3 HPWM channels

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Thread: 3 HPWM channels

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default 3 HPWM channels

    Since HPWM cant operate in 3 channels and it has to be configured manually, I was wondering if someone could help me incorporate it into my code correctly? Theres quite a bit of stuff going on in that code and I dont want it placed inproperly in my script.

    my script:
    TRISB = %10000000 'portb 7 input 6-0 output
    ADCON1 = %11111111 'all ports digital

    define OSC 4 '4mhz oscillator

    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 0 ' Set starting Data bit (0)

    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB ' Set LCD Register Select port
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4 ' Set LCD Register Select bit

    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTB ' Set LCD Enable port
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 6 ' Set LCD Enable bit

    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 ' Set LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 ' Set number of lines on LCD
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 ' Set command delay time in us
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50 ' Set data delay time in us

    DEFINE CCP1_REG PORTC 'Hpwm 1 pin port
    DEFINE CCP1_BIT 2 'Hpwm 1 pin bit
    DEFINE CCP2_REG PORTC 'Hpwm 2 pin port
    DEFINE CCP2_BIT 1 'Hpwm 2 pin bit
    DEFINE CCP3_REG PORTB 'Hpwm 3 pin port
    DEFINE CCP3_BIT 5 'Hpwm 3 pin bit

    B0 Var Byte 'up button
    B1 var byte 'down button
    B2 var byte 'select button
    B3 var byte 'daylight button
    B4 Var byte 'tungsten
    B9 var byte 'lock button
    B10 var byte 'power button

    rval var byte 'red
    gval var byte 'green
    bval var byte 'blue
    lcdrval var byte 'red lcd value
    lcdgval var byte 'green lcd value
    lcdbval var byte 'blue lcd value

    rval = 255 'red at 255
    gval = 255 'green at 255
    bval = 255 'blue at 255
    B0 = 0 'zero button up
    B1 = 0 'zero button down
    B2 = 0 'zero select button
    B3 = 0 'zero daylight button
    B4 = 0 'zero tungsten button
    B9 = 0 'zero lock button
    B10 = 0 'zero power button

    while portc.6 = 0 'power button

    high portc.4 'power indicator
    pause 500 '.5 second delay
    LCDOUT $FE, 1, "LEADS ", $FE, $C0, "by MSL" 'tag line
    pause 1000 '1 second delay
    lcdrval = ~rval 'invert red for display
    lcdgval = ~gval 'invert green for display
    lcdbval = ~bval 'invert blue for display
    lcdout $fe, 1, " R", DEC3 lcdrval, " G", $FE, $C0, DEC3 lcdgval, " B", DEC3 lcdbval
    hpwm 1, rval, 5000 'set red dim level
    hpwm 2, gval, 5000 'set red dim level
    hpwm 3, bval, 5000 'set red dim level

    BUTTON porta.0,1,100,1,B0,0,brd 'detect + button
    pause 20
    goto brup
    button porta.1,1,100,1,B1,0,ld 'detect - button
    pause 20
    goto brdown
    button portc.7,1,255,0,B9,0,pd 'detect lock button
    pause 20
    goto lock
    button portc.6,1,255,0,B10,0,dd 'detect power button
    pause 20
    goto power
    button portc.5,1,255,0,B3,0,td 'detect daylight button
    pause 20
    goto daylight
    button portc.4,1,255,0,B4,0,sd 'detect tungsten button
    pause 20
    goto tungsten
    button portb.7,1,255,0,B2,0,bru 'detect select button
    pause 20
    'if portb.7 = 1 then
    goto adjr
    'goto bru

    brup: 'brightness up
    rval = rval + 1
    gval = gval + 1
    bval = bval + 1
    hpwm 1, rval, 5000 'set red dim level
    hpwm 2, gval, 5000 'set green dim level
    hpwm 3, bval, 5000 'set blue dim level
    pause 100
    goto home
    brdown: 'brightness down
    rval = rval - 1
    gval = gval - 1
    bval = bval - 1
    hpwm 1, rval, 5000 'set red dim level
    hpwm 2, gval, 5000 'set green dim level
    hpwm 3, bval, 5000 'set blue dim level
    pause 100
    goto home

    adjr: 'adjust red level
    lcdrval = ~rval 'invert red for display
    lcdout $fe, 1, "Red", $FE, $C0, DEC3 lcdrval 'display red level
    ru: 'check up button
    BUTTON porta.0,1,100,1,B0,0,rd ' Check button
    pause 20
    goto rup
    rd: 'check up button
    button porta.1,1,100,1,B1,0,sd2
    pause 20
    goto rdown
    sd2: 'check for select button
    button portb.7,1,255,0,B2,0,ru
    pause 20
    goto adjg 'goto adjust green
    rup: 'red up
    rval = rval + 1
    hpwm 1, rval, 5000
    pause 100
    goto adjr
    rdown: 'red down
    rval = rval - 1
    hpwm 1, rval, 5000
    pause 100
    goto adjr

    adjg: 'adjust green
    lcdgval = ~gval 'invert green for display
    lcdout $fe, 1, "Green", $FE, $C0, DEC3 lcdgval 'display green level
    gu: 'check up button
    BUTTON porta.0,1,100,1,B0,0,gd ' Check button
    pause 20
    goto gup
    gd: 'check down button
    button porta.1,1,100,1,B1,0,sd3
    pause 20
    goto gdown
    sd3: 'check select button
    button portb.7,1,255,0,B2,0,gu
    pause 20
    goto adjb 'goto adjust blue
    gup: 'green up
    gval = gval + 1
    hpwm 2, gval, 5000
    pause 100
    goto adjg
    gdown: 'green down
    gval = gval - 1
    hpwm 2, gval, 5000
    pause 100
    goto adjg

    adjb: 'adjust blue
    lcdbval = ~bval 'invert blue for display
    lcdout $fe, 1, "Blue", $FE, $C0, DEC3 lcdbval 'display green level
    bu: 'check up button
    BUTTON porta.0,1,100,1,B0,0,bd ' Check button
    pause 20
    goto bup
    bd: 'check down button
    button porta.1,1,100,1,B1,0,sd4
    pause 20
    goto bdown
    sd4: 'check select button
    button portb.7,1,255,0,B2,0,bu
    pause 20
    goto home 'goto home
    bup: 'blue up
    bval = bval + 1
    hpwm 3, bval, 5000
    pause 100
    goto adjb
    bdown: 'blue down
    bval = bval - 1
    hpwm 3, bval, 5000
    pause 100
    goto adjb

    lock: 'lock the keys
    high portc.3 'lock indicator
    pause 1000
    while portc.7 = 0 'wait for unlock
    low portc.3 'lock indicator
    goto home

    power: 'power down display and LEDs
    low portc.4 'take down power indicator
    hpwm 1, 0, 5000 'take down red channel
    hpwm 2, 0, 5000 'take down green channel
    hpwm 3, 0, 5000 'take down blue channel
    lcdout $fe, 1 'clear display
    pause 1000
    while portc.6 = 0 'wait for power on
    high portc.4 'put up power indicator
    goto home

    daylight: 'set color levels to approx 5600k
    rval = 255
    gval = 255
    bval = 252
    goto home

    tungsten: 'set color levesl to approx 3200k
    rval = 255
    gval = 241
    bval = 224
    goto home


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

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    Default refloating

    can anyone help with the 3rd hpwm channel. I need it to match the others, but am not sure how to incorporate it or set it for 5khz operation.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    Default Hpwm

    Depending on what device you are using, and what version of the pbp compiler you are using, you can support 3 pwm channels. Look at the manual for more info. If all else fails, then you can always configure the appropriate CCP registers to manually get the pwm to function. By coding this manually, you can achieve more versatility by this than using the simple HPWM command that pbp offers you.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I am using a 16F737 with PBP 2.46

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

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    There's an example in this thread for controlling all three channels on this
    PIC. http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/show...highlight=hpwm

    tech at rentron.com

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    Default pwm

    I suggest you do it the way BRUCE suggested. set them manually, by setting the registers yourself. here is an example for the 5khz case for the pic16f737 that I made, just for you: you may need to tweak it a bit to adjust the frequency by changing the PR2 value. (Dont forget that the value for the duty variable has to be 4x the PR2 value.) So if you change your PR2 Value... make sure you change the value of the duty varaible accordingly.



    Duty1 var Byte 'Variable for controlling the PWM in CCP1
    Duty2 Var Byte 'Variable for controlling the pwm in CCP2
    Duty3 Var Byte 'Variable for controlling the PWM in CCP3

    CCP1CON = %00001100 'Using CCP1 as PWM Mode Register 9-1 in Datasheet
    CCP2CON = %00001100 'Using CCP2 as PWM Mode Register 9-1 in Datasheet
    CCP3CON = %00001100 'Using CCP3 as PWM Mode Register 9-1 in Datasheet
    T2CON = %00000101

    TRISC.2 = 0 'Setting the CCP1 PIN as OUTPUT
    TRISC.1 = 0 'Setting the CCP2 PIN as OUTPUT
    TRISB.5 = 0 'Setting the CCP3 PIN as OUTPUT

    Duty1 = 0
    Duty2 = 0
    Duty3 = 0

    ' Fosc = Clock Frequency (4MHz)
    ' PS = Timer2 Prescale Value (T2CON<1:0>)
    ' Freq = PWM output frequency
    ' Duty% = Duty cycle (20% = 0.2)

    ' formulas:
    ' PR2=(Fosc/(4*PS*Freq))-1
    ' CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>=(PR2+1)*4*Duty%

    PR2 = 50 with prescalar of 4 in Timer2

    For i = 0 to 200
    Duty1 = Duty1 + 1
    CCP1CON.4 = Duty1.0
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty1.1
    CCPR1L = Duty1 >> 2
    Pause 17
    Next i

    For i = 0 to 200
    Duty2 = Duty2 + 1
    CCP2CON.4 = Duty2.0
    CCP2CON.5 = Duty2.1
    CCPR2L = Duty2 >> 2
    Pause 17
    Next i

    for i = 0 to 200
    Duty3 = Duty3 + 1
    CCP3CON.4 = Duty3.0
    CCP3CON.5 = Duty3.1
    CCPR3L = Duty3 >> 2
    Pause 17
    Next i
    Last edited by Srigopal007; - 7th March 2006 at 17:11.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

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    thanks for the post.

    I am understanding some of this, but since I am still at a novice level, some parts and variables aren't clicking yet. In my user interface, the user is able to use the up and down buttons to change the color level from 0 to 255. Mathmatically, how would I incorporate that into this configuration?

    Thank you for all your help so far. I dont mean for you to do all the work for me. I am sifting through manuals and datasheets trying to wrap my mind around some of this.

    Also, in my haste to post, I mixed up my PIC #, its actually a 767.
    Last edited by docwisdom; - 7th March 2006 at 18:11.

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