Quad Encoder Problem

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  1. #1

    Default Quad Encoder Problem

    This doesn't seem to be my week ... I had problems earlier with converting code from a PIC12F683 to a PIC12F1840 which thankfully was resolved yesterday (thanks Henrik!) but when I come back to something I thought was working fine, it's not.

    I found examples of determining the direction of turn of a mechanical quadrature encoder. Darrel helped way back with some of it and all was well until late last night when I thought I'd better retest this after working on other parts of the project. Lo and behold, the MotorRPM variable isn't going up or down steadily but rather goes up by one or two but could just as easily go down (when turning the knob in the same direction). I did spend the first part of the year converting from using PBP's HPWM on CCP1/2 (which are ECCP modules on the 16F1825) to CCP3/4 (regular CCP modules) but at the time I'm fairly certain I tested the quadrature part and it worked OK.

    Here's my code (edited for clarity):
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' RA0                       -> B pin of rotary encoder
    ' RA1                       -> A pin of rotary encoder
    ' RA2/CCP3                  -> Stbd motor PWM output (motor 1)
    ' RA3/MCLR                  -> Button switch pin of rotary encoder
    ' RC0                       -> Stbd motor direction signal (motor 1)
    ' RC1/CCP4                  -> Port motor PWM output (motor 2)
    ' RC2                       -> Port motor direction signal (motor 2)
    ' RC4/Tx                    -> Serial LCD output
    ' RC5/Rx                    -> Serial input
    DEFINE OSC 16               ; Set oscillator 16Mhz
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
       __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_OFF
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    OSCCON   = %01111000        ' 16MHz internal osc
    pause 100                   ' As advised by Darrel Taylor for EEPROM issue
    ANSELA    = 0               ; Digital only for all PortA pins
    ANSELC    = 0               ; Diginal only for all PortC pins
    TRISA     = %00001011       ' Make PORTA pins 0-1 input for rotary encoder,
                                ' pin 3 for rotary button
    TRISC     = 0               ' Make all PORTC pins output
    ' The INTEDG bit of the OPTION_REG register determines on which edge the 
    ' interrupt will occur. When the INTEDG bit is set, the rising edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. When the INTEDG bit is clear, the falling edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. 
    OPTION_REG.6 = 1             ' 1=Rising edge (default) or button "PRESS";
                                 ' 0=Falling edge or button "RELEASE"
    Old_Bits       VAR BYTE
    New_Bits       VAR BYTE
    RotEncDir      VAR BIT       ' 1=CW, 0=CCW
                                 ' Rot Enc pin A connected to PortA.1;
                                 ' Rot Enc pin B connected to PortA.0
    Old_RPM        VAR BYTE
    i              VAR BYTE
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Set up registers for PWM on CCP3 & CCP4
    ' ***************************************************************
    CCP3CON = %00001100         ; Use CCP3 in PWM mode
    CCP4CON = %00001100         ; Use CCP4 in PWM mode
    T2CON   = %00000101         ; Timer2 on with 1:4 prescaler
    PR2     = 62                ; For 16Mhz OSC the desired output freq of 15,873Hz is
                                ; achieved with this PR2 value (8-bit resolution
                                ; with 1:4 prescaler)
                                ; PWM freq must be ~ 16-20kHz to reduce noise
    PreSpinVal  CON 17          ; value to subtract from MinDuty for motor spin up 
    MinDuty     CON 75          ; 75 when max duty = 250 (8-bit resolution)
    ;SpinUpPause CON 17          ; Pause during motor spin up
    SpinUpPause VAR BYTE        ; Pause during motor spin up
    SpinUpPause = 17
        SpinUpPause = 12        ; Subtract 5ms pause when outputting to LCD
    MaxDuty     VAR WORD        ; According to Darrel:
                                ;   MaxDuty = (PR2 + 1) * 4
    MaxDuty = (PR2 + 1) * 4     ; 252 but with prescaler resolution it's actually 250
    DutyVar3    VAR WORD        ; temp variable to store duty variable for CCP3
    DutyVar4    VAR WORD        ; temp variable to store duty variable for CCP4
    TimeCnt     VAR Word      
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts
                                ' --> copy both files to PBP main folder 
                                ' (i.e. c:\pbp3)
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' EEPROM Variables
    ' ***************************************************************
    MotorRPM_Default   CON  177
    EE_MotorRPM        DATA MotorRPM_Default
    MotorRPM           VAR  BYTE
    READ EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM
    PortEngDir_Default CON  0
    EE_PortEngDir      DATA PortEngDir_Default
    PortEngDir         VAR  BYTE
    READ EE_PortEngDir, PortEngDir
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' ASM Interrupt Definitions
    ' ***************************************************************
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,            Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    IOC_INT,    _RotEncAdjust,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Set default values
    ' ***************************************************************
    Old_RPM = MotorRPM
    Old_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
    ' Enable interrupts on RPM control now that motors are fully spun up
    INTCON   = %10001000        ' Global int enabled, IOCI enabled, 
                                ' INTF flag bit 0 clr, IOCI flag bit 0 clr
    IOCAP.0  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change
    IOCAP.1  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change
    IOCAN.0  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change
    IOCAN.1  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change
    IOCAF.0  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    IOCAF.1  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    @ INT_ENABLE   IOC_INT      ; Interrupt-on-Change interrupt
        ' Check if motor RPM has changed
        IF MotorRPM <> Old_RPM Then
            Old_RPM = MotorRPM
            GOSUB ChngMotorHPWM
        TimeCnt = 0
    	While ButtonPress = 0
    	    TimeCnt = TimeCnt + 1
    	    Pause 10
    	    If TimeCnt > 500 Then BtnAction
            If TimeCnt > 0 and TimeCnt < 200 Then
                PortEngDir = PortEngDir + 1
                If PortEngDir > 1 Then PortEngDir = 0
                WRITE EE_PortEngDir, PortEngDir
                #IFDEF USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG
                    HSEROUT [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]
                    pause 5
                    HSEROUT ["PortEngDir=", DEC PortEngDir, "  ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
                GOSUB ReversePortEng
            ElseIf TimeCnt >= 200 Then
                WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM_Default  ; restore Default value
                MotorRPM = MotorRPM_Default
        GOTO Main
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
        IF (New_Bits & %00000011) = (Old_Bits & %00000011) Then DoneRotEnc
        RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
        WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM
        pause 100
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0      ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0
    Here's a video which shows the problem (I hope):

    Here's my schematic:

    Name:  PIC16F1825_Motor_Circuit.png
Views: 1427
Size:  40.1 KB

    Again, AFAIK nothing has changed in the two months since I last worked on this code and all was well.

    Does anyone see where I'm going wrong? Here's what I've tried:
    • Swapped out the quad encoder with a spare one (same model)
    • Swapped out the PIC and programmed another one
    • Replaced the 10k resistors that tie the encoder's A/B outputs to +5V
    • Double-checked the connections

    Something to do with Timer2 & PWM on CCP3/4? Bad IOC interrupt config? What's strange is that the quad encoder has a pushbutton knob and that's working just fine (although it's not using an interrupt).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    First order of business, remove the Pause 100 from the interrupt service routine.

    Also, is the intention really to write the MotorRPM variable to EEPROM on every interrupt? I see two possible issues with that, the first is that the write operation takes a while and the second is that you may wear out the EEPROM. Finally, not related to the actual problem but still
    IF (New_Bits & %00000011) = (Old_Bits & %00000011) Then DoneRotEnc
    Since you're assigning the value of New_Bits by ANDing PortA with 3 and then, at the end setting Old_Bits = New_Bits there's no need to AND New_Bits or Old_Bits with 3 here as well. Neither of those variables will ever have bits 2-7 set anyway, you've already taken care of that. (As long as you don't use them anywhere else in your program of course).


  3. #3

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    It doesn't work with or without the 'Pause 100' in the interrupt service routine - I actually only added that based on some sample interrupt code from DT (I thought it made sense if there's some latency to saving to EEPROM you might want to wait a tiny bit).

    Other than saving the new MotorRPM to EEPROM everytime it changes, I don't know what else I can do. Users won't be modifying the motor speed very often (once they find the speed they like, they'll just leave it). I suppose I could set up a timer to save the value to EEPROM if it's changed, but I'm open to suggestions

    For the above code line, are you saying I could just use this instead?

    IF New_Bits = Old_Bits THEN DoneRotEnc

  4. #4
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    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    According to the manual the WRITE command "is self-timed and may take up to 10 milliseconds to execute on a PIC MCU".
    I suspect that's the issue, most encoders produce a full quadrature cycle, ie 4 edges (4 interrupts) per click/detent. IF the WRITE operation takes 10ms (and/or you have that Pause 100 in there) it's likely that it will miss pulses/edges and get confused.

    Try commenting out the Write operation and see if that fixes it.

    Yes, that's what's I'm saying regarding New_Bits = Old_Bits.
    At the beginning of the ISR you do New_Bits = PortA & %00000011 so the top 6 bits of New_Bits are cleared. At the end of the ISR you assign the value in New_Bits to Old_Bits so the top 6 bits in Old_Bits will also be zero. Therefor the second AND operation is unnecessary, but it doesn't have anything to do with the actual problem....


  5. #5

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    I'll try this out tonight, Henrik. Thanks so much for your help here and on my other thread from this week.

    If the WRITE operation in the interrupt service routine is the cause, then I'll move that to the check in the Main loop.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Just realised I misunderstood you a bit. I thought you were trying to use the 12F1840 with this code, then I realised you're actually using the 16F1825 that's in the schematic...duh...

    Anyway, I've breadboarded a 12F1840 (don't have any 18F1825) and now have an encoder counting properly, sending the count over the USART. I simulated the EEPROM write by adding a PAUSEUS xxx in the handler and found that the limit for correct response - in my case - is around 500us. Anything above that it starts missing edges, coutning the wrong way etc.

    So, if the EEPROM write takes even remotely as long as 10ms then that is most likely the issue.


  7. #7

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    That gives me strong confidence that it is the WRITE line; I'll comment it out but ultimately move it to the main loop.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2003

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    It is too much to have very often (on every click of the rotary encoder) to write the value in EEPROM.

    Do it when there is really a need for this, e.g. when the value is different from old value AND a certain time has passed. This time should be reset while the encoder is rotating.


  9. #9

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    Just realised I misunderstood you a bit. I thought you were trying to use the 12F1840 with this code, then I realised you're actually using the 16F1825 that's in the schematic...duh...

    Anyway, I've breadboarded a 12F1840 (don't have any 18F1825) and now have an encoder counting properly, sending the count over the USART. I simulated the EEPROM write by adding a PAUSEUS xxx in the handler and found that the limit for correct response - in my case - is around 500us. Anything above that it starts missing edges, coutning the wrong way etc.

    So, if the EEPROM write takes even remotely as long as 10ms then that is most likely the issue.

    Ok, it works now - mostly. What's weird is the 'MotorRPM' as displayed on the LCD jumps by 3-4 (i.e. current setting is '120' and then one click of the encoder makes it '124'). The only thing I did was comment out the WRITE line (and the PAUSE 100 too, of course). Sometimes, it misses incrementing the click completely (although only rarely).

    Does this have something to do with the comparison logic?

    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
        IF (New_Bits & %00000011) = (Old_Bits & %00000011) Then DoneRotEnc
        RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
    ;    WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM
    ;    pause 100
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0      ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0

  10. #10

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    It is too much to have very often (on every click of the rotary encoder) to write the value in EEPROM.

    Do it when there is really a need for this, e.g. when the value is different from old value AND a certain time has passed. This time should be reset while the encoder is rotating.

    That makes sense, Ioannis. I didn't want to lose a user setting if power was interrupted before the save but maybe I could set up a timer (using DT's interrupt library) to check if the value is changed every 30 seconds or so.

  11. #11

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Another weird thing - If I comment out this line:

    ' Enable interrupts on RPM control now that motors are fully spun up
    INTCON   = %10001000        ' Global int enabled, IOCI enabled, 
                                ' INTF flag bit 0 clr, IOCI flag bit 0 clr
    IOCAP.0  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change
    IOCAP.1  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change
    IOCAN.0  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change
    IOCAN.1  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change
    IOCAF.0  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    IOCAF.1  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    @ INT_ENABLE   IOC_INT      ; Interrupt-on-Change interrupt
    and these ones:

    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
        IF (New_Bits & %00000011) = (Old_Bits & %00000011) Then DoneRotEnc
        RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
    ;    WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM
    ;    pause 100
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0      ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0
    ... the interrupts don't seem to fire. And then the button push doesn't work, either (and that's not interrupt driven):

        ' Check if motor RPM has changed
        IF MotorRPM <> Old_RPM Then
            Old_RPM = MotorRPM
            GOSUB ChngMotorHPWM
        TimeCnt = 0
    	While ButtonPress = 0
    	    TimeCnt = TimeCnt + 1
    	    Pause 10
    	    If TimeCnt > 500 Then BtnAction
            If TimeCnt > 0 and TimeCnt < 200 Then
                PortEngDir = PortEngDir + 1
                If PortEngDir > 1 Then PortEngDir = 0
                WRITE EE_PortEngDir, PortEngDir
                #IFDEF USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG
                    HSEROUT [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]
                    pause 5
                    HSEROUT ["PortEngDir=", DEC PortEngDir, "  ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
                GOSUB ReversePortEng
            ElseIf TimeCnt >= 200 Then
                WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM_Default  ; restore Default value
                MotorRPM = MotorRPM_Default
        GOTO Main

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    What's weird is the 'MotorRPM' as displayed on the LCD jumps by 3-4 (i.e. current setting is '120' and then one click of the encoder makes it '124').
    Not weird, as I wrote earlier - turning the encoder from one click/detent to the next results in one quadrature cycle which is four "edges", ie four interrupts so, four counts:

    Name:  Quadcycle.JPG
Views: 1278
Size:  14.7 KB

    That's why you can't have any delay in the ISR because turning the encoder one "click" results in four interrupts, if you have a delay (Pause or other) in there it misses one or more of the four edges in the cycle and gets confused.

    You could setup a timer for the EEPROM save, or you could just set a variable to some value in the ISR, the Main routine then decrements this value and when it hits zero you save the value to EEPROM. That will allow the user to turn the knob and the value be saved some time after the change is complete, psuedo code
    TimeToSave VAR WORD
    ValueDirty VAR BIT
       If ValueDirty THEN
         TimeToSave = TimeToSave - 1
         If TimeToSave = 0            ' Time to save ?
           ValueDirty = 0               ' Clear the flag
    Goto Main
      TimeToSave = 5000
      ValueDirty = 1
      'More code....
    Here the interrupt routine sets a flag indicating that the value has changed, it also sets a "counter" variable which the main routined counts down. If the Main routine executed 5000 times without the value being changed it saves the value to EEPROM. Obviously this relies on a somewhat constant execution time thru the Main routine but you get the idea.


    EDIT: Cross posting.... As for the other "weird" thing. It seems that DT-Ints does NOT handle clearing hte interrupt request flag for the IOC interrupt on these devices so you SHOULD to do that manually before exiting the interrupt (normally NOT needed when the ClearFlag switch is set to Yes). If the interrupt request flag is NOT cleard the interrupt refires over and over and over again which is why the button doesn't seem to work - that code never runs because the CPU spends all the time servicing the interrupt. At least that's what I think is happening, I know it didn't work here if I didn't clear the flags manually.
    Last edited by HenrikOlsson; - 15th March 2013 at 21:56.

  13. #13

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post

    Not weird, as I wrote earlier - turning the encoder from one click/detent to the next results in one quadrature cycle which is four "edges", ie four interrupts so, four counts:

    Attachment 6894
    I coulda sworn I had it incrementing by 1 in earlier versions (back when I was using HPWM). Nonetheless, I believe I need to detect the 4 edges in order to determine the direction of turn, so maybe I'll add a counter (1-4) in the ISR and only increment MotorRPM when it hits 4 (and then reset).

    You could setup a timer for the EEPROM save, or you could just set a variable to some value in the ISR, the Main routine then decrements this value and when it hits zero you save the value to EEPROM. That will allow the user to turn the knob and the value be saved some time after the change is complete, psuedo code
    TimeToSave VAR WORD
    ValueDirty VAR BIT
       If ValueDirty THEN
         TimeToSave = TimeToSave - 1
         If TimeToSave = 0            ' Time to save ?
           ValueDirty = 0               ' Clear the flag
    Goto Main
      TimeToSave = 5000
      ValueDirty = 1
      'More code....
    I'll try this out. At first glance, though, the ISR is always setting TimeToSave to 5000 so I think it needs a check like:
    If ValueDirty = 0 Then
      TimeToSave = 5000
    EDIT: Cross posting.... As for the other "weird" thing. It seems that DT-Ints does NOT handle clearing hte interrupt request flag for the IOC interrupt on these devices so you SHOULD to do that manually before exiting the interrupt (normally NOT needed when the ClearFlag switch is set to Yes). If the interrupt request flag is NOT cleard the interrupt refires over and over and over again which is why the button doesn't seem to work - that code never runs because the CPU spends all the time servicing the interrupt. At least that's what I think is happening, I know it didn't work here if I didn't clear the flags manually.
    I'll have to add a comment to my IOC ISR's that I do need to clear the flags.

    Thanks again, Henrik!

  14. #14

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    This works. Probably a bit inefficient having the TMR1 interrupt firing @ 8Hz, but if only writes to EEPROM if the value has changed:

    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' RA0/pin 13                       -> B pin of rotary encoder
    ' RA1/pin 12                       -> A pin of rotary encoder
    ' RA2/CCP3/pin 11                  -> Stbd motor PWM output (motor 1)
    ' RA3/MCLR/pin 4                   -> Button switch pin of rotary encoder
    ' RC0/pin 10                       -> Stbd motor direction signal (motor 1)
    ' RC1/CCP4/pin 9                   -> Port motor PWM output (motor 2)
    ' RC2/pin 8                        -> Port motor direction signal (motor 2)
    ' RC4/Tx/pin 6                     -> Serial LCD output
    ' RC5/Rx/pin 5                     -> Serial input
    DEFINE OSC 16               ; Set oscillator 16Mhz
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA   20h     ; Set transmit status and control register
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD    2400    ; Set baud rate
       __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_OFF
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    OSCCON   = %01111000        ' 16MHz internal osc
    pause 100                   ' As advised by Darrel Taylor for EEPROM issue
    APFCON0.2 = 0               ; Tx on RC4 for LCD display
    APFCON0.7 = 0               ; Rx on RC5
    BAUDCON.4 = 1               ; Transmit inverted data to the Tx pin
    ANSELA    = 0               ; Digital only for all PortA pins
    ANSELC    = 0               ; Diginal only for all PortC pins
    TRISA     = %00001011       ' Make PORTA pins 0-1 input for rotary encoder,
                                ' pin 3 for rotary button
    TRISC     = 0               ' Make all PORTC pins output
    ' The INTEDG bit of the OPTION_REG register determines on which edge the 
    ' interrupt will occur. When the INTEDG bit is set, the rising edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. When the INTEDG bit is clear, the falling edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. 
    OPTION_REG.6 = 1             ' 1=Rising edge (default) or button "PRESS";
                                 ' 0=Falling edge or button "RELEASE"
    Old_Bits       VAR BYTE
    New_Bits       VAR BYTE
    RotEncDir      VAR BIT       ' 1=CW, 0=CCW
                                 ' Rot Enc pin A connected to PortA.1;
                                 ' Rot Enc pin B connected to PortA.0
    Old_RPM        VAR BYTE
    i              VAR BYTE
    ButtonPress    VAR PORTA.3   ' Alias PORTA.3 as "ButtonPress"
    TimeCnt     VAR Word      
    ISRCounter  VAR BYTE
    ValueDirty  VAR BIT
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts
                                ' --> copy both files to PBP main folder 
                                ' (i.e. c:\pbp3)
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' ASM Interrupt Definitions
    ' ***************************************************************
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,         Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,    ReloadTMR1,   ASM,  no       ; MUST be first
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,    _T1handler,   PBP,  yes
            INT_Handler    IOC_INT, _RotEncAdjust,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    ;--- Change these to match the desired interrupt frequency -------------------
    ;--- See http://DarrelTaylor.com/DT_INTS-14/TimerTemplate.html for more Info.
    @Freq       = 8                   ; Frequency of Interrupts in Hz
    @Prescaler  = 8                   ; Timers Prescaler setting
    T1CON = $30                       ; $30 = Prescaler 1:8, TMR1 OFF
    ; $00=1:1, $10=1:2, $20=1:4, $30=1:8 --  Must match @Prescaler value
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Set default values
    ' ***************************************************************
    Old_RPM = MotorRPM
    Old_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
    ISRCounter = 0
    ' Enable interrupts on RPM control now that motors are fully spun up
    INTCON   = %10001000        ' Global int enabled, IOCI enabled, 
                                ' INTF flag bit 0 clr, IOCI flag bit 0 clr
    IOCAP.0  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change
    IOCAP.1  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change
    IOCAN.0  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change
    IOCAN.1  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change
    IOCAF.0  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    IOCAF.1  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    @ INT_ENABLE   IOC_INT      ; Interrupt-on-Change interrupt
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT      ; enable Timer 1 interrupts
    GOSUB StartTimer            ; Start Timer 1 ('MotorRPM' will be saved on every
                                ; interrupt if dirty
        ' Check if motor RPM has changed
        IF MotorRPM <> Old_RPM Then
            Old_RPM = MotorRPM
            GOSUB ChngMotorHPWM
        TimeCnt = 0
    	While ButtonPress = 0
    	    TimeCnt = TimeCnt + 1
    	    Pause 10
    	    If TimeCnt > 500 Then BtnAction
            If TimeCnt > 0 and TimeCnt < 200 Then
                PortEngDir = PortEngDir + 1
                If PortEngDir > 1 Then PortEngDir = 0
                WRITE EE_PortEngDir, PortEngDir
                #IFDEF USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG
                    HSEROUT [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]
                    pause 5
                    HSEROUT ["PortEngDir=", DEC PortEngDir, "  ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
                GOSUB ReversePortEng
            ElseIf TimeCnt >= 200 Then
                WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM_Default  ; restore Default value
                MotorRPM = MotorRPM_Default
        GOTO Main
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
    ;    IF (New_Bits & %00000011) = (Old_Bits & %00000011) Then DoneRotEnc
        IF New_Bits = Old_Bits Then DoneRotEnc
        ' Increment ISR counter (since quad encoder throws 4 interrupts
        ' for every single detent). Only want to update MotorRPM if this counter
        ' reaches 4 (i.e. a single detent)
        ISRCounter = ISRCounter + 1
        IF ISRCounter < 4 THEN DoneRotEnc
        RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
    ;    GOSUB StartTimer            ; Start the TMR1 Timer to save MotorRPM
        ValueDirty = 1
        ISRCounter = 0
    ;    WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM
    ;    pause 100
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0      ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0
    ;____This routine is Called on each TMR1 Interrupt____________________________
        IF ValueDirty = 1 THEN
           WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM  
    ;    GOSUB StopTimer             ; Stop the Timer
           ValueDirty = 0
    ;---[TMR1 reload - interrupt handler]-----------------------------------------
    ASM                               ; Calculate Timer Reload Constant
    ReloadInst  = 8                   ; # of Intructions used to reload timer
      if ((Prescaler == 1)||(Prescaler == 2)||(Prescaler == 4)||(Prescaler == 8))
    MaxCount    = 65536 + (ReloadInst / Prescaler)
    TimerReload = MaxCount - (OSC*1000000/4/Prescaler/Freq)
        if ((TimerReload < 0) || (TimerReload > (65535-ReloadInst)))
            error Invalid Timer Values - check "OSC", "Freq" and "Prescaler"
          error Invalid Prescaler
    @Timer1 = TMR1L                   ; map timer registers to a word variable
    Timer1       VAR WORD EXT
    TimerReload  CON EXT              ; Get the External Constant
    TMR1ON       VAR T1CON.0          ; Alias the Timers ON/OFF bit
    ;---Reload Timer1------
        MOVE?CT  0, T1CON, TMR1ON     ;  1     stop timer
        MOVLW    LOW(TimerReload)     ;  1     Add TimerReload to the 
        ADDWF    TMR1L,F              ;  1     value in Timer1
        BTFSC    STATUS,C             ;  1/2
        INCF     TMR1H,F              ;  1
        MOVLW    HIGH(TimerReload)    ;  1
        ADDWF    TMR1H,F              ;  1
        MOVE?CT  1, T1CON, TMR1ON     ;  1     start timer
    ;---Start/Stop controls -----
        Timer1  = TimerReload         ; Load Timer
        TMR1ON = 1                    ; start timer
        TMR1ON = 0                    ; stop timer
    (When I turn off the PIC and turn it on again, it sometimes seems to speed up the motor to (MotorRPM - 1), i.e. 1 less than what was displayed on the LCD before turning off power.

  15. #15
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    I'll try this out. At first glance, though, the ISR is always setting TimeToSave to 5000 so I think it needs a check like:
    Well, yes, that was the whole idea. As long as the user keeps turning the knob (generating interrupts) the counter will get reset to 5000 (or whatever). But as soon as the user has NOT changed the RPM for the duration of 5000 iterations thru the Main loop the value is saved. When the knob isn't being turned no interrupts are being generated so the Main routine eventually gets the counter down to 0 and saves the value.


  16. #16

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Oop. Yeah, of course that makes sense. Thanks.

  17. #17

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    I incorporated your idea, Henrik, and all is well. I could have sworn this was working earlier this year when I last touched it but perhaps if using the same chip and saving too often to EEPROM means it starts to take longer to do the WRITE and hence only then really missed out on the IOC's. I thought it also incremented MotorRPM by 1 but I can't prove that now. In the end, it works with using a ISR counter and only on the 4th one does it increment MotorRPM.

    I upped the TimeToSave value to 50000 - seems like a good compromise.

  18. #18

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Should I be setting Old_Bits to New_Bits in the 'DoneRotEnc' label for the first 3 of 4 interrupts related to an IOC?

    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
        IF New_Bits = Old_Bits Then DoneRotEnc
        ' Increment ISR counter (since quad encoder throws 4 interrupts
        ' for every single detent), only want to update MotorRPM when counter
        ' reaches 4 (i.e. a single detent 'click')
        ISRCounter = ISRCounter + 1
        IF ISRCounter < 4 THEN DoneRotEnc
        RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
        ValueDirty = 1                   ; Set dirty flag
        ISRCounter = 0                   ; Reset ISR entry counter
        TimeToSave = 50000               ; Set value to begin countdown to EEPROM save
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0                     ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0

  19. #19
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    I'm afraid I don't quite understand. A quadrature signal consists of four states (00-10-11-01), from any one state there are TWO valid states which it can "transition" to, one in either direction. If you don't keep track of Old_Bits it doesn't know in which state it was and will get confused, count in the wrong direction etc - just as it did when you had the delay in there. Are you trying to keep the MotorRPM from incrementing by 4 for each click?

    Why don't you simply have an EncoderCount variable which is the one you save to EEPROM, and then you do MotorRPM = EncoderCount / 4. Also, instead of triggering on both the rising and falling edges you could trig on only the rising (or falling) which would give you two counts per click instead of four.


  20. #20

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    But if the interrupts are meant to fire on either a rising or falling edge, then going from '00' to '10' has only one edge (A rises from 0 to 1; B stays the same). The 00 to 10 state change represents one detent, right?

    I got this ISR code from another post (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/show...5396#post25396) and it seemed to work back then (incrementing MotorRPM by 1)
    Last edited by RossWaddell; - 17th March 2013 at 14:23.

  21. #21
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    But if the interrupts are meant to fire on either a rising or falling edge, then going from '00' to '10' has only one edge (A rises from 0 to 1; B stays the same).
    Yes of course, one edge.

    The 00 to 10 state change represents one detent, right?
    It depends on the encoder used but most mechanical type encoders I've come across has a full quadrature cycle per detent. Here's cutout from the datasheet for a EN12-series encoder from TT Electronics:

    Name:  Encoder output.JPG
Views: 1026
Size:  18.2 KB

    As you can see, going from one detent to the next results in a full quadrature cycle or four edges. So if the IOC is setup to trig the on the rising and falling edge of both the A and the B input then you'll have four interrupts per detent so the MotorRPM variable will increase by 4.

    When it "seemed to work back then" was that with this very same encoder or have you changed it? Do you have a modelnumber or datasheet for the encoder you're using?

    Last edited by HenrikOlsson; - 17th March 2013 at 15:13.

  22. #22

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Quite possibly it was using an earlier rotary encoder. I switched to a CUI ACZ11 (datasheet) one because I needed the button. Perhaps the Grayhill one I was using before (datasheet) showed the single-increment-per-detent. The CUI datasheet doesn't explicitly state it goes through a full quadrature cycle but one of the diagrams seems to infer that.

    Again, thanks for your patience, Henrik. Your explanation makes sense to me now (I hadn't realized that different mechanical encoders behave differently. Should have checked that, of course).

    EDIT: I just replaced the CUI encoder with the Grayhill one on my breadboard and guess what - it increments by 1. Mystery solved. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be a cheap Grayhill encoder with a push button so I'll just have to add comments in case I ever switch encoders again to do this test (or read the data sheet more carefully).
    Last edited by RossWaddell; - 17th March 2013 at 18:39.

  23. #23
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    The CUI datasheet shows that for models 12C and 20C it's full a cycle (4 counts) per detent while for the 15P30 it's half a cycle (2 counts) per detent. It's a bit misleading that they state for example, 12ppr, 12 detents when it's actually 12cpr, 12 detents.

    The Grayhill datasheet explicitly says 1/4 cycles (1 count) per detent.

    So, yes, "problem" explained/verified.


  24. #24
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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    Are you sure this code does work on both directions?
    Quote Originally Posted by RossWaddell View Post
    Should I be setting Old_Bits to New_Bits in the 'DoneRotEnc' label for the first 3 of 4 interrupts related to an IOC?

    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
        IF New_Bits = Old_Bits Then DoneRotEnc
        ' Increment ISR counter (since quad encoder throws 4 interrupts
        ' for every single detent), only want to update MotorRPM when counter
        ' reaches 4 (i.e. a single detent 'click')
        ISRCounter = ISRCounter + 1
        IF ISRCounter < 4 THEN DoneRotEnc
        RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
        ValueDirty = 1                   ; Set dirty flag
        ISRCounter = 0                   ; Reset ISR entry counter
        TimeToSave = 50000               ; Set value to begin countdown to EEPROM save
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0                     ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0
    By the time that ISRCounter is 4, both outputs of the encoder will be at 0. So the RotEncDir will be 0 too and only the ELSE expression will be executed.

    Maybe I am missing something here?


  25. #25

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    I have to admit, Ioannis, the code was grabbed from an example here and implemented on my side using a Grayhill encoder which only triggered the interrupt once per detent. Works perfectly with that device, With the CUI ACZ11, I added the check on the ISRCounter but it **does** work - both CW & CCW rotations are captured correctly.

  26. #26

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    I tried CCW rotation again last night and it does seem to get confused every once in a while - either decrements by 2 or sometimes even increments. Doesn't happen often enough to be too much of a problem, but I would like to make the code as efficient as possible.

    Not sure what else I can do in the ISR, though. If I only need one edge to check the rotation direction then I could do as Henrik suggested and turn off 2 of the edge interrupts; that way, it would only hit the ISR twice. I could do the RotEncDir determination on the first interrupt then set a flag to ignore the 2nd interrupt, then reset those after the 2nd.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    I stil cannot see how this piece of code can be true:

    RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
    If you follow what Henrik has posted on that pulse train diagram at #21, you will see that after the above XOR, the IF RotEncDir = 1 statement will always fail and the ELSE will be executed.


  28. #28

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    The New_Bits will be the same for A & B, but the Old_Bits should still have PORTA.0 (B pin of encoder) as 1 for the last falling edge interrupt, won't it?

  29. #29
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    I don't think so after the 4 step counter. At that moment both will be zero.


  30. #30

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    But experimentally it works, both for CW & CCW. I'd love to optimize this code for full quad cycle encoders like the CUI ACZ11 one I'm using, but I'm at a loss as to what to change (other than trying Henrik's suggestion of reducing the number of edges to 2 from 4).

  31. #31
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    Change the code so that you interrupt on one edge of one channel - only. (The rising edge of channel A for example).
    In the ISR, poll "the other" channel, if it's low you're moving in one direction, if it's high you're moving in the other.
    Verify that it works at "any" speed you may turn the encoder.


  32. #32

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    Default Re: Quad Encoder Problem

    I tried this but nothing happens - the display changes erratically with encoder movement and only really goes up or down by 1:

    #DEFINE USE_CUI_ROTARY_ENCODER  ; comment out if using Grayhill rotary encoder
                                    ; which triggers an interrupt only once per detent
    ' Enable interrupts on RPM control now that motors are fully spun up
    INTCON   = %10001000        ' Global int enabled, IOCI enabled, 
                                ' INTF flag bit 0 clr, IOCI flag bit 0 clr
        IOCAP.1  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change, PORTA.1
    '   The CUI encoder goes thru a full quad cycle with 1 detent turn,
    '     so only need to capture 1 edge (A channel, rising)
    '   CH A
    '   ====
    '       ------        ------
    '      |      |      |      |
    '      |      |      |      |
    '   ---        ------        ------
    '   CH B
    '   ====
    '          ------        ------
    '         |      |      |      |
    '         |      |      |      |
    '   ------        ------        ---
    '   Detent markers
    '   ==============
    '   |               |              |
    '   |               |              |
    '   If interrupt is triggered, it means A had a rising edge:
    '           If B = 0 Then CW
    '           If B = 1 Then CCW
        ' For Grayhill encoder, 1 detent triggers only 1 edge
        IOCAP.0  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change, PORTA.0
        IOCAP.1  = 1                ' Enable positive (rising edge) change, PORTA.1
        IOCAN.0  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change, POARTA.0
        IOCAN.1  = 1                ' Enable negative (falling edge) change, PORTA.1
        IOCAF.0  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
        IOCAF.1  = 0                ' Clear interupt-on-change flag
    @ INT_ENABLE  IOC_INT       ; Interrupt-on-Change interrupt
        ' Check if motor RPM has changed
        IF MotorRPM <> Old_RPM Then
            Old_RPM = MotorRPM
            GOSUB ChngMotorHPWM
        If ValueDirty = 1 THEN
            TimeToSave = TimeToSave - 1
            If TimeToSave = 0 THEN           ' Time to save ?
                WRITE EE_MotorRPM, MotorRPM
                ValueDirty = 0               ' Clear the flag
                #IFDEF USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG
                    HSEROUT [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]
                    pause 5
                    HSEROUT ["Saved RPM=", DEC MotorRPM, "  ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
        GOTO Main
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [IOC - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
            IF PORTA.0 = 0 THEN
                RotEncDir = 1                 ; CW rotation if B channel is 0
                RotEncDir = 0                 ; CCW rotation
            New_Bits = PORTA & (%00000011)
            IF New_Bits = Old_Bits Then DoneRotEnc
            RotEncDir = New_Bits.1 ^ Old_Bits.0
        IF RotEncDir = 1 Then
            ; CW rotation - increase speed but only to a max of 'MaxDuty'
            IF MotorRPM < MaxDuty then MotorRPM = MotorRPM + 1
            ' CCW rotation - decrease speed to a min of 0
            IF MotorRPM > 0 Then MotorRPM = MotorRPM - 1
        ValueDirty = 1                  ; Set dirty flag
        TimeToSave = 50000              ; Set value to begin countdown to EEPROM save
        Old_Bits = New_Bits
        IOCAF.0 = 0                     ' Clear interrupt flags
        IOCAF.1 = 0
    (I left out the rest of the code)
    Last edited by RossWaddell; - 21st March 2013 at 02:31.

  33. #33
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    In theory it should work... Perhaps the interrupt latency is just too large to be able to catch the correct state of the 'other' channel once you get to the ISR. One way to test that is to try it with the Grayhill encoder, then it should count every 4th click. If it does then it's a timing problem, if it doesn't it's something else.

    Nice demonstration of conditional compilation!


  34. #34
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    Maybe an DSO can help here. Do you have access to such an instrument?

    By the way as Henrik noted, I liked the conditional compilation too. Great example!


  35. #35

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    If you mean an oscilloscope, no I don't have one (I'd like one, mind, but they're pretty darned expensive).

    And thanks for compliment, Henrik & Ioannis! Although I got the idea from a Darrel Taylor post, I believe - this forum is such an excellent source of ideas.

  36. #36
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    From a price/performance standpoint the Rigol DS1052E is quite hard to beat at around $350 and a very popular entry level scope. A very handy tool to have when working with electronics.

  37. #37

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    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    From a price/performance standpoint the Rigol DS1052E is quite hard to beat at around $350 and a very popular entry level scope. A very handy tool to have when working with electronics.
    Closer to $470 here in Canada, I'm afraid.

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