Hi All,

I wrote some code some years ago on an early version of PBP 3 for the P16F877A.

That computer is long gone but I still have the code and tried to compile it recently using PBP and MicroCode Studio v5.0.0.5

So, this code was working and I still have a chip somewhere with this code actually running on it.

The error I get is "Redefinition of LABEL TMR0ON".

It is defined once in the program here:


Symbol T0CS = T0CON.5 ; Timer0 Clock Source Select bit 1 = external 0 = internal
Symbol T08BIT = T0CON.6 ; Timer0 8 / 16 bit flag 1 = 8 bit 0 = 16 bit
Symbol TMR0ON = T0CON.7 ; Timer0 Enable flag 1 = enable 0 = stop
Symbol PSA0 = T0CON.3 ; Prescaler Assignment bit 1 = On 0 = Off
symbol T0PS2 = T0CON.2
symbol T0PS1 = T0CON.1
symbol T0PS0 = T0CON.0

The first line of code which throws the error is " TMR0ON = 0 ; // Stop Timer1 "


IF TMR0IF = 1 then ; // interrupt triggered by TMR0 overflow

TMR0ON = 0 ; // Stop Timer1

TMR0_last = TMR0

TMR0 = 0 ; // zero timer0

TMR0ON = 1 ; // Start Timer0

enable ; // enable GIE flag
resume ; // return from interrupt

TMR0ON is not defined anywhere else. It is not in P16F877A.INC or P16F877A.PBPINC.

You can rename all instances of TMR0ON to any other string & you still get the error.

Any advice ?

