Hello All,
The HD44780 lcd display can run in 8-bit or 4-bit mode.
It has to receive about a dozen commands at start-up to configure itself to run in 4-bit mode.

Within PBP3 - the LCD is initialized the first time any character or command is sent to it using LCDOUT

This is a huge convenience feature!
But it means that those dozen or so commands that set the lcd into 4-bit mode happen when PBP3 sees the first LCDOUT command in your code.

My first time running an LCD I noticed right up front that there is no .h file that is being included.
So I understood immediately that the developers of PBP3 built this in as default functionality.

If its possible, I'd like to see the code that performs these behind the scene functions.
Is there I file within PBP3 that I look at to find these?
Or is this a black-box situation?

Sincere thanks