Hi there this is my first real bit of codeing for pic basic pro.
Can some one please look over it for me and see if there are any mistakes or have any advice regarding it thank you

The idea of the code is to control two pwm signals and output the result for a servo.
When input one is in use it will control the output but when not in use ie in the neutral position of 1.5ms pulses then input 2 controls the output.

when here is the code

'servo control prog

'set variables

ch1 var byte
ch2 var byte

s1 = 150


if ch1 < s1 then output1
if ch1 > s1 then output1
if ch1 = s1 then output2


pulsout portb.3,ch1
pause 18
goto start


pulsout portb.3,ch2
pause 18
goto start
