This is my code for handling two buttons connected to ADC input.
It works fine, and what was most important, it prevents repeated key action -
user has to release the button and press it again, to call needed action again.
However, there are quite a lot of variables, and their number will double with
more buttons being added.
So maybe there is a way to make it simpler, while still maintaining
"do not repeat action" functionality?

menu: 'main loop for button handling
adcin 1, adcval   'read keys
if adcval=255 then n1=0: n2=0: left=0: right=0  'if no key, then reset both button variables
if adcval<10 then left=left+1 'detect button presses
if adcval>100 and adcval <130 then right=right+1 'detect button presses
if left>100 and n1=0 then 'if button pressed enough and it was not pressed before
gosub action1 'button 1 tasks
if right>100 and n2=0 then 'if button pressed enough and it was not pressed before
gosub action2 'button 2 tasks
pause 1 'input delay
goto menu