP1 in UART mode
- 5x5 display 16f648a
- Poor Man's Oscilloscope
- analog data acquisition with 16f88
- Little "monitor" program
- Reading temperature using multi DS18B20
- Simple 4 channel DMX controller
- Roman Black Sound (btc)
- initializing command for CGM 064128f
- Nokia COLOR LCD PicBasicPro 2.50a example code
- My I2CWRITE - timings and tricks
- dummies guide to serin/serout by a dummie
- 7 segment led clok date LED Signs (projects) 16f877
- 16f877 74hc165 decoder (projects)
- 16F876 power supply(project)
- XTEA Encrypt Decrypt Routines
- PIC 18F4550 and MCP23017
- MM5451 35way LED driver example
- Yet another thermometer (16F628 + LCD Nokia 3310 + DS18B20)
- Example: How to Use Page Write Feature of I2C EEPROMs
- Simple Array Demo
- a simple boxe timer (code included)
- Code Timer - How long does it take to execute XYZ command?
- Servo pulsemeter + Tribute to Darrel
- Writing & Reading to iButton EEPROM
- Ascii decoder
- 10x4 matrix keyboard using only portB
- I2C 8+8 expander with extra features
- Smart Star (how to use shift registers)
- Driving the SmartDisplay, first impressions
- Symbol not previously defined
- Control NEXA 230V RF Switch
- 3-Axis Accelerometer (LIS302DL)
- Universal Keypad System
- Simple line follow routine using Fuzzy logic for robot project
- Camera Flash Trigger showing assembly Interrupts within PBP
- MIBAM - (Mirror Imaged Bit Angle Modulation)
- general purpose password protected menu
- My code for TV remote and MIBAM for RGB control
- Reading in Manchester code
- 8x8 Scrolling LED display (Simple example)
- cool RTC1302 alarm Clock:)
- Current Measurement
- Digital clock thermometer Calendar PIC 16F628
- 8x8 LED Matrix - Car / Boat Game (16F872)
- Nested For Next Loop Demo
- Ultimate 7-Segment Driving Example
- lcd interfacing with pic18f452
- Single digit 7 Seg LED clock - PIC16F88
- Octave synthesizer PIC program for PIC16f84A
- Manchester coding/decoding Code help
- SDHC (FAT32 for SD cards)
- Generic RF Receiver
- Sony LanC Program
- Sure Electronics 0832 Dot Matrix Display
- Quadrature encoder and loop count
- PBP projects for R/C models
- comp music with pic Sounds - Aka BeepMaster
- ds1307
- Using Comparators
- Another Stepper motor controller
- Searching and Matching Input String with data stored in external EEPROM.
- N-Bit_MATH
- 18F25J11 RTCC & remappable pin options
- Simple RF remote control code
- remote code learning
- Using hardware capture
- MCP3208 12 bit A/D driver
- High Resolution Timer & Speed Calculator
- RC Servo decoding/encoding using 12F683
- DS1307 RTC example
- 144 LED Games Console Project
- 4 Channel Thermostat using PID loops
- Transmit IR Signals Through Walls
- New approach to Rotary Encoder
- How to use the HLVD module as a low voltage monitor
- Article: 144 LED Games Console Project
- LAB-X1 keypad/timer
- LAB-X1 Timer2 Clock
- Use Timer1 Gate to Capture Pulse Widths
- Oscillator Switching
- Useless Pickit2 demo board ??? Modeller or using R/C servos ???
- Copy 144 LED console for my school project
- help on OWIN and OWOUT fucntion
- 3.5" Color LCD code example
- Using the TMP100 series of I2C temperature sensor from Texas Instruments
- EEPROM automatic identification routine
- Working clock example using 32K watch crystal
- SHT_75 with picbasic pro
- Menu Code Example, 5 buttons, LCD
- Displaying Videos and Images on 4Dsystems uOLED Serially
- LCD Toshiba T6961
- PIC Power saving
- Christmas Carols on a PIC
- How do I compare two temperatures
- Playing sound files from 4dSystems SOMO Module
- Forum Community Competition - Winner gets a BigPic4 development board
- 5x5x5 LED Cube example
- LED chaser - Scanner Sequence PIC16F628A
- Range Finder with Laser pointers
- MCP4261 Digital Pot Control example - A quick little project
- How to round number using integer only
- tsop1238 and 16f877a
- Temperature sensor module for greenhouse
- PWM on pic16f1825 issues - 1.pbp v2.60c bug found, fix shown, 2.CCP2 on ALT pin probl
- color LCD workshop
- Color GLCD Project, Analog clock
- My Small Solar Tracker
- 8 bit parallel debounce routine
- Regenerating OSCCAL
- Candy Candy (Old Japanese cartoon) Melody with PIC12F675
- A little Quiz game (Two players + audience) with PIC12F675
- Quick and dirty candle effect with PIC12F675
- Silly little LED flasher
- Add IR remote control capabilities to your next project!!
- Sample code for I2C text LCD needed
- Help with Inverse Kinematics for 3 DOF Hexapod Robot
- Post your INCLUDE files here
- A REALLY accurate clock.
- sd/mmc "bad link"
- How to shoehorn MORE text into 2k or how to squeeze in the most bytes.
- SD card multiple read blocks giving error
- sht_75 and SHT XX pgm correction
- Lab X1 and 16F877 examples for beginners
- PICs, CONFIGS and Oscillator Settings for Beginners
- MCP23S17 - Three different approaches - ShiftIn/ShiftOut / MSSP+PBP / MSSP+ASM
- Save some bytes in program memory
- RTC Timing using PIC16f690 and serial comms serout command any help
- A 9 station automatic water sprinkler
- A site you MUST visit ...
- 16f877 comparator
- How to Interface PIC24FJ256GA110 with an Arduino UNO?
- Precision Volts and Amps Meter
- pcb 245 LED Display
- If then
- Musical sounds
- Code example AT42CT2120
- Communication help for DCC (Digital Command Control)
- Consulta sobre proyectos
- pic16f690 and ultrasonic tranducers
- Max31855 Thermocouple Temperature Reading
- port handle
- LM 35 Sensor interfacing with PIC16F877A
- PIC18F26K80 A/D Converter
- PIC18F25k22 configuration - I/O problem
- Ultrasonic [HC-SR04] + PIC16F877A
- Easy Servo driver
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