Hi All,

I am having difficulties getting a 1Hz pulse from the output of the RTCC module on a PIC18F26J50.
I have a 32.768kHz signal being fed directly to the T1CKI input from my signal generator to act as the clock source.
I have a 2Hz signal being generated via the main program look and fed to RB2 to show that the program is alive and running.
RB2 feeds to an LED via a suitable current resistor to ground - this works perfectly and the LED flashes as expected.
I have the same LED/current resistor connected from the RTCC output (RB1) to ground - this this pin is always low!
My program is as follows:

'*  Name    : RTCC_18F26J50_Test.pbp                                   *
'*  Author  : Barry Phillips                                           *
'*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2017 Baztronics                            *
'*          : All Rights Reserved                                      *
'*  Date    : 12/09/2017                                               *
'*  Version : 1.0                                                      *
'*  Notes   : Program to generate a 1Hz output on RB1 (pin 22) using   *      
'*          : RTCC module on PIC18F26J50. A 32.768kHz signal is fed to *
'*          : the T1CKI (pin 11) to drive the RTCC. A 2Hz signal is    *
'*          : generated in the main program loop and output on RB2     *
'*          : (Pin 23) to indicate the program is alive and running.   *

;----[Device Configuration]-----------------------------------------------------
    CONFIG  WDTEN = OFF            ; Disabled
    CONFIG  PLLDIV = 1             ; Divide by 1 (4 MHz oscillator input)
    CONFIG  STVREN = OFF           ; Disabled
    CONFIG  XINST = OFF            ; Disabled
    CONFIG  DEBUG = OFF            ; Disabled
    CONFIG  CPUDIV = OSC1          ; No CPU system clock divide
    CONFIG  CP0 = OFF              ; Program memory is not code-protected
    CONFIG  OSC = INTOSC           ; Internal Oscillator
    CONFIG  T1DIG = OFF            ; Secondary Oscillator clock source may be not selected
    CONFIG  LPT1OSC = OFF          ; High-power operation
    CONFIG  FCMEN = OFF            ; Disabled
    CONFIG  IESO = OFF             ; Disabled
    CONFIG  WDTPS = 512            ; 1:512
    CONFIG  DSBOREN = OFF          ; Disabled
    CONFIG  DSWDTEN = OFF          ; Disabled
    CONFIG  DSWDTPS = G2           ; 1:2,147,483,648 (25.7 days)
    CONFIG  IOL1WAY = OFF          ; The IOLOCK bit (PPSCON<0>) can be set and cleared as needed
    CONFIG  MSSP7B_EN = MSK7       ; 7 Bit address masking mode
    CONFIG  WPFP = PAGE_0          ; Write Protect Program Flash Page 0
    CONFIG  WPEND = PAGE_WPFP      ; Page WPFP<5:0> through Configuration Words erase/write protected
    CONFIG  WPCFG = OFF            ; Configuration Words page not erase/write-protected
    CONFIG  WPDIS = OFF            ; WPFP<5:0>/WPEND region ignored




OSCCON = %01101100					;4MHz Oscillator
ANCON0 = %11111111					;All pins configured as a digital I/O
ANCON1 = %00011111					;Band gap turned off
									;All other pins configured as a digital I/O
T1GCON.7 = 0						;Timer1 gate disabled
TCLKCON.4 = 1                       ;Device is clocked by T1OSC/T1CKI
T1CON = %10000101   				;T1CKI Input
									;1:1 prescale
									;no sync
									;Timer1 on
TRISB = 0         					;All PORTB as digital output  
PADCFG1 = %00000010 				;RTTC Seconds clock output on the RTCC pin
RTCCFG.2 = 1        				;Enable RTCC output
EECON2 = $55        				;unlock sequence to enable writes to RTCC registers
RTCCFG.5 = 1        				;Enable RTCC write   
RTCCFG.7 = 1        				;Enable RTCC module
EECON2 = $55        				;lock sequence to disable writes to RTCC registers
RTCCFG.5 = 0        				;Disable RTCC write

;----[Main Program Loop]--------------------------------------------------------
    PORTB.2 = 1
    PAUSE 250
    PORTB.2 = 0
    PAUSE 250


I know the TIMER1 settings are correct and the clock source is operational because I have proven operation using a separate program with DT_INTS-18 and a flashing LED ISR routine.
This only leaves the RTCC register setting which have been copied directly from a previous RTCC post http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/show...highlight=RTCC
I have spent days trying to work out what I have done wrong - alas, all to no avail

Any assistance to help resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
