What I'm trying to do is use Hyperterminal to send keys pressed from the computer keyboard to the Lab x-1 LCD but only on the first line of the LCD and to hyperterminal, also send the keys from the Lab x-1 keyboard to Hyperterminal and also to line 2 of the LCD. The code I have below does that but I want to be able to see all the keys I've been pressing and not have them be cleared each time I press a key on either keyboard so in other words have them saved on their corresponding lines. Any help or pointing in the right direction would be helpful.


' Define LCD registers and bits
Define  LCD_DREG        PORTD
Define  LCD_DBIT        4
Define  LCD_RSREG       PORTE
Define  LCD_RSBIT       0
Define  LCD_EREG        PORTE
Define  LCD_EBIT        1

char    var     byte            ' Storage for serial character
col     var     byte            ' Keypad column
row     var     byte            ' Keypad row
key     var     byte            ' Key value
lastkey var     byte            ' Last key storage

        ADCON1 = 7              ' Set PORTA and PORTE to digital
        Low PORTE.2             ' LCD R/W line low (W)
	Pause 500		' Wait for LCD to startup

        OPTION_REG.7 = 0        ' Enable PORTB pullups

        key = 0                 ' Initialize vars
        lastkey = 0

        Lcdout $fe, 1           ' Initialize and clear display

loop:   Hserin 1, tlabel, [char]        ' Get a char from serial port
        LCDOUT $fe, $80, char           ' Send char to display
		HSEROUT [char]					' Send char to Hyperterminal	
tlabel: Gosub getkey            ' Get a keypress if any
        If (key != 0) and (key != lastkey) Then
                LCDOUT $fe, $C0, key   ' Send key out serial port
        		HSEROUT [key]			'Send key to hyperterminal
        lastkey = key           ' Save last key value
        Goto loop               ' Do it all over again

' Subroutine to get a key from keypad
        key = 0                 ' Preset to no key
        For col = 0 to 3        ' 4 columns in keypad
                PORTB = 0       ' All output pins low
                TRISB = (dcd col) ^ $ff ' Set one column pin to output
                row = PORTB >> 4        ' Read row
                If row != $f Then gotkey        ' If any keydown, exit
        Next col

        Return                  ' No key pressed

gotkey: ' Change row and column to ASCII key number
        key = (col * 4) + (ncd (row ^ $f)) + "0"
        Return                  ' Subroutine over
