Hello all,
I want to write to the SIM800L phonebook.
From the Serial Com it is working but from the PIC I cannot get it to work.
I am using a PIC16F1825 and the AT commands like this:
HSerOut ["AT",13]
HSerIn 4000,no_ok_signal,[Wait("OK")]
DelayMS 1000
HSerOut ["AT+CMGF=1",13]
HSerIn 4000,no_ok_signal,[Wait("OK")]
DelayMS = 1000
HSerOut ["AT+CSCS=",34,"GSM",34,13]
HSerIn 4000,no_ok_signal,[Wait("OK")]
DelayMS 1000
HSerOut ["AT+CPBS=",34,"SM",34,13]
HSerIn 4000,no_ok_signal,[Wait("OK")]
DelayMS 1000

‘Write phonebook entry to the first free location.
HSerOut ["AT+CPBW=",34,"+277218xxxxx",34,13]
‘When I list the contents of the phonebook using a TTL to USB converter
‘and Serial Com I cannot find the number +277218xxxxx.

‘But when I use Serial Com to write a phonebook entry it works.
‘Write phonebook entry to the first free location:
‘List phonebook:
‘The Response:
+CPBR: 3,"+277218xxxxx ",145,""

Can someone please point me in the right direction to use AT+CPBW