Composite NTSC Video

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  1. #1
    mcglacy's Avatar
    mcglacy Guest

    Default Composite NTSC Video


    below is a working codes for generating composite ntsc video, Can anyone convert this code to PicBasic or C
    Thank you in advance!

    ;************************************************* *****

    list p=16F84,r=hex

    __config 0x3FFA

    w equ 0
    f equ 1
    pcl equ 0x02

    status equ 0x03
    porta equ 0x05
    portb equ 0x06
    indf equ 0x00
    fsr equ 0x04
    eedata equ 0x08
    eeadr equ 0x09
    ;eecon1 equ 0x08

    rd equ 0
    rp0 equ 5

    counter0 equ 0x12
    counter1 equ 0x13
    counter2 equ 0x14
    videostuff equ 0x15
    line equ 0x16
    pl equ 0x17
    counter5 equ 0x18
    delaycnt equ 0x19

    counter3 equ 0x1C
    counter4 equ 0x1D

    stuff equ 0x21
    strptr equ 0x22
    strptr2 equ 0x23
    stringbuff equ 0x24

    delay MACRO
    LOCAL label
    movwf delaycnt
    label decfsz delaycnt,f
    goto label

    dnop MACRO
    LOCAL label
    label goto label+1

    ;org 0x000
    goto menu

    numbers addwf pcl,f


    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x7C
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x7C
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x7C
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x76
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x5C
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x0


    retlw 0x60
    retlw 0x60
    retlw 0x60
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x36
    retlw 0x1E
    retlw 0x36
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x82
    retlw 0xC6
    retlw 0xEE
    retlw 0xFE
    retlw 0xD6
    retlw 0xC6
    retlw 0xC6
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x62
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x6E
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x76
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x46
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x76
    retlw 0x36
    retlw 0x5C
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x7C
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x0E
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x78
    retlw 0x60
    retlw 0x3E
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x24
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0xB6
    retlw 0xB6
    retlw 0xB6
    retlw 0xB6
    retlw 0xB6
    retlw 0xFE
    retlw 0x6C
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x66
    retlw 0x3C
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x18
    retlw 0x0

    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x70
    retlw 0x38
    retlw 0x1C
    retlw 0x0E
    retlw 0x06
    retlw 0x7E
    retlw 0x0

    ; space
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0
    retlw 0x0

    l_A EQU 0x00
    l_B EQU 0x08
    l_C EQU 0x10
    l_D EQU 0x18
    l_E EQU 0x20
    l_F EQU 0x28
    l_G EQU 0x30
    l_H EQU 0x38
    l_I EQU 0x40
    l_J EQU 0x48
    l_K EQU 0x50
    l_L EQU 0x58
    l_M EQU 0x60
    l_N EQU 0x68
    l_O EQU 0x70
    l_P EQU 0x78
    l_Q EQU 0x80
    l_R EQU 0x88
    l_S EQU 0x90
    l_T EQU 0x98
    l_U EQU 0xA0
    l_V EQU 0xA8
    l_W EQU 0xB0
    l_X EQU 0xB8
    l_Y EQU 0xC0
    l_Z EQU 0xC8
    l_space EQU 0xD0

    shortsync movwf counter1
    shortsync_l0 bcf porta,0 ;2us sync
    bcf portb,0
    movlw 0x1D ;30us black
    movwf counter2
    bsf porta,0
    shortsync_l1 decfsz counter2,f
    goto shortsync_l1
    decfsz counter1,f
    goto shortsync_l0
    retlw 5

    vertsync movlw 5
    btfss videostuff,0
    movlw 6
    call shortsync
    incf videostuff,f

    longsync movwf counter1
    longsync_l0 movlw 0x1D
    movwf counter2
    bcf porta,0 ;30 us sync
    bcf portb,0
    longsync_l1 decfsz counter2,f
    goto longsync_l1
    nop ;2us black
    bsf portb,0
    decfsz counter1,f
    goto longsync_l0

    movlw 5
    btfss videostuff,0
    movlw 4
    call shortsync

    emptycharline movlw 0x10 - 2 ;17 black lines
    emptylines movwf counter1
    ell bcf porta,0
    bcf portb,0
    movlw 3
    movlw 0x7
    bsf porta,0
    btfsc stuff,0
    bsf portb,0

    movlw 0x2F
    decfsz counter1,f
    goto ell
    bcf porta,0
    goto syncret

    menu bcf stuff,0

    movwf counter4
    movlw 0x0E
    tris porta

    menul movlw 0x00
    tris portb
    call vertsync ;do vertical retrace
    call emptycharline
    call emptycharline
    call emptycharline
    movlw a_str
    call printstring
    call emptycharline
    movlw b_str
    call printstring
    call emptycharline

    movlw c_str
    call printstring
    call emptycharline
    movlw d_str
    call printstring
    call emptycharline
    movfw counter4

    call printstring
    movlw 0x3E
    call emptylines
    movlw 0xff
    movwf portb
    movlw 0xFE
    tris portb
    movfw counter4

    movlw e_str ;5th line

    bcf portb,0
    movwf counter4
    movlw 3
    bsf portb,0
    movlw 59

    goto menul

    printstring movwf strptr
    clrf line
    movlw 0x08
    movwf counter1

    printstrl0 bcf porta,0
    movlw 0x08
    movwf counter0
    movlw stringbuff
    movwf fsr
    movfw strptr
    movwf eeadr
    bsf porta,0
    prnstrl1 bsf status,rp0
    bsf eecon1,rd
    bcf status,rp0
    movfw eedata
    addwf line,w
    call table
    movwf indf
    incf fsr,f
    incf eeadr,f
    decfsz counter0,f
    goto prnstrl1
    movlw 0xE
    incf line,f
    bcf porta,0

    movlw 0x08
    movwf counter0
    movlw stringbuff
    movwf fsr
    movlw 2
    bsf porta,0
    movlw 0xD ;22us black + 8us black col brst
    prnstrl2 movfw indf
    movwf portb
    rrf portb,f
    rrf portb,f
    rrf portb,f
    rrf portb,f
    rrf portb,f
    rrf portb,f
    rrf portb,f
    bcf portb,0
    incf fsr,f
    decfsz counter0,f
    goto prnstrl2
    movlw 0x8 ;22us black
    decfsz counter1,f
    goto printstrl0
    bcf porta,0
    goto syncret

    syncret movlw 2
    bsf porta,0
    movlw 0x38

    org 0x2100

    a_str equ 0x0
    dw l_A
    dw l_B
    dw l_C
    dw l_D
    dw l_E
    dw l_F
    dw l_G
    dw l_H

    b_str equ 0x8
    dw l_I
    dw l_J
    dw l_K
    dw l_L
    dw l_M
    dw l_N
    dw l_O
    dw l_P

    c_str equ 0x10
    dw l_Q
    dw l_R
    dw l_S
    dw l_T
    dw l_U
    dw l_V
    dw l_W
    dw l_X

    d_str equ 0x18
    dw l_Y
    dw l_Z
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space

    e_str equ 0x20
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space
    dw l_space

    ;************************************************* **
    Last edited by mcglacy; - 3rd March 2008 at 10:31.

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