I'm having trouble interfacing an ADXL375 accelerometer (almost the same as the more widely used ADXL345 from what I can tell). I would appreciate any help!

The datasheet for the ADXL375 is here:

I have it connected to a 16F676 with 1k resistors connecting the ADXL375's DQI (input) and DQO (output) pins to the pic. CLK and CS are direct connection to the pic with the ADXL375's two interrupt pins left floating. I'm using a 3.3v regulator.

I'm trying to interface with it in SPI mode (which is the default if I've read the datasheet correctly). However, all I get are "0-0-0" lines in the terminal. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any help!

@ device  pic16F676, hs_osc, wdt_off, pwrt_off, mclr_off, protect_off
define osc 8
ANSEL = %00000000	'AN0 through AN7 are digital

AX1	VAR	WORD  'X-dir accel
AY1	VAR	WORD  'Y-dir accel
AZ1	VAR	WORD  'Z-dir accel
wconfig	var	byte  'ADXL FIFO address write byte
rconfig	var	byte  'ADXL FIFO address read byte
'temporary shiftout bytes
ACDATA1	var	byte
ACDATA2	var	byte
ACDATA3	var	byte
ACDATA4	var	byte
ACDATA5	var	byte
ACDATA6	var	byte

CS      var     PORTa.2                ' CHIP SELECT
SDO     var     PORTc.0                ' DATA OUT FOR ADXL375
SDI     var     PORTc.1                ' DATA IN FOR ADXL375
CLK     var     PORTc.2                ' CLOCK PIN
LED     var     PORTc.4                ' LED PIN

rconfig=50 'first FIFO address register where acceleration values are stored
rconfig.7=1 'change bit7 to 1 to indicate a read operation
rconfig.6=1 'change bit6 to 1 to indicate multiple bytes will be read

'write address for the power_ctl byte with bit7=0 (write operation) and bit6=0 (1 byte operation)

'blink to verify program is running
high LED
pause 100
low LED
pause 100
high LED

high CS
pause 1

low CS
pause 1
shiftout SDI,CLK,1,[wconfig\8,%00001000\8]  'write 1 to bit3 of power_ctl register to put ADXL375 in measurement mode
high CS
pause 1
low CS
shiftout SDI,CLK,1,[rconfig\8] 'shiftout read command and FIFO address
shiftin SDO,CLK,1,[ACDATA1,ACDATA2,ACDATA3,ACDATA4,ACDATA5,ACDATA6] 'shiftin acceleration values
high CS
serout2 portc.5,16468,[DEC AX1,"-",DEC AY1,"-",DEC AZ1,10,13]

pause 1000

goto loop
