Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

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  1. #1

    Default Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    I'm trying to work out whether the code below is accurately producing 0-255 values for the ADCIN command which I'm then using in conjunction with Darrel's SPWM_Int.bas, but I can't tell because my Scott Edwards Electronics ILM-216 serial LCD just shows gobbledy-gook. I've jumpered pins 6 & 8 on the LCD to get 9600bps but it's no better than the default 2600 baud.

    Can anyone help me out? I bought this serial LCD as my previous one was a parallel one which uses too many pins but it's not much good to me if it can't help me debug.

    Scott Edwards Electronics data sheet for the ILM-216 can be seen here.

    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' RA0                        -> Middle arm of trim pot
    ' RC0                        -> LED1
    ' RC1                        -> LED2
    ' RC2                        -> LED3
    ' RC4                        -> Serial LCD output
    DEFINE OSC          16      ; Set oscillator 16Mhz
    ;DEFINE OSC           4      ; Set oscillator 4Mhz
    DEFINE ADC_BITS      8      ; Set number of bits in result
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS  5      ; Set sampling time in uS
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK     3      ; Set clock source (3=rc)
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
       __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_OFF
    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG   ; comment out for non-debug use
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    OSCCON   = %01111000        ' 16MHz internal osc
    ;OSCCON   = %01101000        ' 4MHz internal osc
    pause 100
    ; Use PortA.0 (AN0) for ADCIN (trim pot reading)
    ANSELA   = %00000001        ; Analog on PORTA.0 (AN0) only
    TRISA    = %00000001        ; Input on PORTA.0 (AN0) only
    ;ADCON1   = %01110000        ; Left-justified results in 8-bits; Fosc/8 (2uS @ 4Mhz)
    ADCON1.7 = 0                ; Left-justified results in 8-bits; Fosc/8 (2uS @ 4Mhz)
    ANSELC   = 0                ; Diginal only for all PortC pins
    TRISC    = %00000000        ; Make all PORTC pins output
    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG   ; comment out for non-debug use
        LCD_PIN    VAR PORTC.4  ' Alias PORTC.4 as "LCD_PIN"
        LCD_INST   CON 254      ' instruction
        LCD_CLR    CON 1        ' Clear screen
        LCD_L1     CON 128      ' LCD line 1
        LCD_L2     CON 192      ' LCD line 2
    ;    LCD_BAUD   CON 16780    ' Baud rate/mode 2600bps for ILM-216 2x16 character display
        LCD_BAUD   CON 16468    ' Baud rate/mode 9600bps for ILM-216 2x16 character display
        LCD_PACE   CON 1        ' Optional pace value
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"            ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "SPWM_INT.bas"              ; Software PWM module
    DEFINE SPWM_FREQ  200               ; SPWM Frequency
    DEFINE SPWM_RES   256               ; SPWM Resolution
    DutyVars   VAR BYTE[3]              ; DutyCycle Variables
      DutyVar1 VAR DutyVars[0]          ; group them in an array for easy access
      DutyVar2 VAR DutyVars[1]          ; with FOR loops etc.
      DutyVar3 VAR DutyVars[2]
    SPWM_LIST  macro                    ; Define Pin's to use for SPWM
         SPWM_PIN  PORTC, 0, _DutyVar1  ; and the associated DutyCycle variables
         SPWM_PIN  PORTC, 1, _DutyVar2  ; Notice the underscore before variables
         SPWM_PIN  PORTC, 2, _DutyVar3
      SPWM_INIT  SPWM_LIST              ; Initialize the Pins
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  SPWMhandler,  ASM,  yes
        INT_CREATE                      ; Creates the interrupt processor
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT              ; enable Timer 1 interrupts
    adval       VAR  WORD       ; stores ADCIN results  
    oldDutyVar1 VAR  WORD 
    DutyVar1 = 0
    DutyVar2 = 25
    DutyVar3 = 255
        serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]     ; clear screen
        pause 5
        serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, ["DutyVar1:", DEC DutyVar1, "         "]
       ADCIN 0, adval
       if adval <> oldDutyVar1 then
          oldDutyVar1 = adval
          DutyVar1 = adval
              serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]     ; clear screen
              pause 5
              serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, ["DutyVar1:", DEC DutyVar1, "         "]
       Pause 100
    Goto Main

  2. #2
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    Colorado Springs

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters


    You can't use software timed serial routines when using interrupts.

    You will need to use the USART and HSEROUT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    Hi RossWaddell,

    I used this LCD in the past and i had some problems with interrupts. If you are outputing something to the LCD and if an interrupt occurs, the data gets corrupted. If possible, you must disable the interrupt, then send the data with the serout command, and then enable interrupt, of course, if it is allowed to do in your program. When i don't use interrupts, no problem working with this LCD, with serout, serin, serout2, serin2, hserout and hserin!!

    EDIT: grrr... Darrel.... get it first!!!!
    Thanks and Regards;

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    Thanks Darrel & Gadelhas. Am I right in thinking RA0 is the USART tx pin on the PIC16F1825?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    Yes. You can have TX on RA0 or RC4, because in this chips is possible to change between those 2 pins, by controlling the APFCON0 and APFCON1 registers.
    Thanks and Regards;

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    If I'm using RA0, do I need to set those registers? Because without them the screen is completely blank:

    '*  Name    : Test_SPWM.pbp                                     *
    '*  Author  : Darrel Taylor                                     *
    '*  Date    : 9/30/2006                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    ; LCD serout2 command won't work when using interrupts; need to use
    ; HSEROUT on chip's USART tx pin instead.
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' RA0                        -> Serial LCD output
    ' RA1                        -> Middle arm of trim pot (AN1)
    ' RC0                        -> LED1
    ' RC1                        -> LED2
    ' RC2                        -> LED3
    DEFINE OSC          16      ; Set oscillator 16Mhz
    ;DEFINE OSC           4      ; Set oscillator 4Mhz
    DEFINE ADC_BITS      8      ; Set number of bits in result
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS  5      ; Set sampling time in uS
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK     3      ; Set clock source (3=rc)
    DEFINE  HSER_TXSTA   20h    ; Set transmit status and control register
    DEFINE  HSER_BAUD    2400   ; Set baud rate
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
       __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_OFF
    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG   ; comment out for non-debug use
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    OSCCON   = %01111000        ' 16MHz internal osc
    ;OSCCON   = %01101000        ' 4MHz internal osc
    pause 100
    ; Use PortA.1 (AN1) for ADCIN (trim pot reading)
    ANSELA   = %00000010        ; Analog on PORTA.1 (AN1) only
    TRISA    = %00000010        ; Input on PORTA.1 (AN1) only
    ;ADCON1   = %01110000        ; Left-justified results in 8-bits; Fosc/8 (2uS @ 4Mhz)
    ADCON1.7 = 0                ; Left-justified results in 8-bits; Fosc/8 (2uS @ 4Mhz)
    ANSELC   = 0                ; Diginal only for all PortC pins
    TRISC    = %00000000        ; Make all PORTC pins output
    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG   ; comment out for non-debug use
        LCD_PIN    VAR PORTC.4  ' Alias PORTC.4 as "LCD_PIN"
        LCD_INST   CON 254      ' instruction
        LCD_CLR    CON 1        ' Clear screen
        LCD_L1     CON 128      ' LCD line 1
        LCD_L2     CON 192      ' LCD line 2
        LCD_BAUD   CON 16780    ' Baud rate/mode 2600bps for ILM-216 2x16 character display
    ;    LCD_BAUD   CON 16468    ' Baud rate/mode 9600bps for ILM-216 2x16 character display
        LCD_PACE   CON 1        ' Optional pace value
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"            ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "SPWM_INT.bas"              ; Software PWM module
    DEFINE SPWM_FREQ  200               ; SPWM Frequency
    DEFINE SPWM_RES   256               ; SPWM Resolution
    DutyVars   VAR BYTE[3]              ; DutyCycle Variables
      DutyVar1 VAR DutyVars[0]          ; group them in an array for easy access
      DutyVar2 VAR DutyVars[1]          ; with FOR loops etc.
      DutyVar3 VAR DutyVars[2]
    SPWM_LIST  macro                    ; Define Pin's to use for SPWM
         SPWM_PIN  PORTC, 0, _DutyVar1  ; and the associated DutyCycle variables
         SPWM_PIN  PORTC, 1, _DutyVar2  ; Notice the underscore before variables
         SPWM_PIN  PORTC, 2, _DutyVar3
      SPWM_INIT  SPWM_LIST              ; Initialize the Pins
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  SPWMhandler,  ASM,  yes
        INT_CREATE                      ; Creates the interrupt processor
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT              ; enable Timer 1 interrupts
    adval       VAR  WORD       ; stores ADCIN results  
    oldDutyVar1 VAR  WORD 
    DutyVar1 = 0
    DutyVar2 = 25
    DutyVar3 = 255
        pause 5
        HSEROUT ["DutyVar1=", DEC DutyVar1, 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
       ADCIN 1, adval
       if adval <> oldDutyVar1 then
          oldDutyVar1 = adval
          DutyVar1 = adval
             HSEROUT [DEC DutyVar1, 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
       Pause 100
    Goto Main
    Edit: Adding

    APFCON0.2 = 1               ; Tx on RA0
    makes the screen not blank, but it's still gobbledy-gook.
    Last edited by RossWaddell; - 14th January 2013 at 01:59.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    try with APFCON0.2 = 1, because the chip is initialized with TX on the RC4 pin, (APFCON0.2 = 0), so you must change it. datasheet page 123.
    Thanks and Regards;

  8. #8
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    Colorado Springs

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    The Scott Edwards display is expecting Inverted serial levels.
    The USART puts out True levels by default.

    Add this setting ...
    BAUDCON.4 = 1  ; Transmit inverted data to the TX/CK pin

  9. #9

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    The Scott Edwards display is expecting Inverted serial levels.
    The USART puts out True levels by default.

    Add this setting ...
    BAUDCON.4 = 1  ; Transmit inverted data to the TX/CK pin
    Thanks Darrel! It works now except the LCD shows a strange character in the 1st position (looks like "F1" with the "1" being a subscript).

        pause 5
        HSEROUT ["DutyVar1=", DEC DutyVar1, 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
       ADCIN 1, adval
       if adval <> oldDutyVar1 then
          oldDutyVar1 = adval
          DutyVar1 = adval
             HSEROUT [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR, LCD_L1]
             HSEROUT ["DutyVar1=", DEC DutyVar1, "  ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
       Pause 100
    Goto Main

  10. #10
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    Colorado Springs

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    You need at least a 2mS pause after the clear screen command.
    Then you need another LCD_INST before the LCD_L1.
    Or just leave out the LCD_L1 since the clear screen leaves the cursor on line 1.
    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 14th January 2013 at 14:52.

  11. #11

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    Default Re: Serout2 on LCD Shows Junk Characters

    I have a 5ms pause before the Main loop, but I think it's irrelevant since the ADCIN gets a value which is immediately different than the set value for DutyVar1 (set to 0 earlier in the code) and hence it goes straight into the IF block.

    I'll add a 5ms pause in the IF block, too. And remove the LCD_L1 if it's not needed.

    Thanks again, Darrel!

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