Hi! I have two questions for you experts!

1) How can I include configuration bits such us: "__config _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE _ON & _CP_OFF" to my code? I am using a PIC18F2680.

If I just enter them it produces an error. I've tried with INCLUDE "18f2680" but then it pops out the PIC18F2680.inc file and it gives me the following errors:
WARNING: Unable to open INCLUDE file P18F2680.INC.
ERROR Line 16: ELSE without a matching IF..THEN. (LEDBLINK.pbp)
ERROR Line 24: ENDIF without a matching IF..THEN. (LEDBLINK.pbp)
ERROR Line 12: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 13: Bad parameter to LIST command. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 14: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 17: Bad parameter to LIST command. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 18: Bad parameter to LIST command. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 20: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 21: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 22: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 25: Bad parameter to LIST command. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 26: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)
ERROR Line 27: Syntax error. (18F2680.INC)

And another question. When I am using an external oscillator what should be the value for the Oscillator configuration bit? My code is suppossed to turn on and off an LED with a pause 1000. When I use XT and LP the pause is 4 seconds while when I use HS the pause is about 400msec...What am I doing wrong? I have defined the OSC as 20 since the oscillator I am using is 22.1184MHz...