Related to , but different aspect, of "PPS understanding on 16F15313" Figured a new thread naming the issue would be better.

This system receives pulses between 0 and 250Hz. I need to distinguish when it crosses above 45Hz and derive a count that I can use to generate a PWM based on the measured frequency. I don't need to measure below that frequency, just set a flag, so that the Main can still pulse when it has a capture. Basically, it monitors ECU tach pulses and each pulse generates a pulse out, no matter the frequency. Above 45Hz, it synthesizes an output that is related to pulse speed, but is not linear, so it must be generated.

Still not understanding of why I'm getting quite an unstable timer capture.

The thought is to let TMR1 roll over and check those (Overflow) and grab the remainder. If the preload is set so that it overflows below 45Hz, I can just ignore anything that overflows, and if no overflow, use the remainder to determine frequency in. I have not applied the preload of 22063 yet to TMR1 (1:1) as I can't even get it to read with any stability yet. Getting 0-2 overflows @45Hz and remainder all over the place. If this is this fragile in the striped down form, there's no way I'm going to be able to add needed code for the rest of it.

If you eagle-eyed members can see my error, or have a different way of doing this, I'd love to hear it.
Thank you

'*  Name    : 324_CCP1_Test.pbp                                 *
'*  Date    : 09/30/20                                          *  
'*  Notes   : TEST  using PPS and CCP1                          *
'*THIS REV:  timing erratic

INCLUDE "DT_INTS-16F18xx.bas"  ; v1.20 Modified for 16F183xx: IOC INTs added for each pin.
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.pbp"    ; Include for DT_INTS.  ver 3.4

PulseIn     var PORTC.5  ' Monitor ECM tachometer signal 
PulseFlag   var byte       ' register if CAPTURE Int was entered
Overflows   VAR word    ' count the times TMR1 overflows
Remainder   VAR word    ' remaining TMR1 ticks after last overflow
ANSELA = 0                  ' Set all digital 
CCP1CON = %10000101     ' On, Capture every + edge
CCP1PPS = 00010101         ' set CCP1 input to RC5
'CCPTMRS = %01010101     ' ALL CCPS using TMR1 (already default)
'INTCON = %11000001
OSCEN  = %01000000       ' HFINTOSC ENABLED
OSCFRQ = %00000100      '  100:8mhZ, 101:12MHz, 110:16MHz
PORTA  = %00000000        ' Outputs 
PORTC  = %00100000       ' Outputs except RC5 for Tach In input
TRISA  = %00000000        ' Pins output
TRISC  = %00100000        ' Outputs except RC5 for Tach In input 
T1CON  = %00000001       ' 1:1 prescale, clock=Fosc/4, TMR1=on 
T2CON  = %00000100       ' 1:1 PRE and POST, ON 
'********* USART  ****************************************************
DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h   ' Set receive register to receiver enabled
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h   ' Set transmit register to transmitter enabled
DEFINE HSER_BAUD 9600   ' Set baud rate
DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 25    ' Set SPBRG directly
HSEROUT ["324_CCP1_test",10,13]
pause 2000
INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,   Label,   Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler   CCP1_INT, _Capture,   PBP,  yes        ; WORKS
        INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _Timer1,    PBP,  yes
    INT_CREATE               ; Creates the High Priority interrupt processor
@    INT_ENABLE  CCP1_INT    ; enable Capture interrupts
@    INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT    ; enable Timer 1 interrupts
  IF PulseFlag = 1 THEN
'     PULSOUT tachdrv, 50      ' 
     HSEROUT ["OF= ",DEC Overflows,"  ,Ticks= ",DEC Remainder, 13,10]
     PulseFlag = 0
     Overflows = 0
     PIR1.0 = 0               ' clear TMR1IF
    HSEROUT ["NoFlag", 13,10]  
'---[CCP1 - interrupt handler]------------------------------------------
Capture:  ' Enter here with input Pulse  (CCP1) 
    Remainder = TMR1
    PulseFlag = 1           ' set flag to pulse out @ each +capture
    PIR4.0 = 0              ' clear CCP1IF
''**** TMR *********
    Overflows = Overflows + 1