I have been struggling for a LOOOONGG time to get a working SD Card file system running. I have tried MPLABX with both PICC18 and XC8 (I hate that software) to no avail. I have tried Sourceboost BoostC++, also to no avail. I found SDFS3 and thought my problems might be over. Not so lucky it seems.

I have the 18F4550 with 20MHz crystal as specified in the file. I am NOT using the level shifters. I am running everything from 3.3V regulator LM1117T. I have the UART working fine. I have the SD card setup the best I can with what I know. The program runs but shows the following when the card is trying to initialize: "Init: 6 1 255"

At this point the program stops as it has encountered FAT Error (presumably Fatal Error) 6. I have no idea what that means, and can't find anything on the net that gives me a clue. Does anyone know?

A problem I MIGHT be having is with the SD card connections. I do not have an SD card slot, so I have taken the libery of using connectors to each of the "pins" on the SD card. I have the normal pinout for the SD card showing that there are only 9 "pins", so I had to do some research to find that the referenced 10, 11, and 12 pins are switches on the sd card slot used for making sure the card is in position and is not write protected.

OK, it looks like the code never uses the write protect or card detect features, so I may not need them anyway. However, since I do not have access to all 12 "pins" listed on the schematic, I did not originally have the 10k pull-up resistors on pins 8 an 9. I added them and the UART output changed to "Init: 6 3 1"

I have no real idea what I'm doing here. Can anyone help me, please?