I must not be thinking about this right. I need to send an "R", either a "2" or "4", and then a 4 digit decimal number from one PIC to another using hserin and hserouthserin and serout2. Ideally I would like to be able to detect the R when the R##### characters come but first things first. Using a PIC16F688 at 8MHz at 1200 baud.

This is what I send:
hserout [ "R", "2", dec4 volts] 'where volts is a 4 digit decimal number

This is how I am looking for it on the receiving PIC:
hserin 800, rinse,[syncr, drip, dec4 volts]

I then print it to a computer for display using:
serout2 Txd, 813, ["got it_1", 9, syncr, 9, drip, 9, dec4 volts, 13]

Nothing shows up as output, not even the "got it" text, as if it never gets to this point. I would like to be able to, depending on whether drip is a "2" or a "4", do different things. I think I've done this very thing on other projects so I'm mystified why this doesn't work.

Thanks for any help.