I'm having difficulty getting the following code to work. I have it wired such that the Sensor (QRE1113 Sparkfun) inputs to RA1/AN1, and outputs to a LED on RB4. I have verified the functionality with a digital signal (pushbutton), but cannot get it to work in Analog.

Even now, my push button works, using the following code, but the sensor does not. Using a Voltmeter, my sensor currently provides a range of about 1.7-4.6 Volts, so hopefully it should switch whenever it crosses 2.5.

I feel that it may be one or a combination of the following:

- Not Defining my Analog controls correctly / completely
- Not having a reference voltage (maybe?)
- Not understanding how to define 8 bit thresholds properly.

Any assistance appreciated, and thank you for your time,

    x  var byte              ' Byte for potentiometer input       
    TRISB = %00000000
    TRISA = %00000010
    'DEFINE OSC 8        ' Sets the internal clock speed to 2 MHz               
    'OSCCON.4 = 1        
    'OSCCON.5 = 0                                                 
    'OSCCON.6 = 1

    ANSEL = %00000010  ' Leaves AN1 in analog mode, all else digital.                
'--------Main Code--------                            

    adcin 1, x                 ' Read analog voltage on AN1 and
                               ' convert to 8-bit digital value
                               ' and store as x.     
    if x > %10000000 then
        PORTB.4 = 1
    if x < %00000111 then
        PORTB.4 = 0  
goto myloop                  ' Go to loop label   
