Hi Guys , having some problems getting IOC working on the 16F1825 , and wondered if its cos the pin is used both as input and output at times though out the program

Question is
A. Do i need to disable interrupts during the time the pin is used as an output or its does not matter as its an output ?
b. when using DT-int14 for this chip , i am aware that the interupt needs to be cleared before returning , is this a ASM clear or can this be a PBP clear - see part code
c. Do i need to enable IOC in Intcon or not worry as its done in the DT_ints-14 code



INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"
INT_LIST macro								; IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?

		INT_Handler IOC_INT,_GetIRcode, PBP, yes      ; call GetIRcode subroutin on Interupt 
	INT_CREATE								; Creates the Interrupt Processor

 INTCON =  %10001000    ' Interupts Clear - GIE,PEIE,TMR0IE,INTE,IOCIE,TMR0IF,INTF,IOCIF
 IOCAN.4 = 1            ' Enable interupt on change on portA.4 for negative going edge  ( for getIR routine )
 IOCAF.4 = 0            ' Clear Interupt on Change flag on portA.4

@ INT_ENABLE IOC_INT	  ; Enable PortA Change on Interrupt

' ============  Get IR Code Routine    ================
 ' *                                                   *
 ' * *******  IOC - Interupt Handler routine *******   *    
 ' *                                                   *
    ' TRISA.4 = 1                   ' setup input=1,output=0 TRISA.3 = 1 to input 
     PULSIN IR,1,Leader            ' get leader high pulse time value in on TRISA.4   ( pulsin_max set to 21600 = 108ms )
    IF Leader < 800 tHEN           ' look for 4500us high pulse - below 4000us  then its 2nd key area pulse  or data/ address bits  (800^ 5us= 4000us)
    IOCAF.4 = 0                       ; clear IOCAF - clear the IOC flags port A
@ INT_RETURN        
    IF Leader > 960 tHEN           ' above 4800us then it no sig (960*5us=4800us)
    IOCAF.4 =0                       ; clear IOCAF - clear the IOC flags port A
@ INT_RETURN      
     x=0                           ' ensure 0
  FOR X = 0 TO 31                  ' grab 32 incoming pulses
       PULSIN IR,1,leader          ' now measuring high-going pulse widths
       BtnVal(x) = leader/2        ' leader divide by 2 so Btnval(x) is byte (<255) not word value  
      z = 0                            ' Z points to start range of byte 
      S = 7                            ' S points to end range of byte 
      X = 0                            ' start X at 0 to line up with BtnVal array
      y = 0                            ' ensure 0
  for Y = 1 to 4                       ' Get in Array and decode 4 bytes from 32 bit pulses 
        T = 7                          ' Set T to 7 so that it puts BtnVal(0) in to D7 location  
        FOR X = Z TO S                 ' sort 8 pulses of byte
           IF BtnVal[X]  > 120 THEN    ' > 120 x (5uS *2) = > 1.2mS pulse period = 1 (150)
             DByteTmp = DByte[Y]       ' get into temp var
             DByteTmp.0[T]=1           ' Set value to 0 or 1 , T reverses bit order of BtnVal(x) so byte has correct bin value to write byte 
             DByteTmp = DByte[Y]      ' get into temp var
             DByteTmp.0[T]=0          ' Set value to 0 or 1 , T reverses bit order of BtnVal(x) so byte has correct bin value to write byte 
          DByte[Y] = DByteTmp          ' get it back into DByte(y)
          T = T - 1                    ' T points to next MSB on loop
        NEXT X
      Z = x                            ' Z = X (0,8,16,24) points to start of next byte
      S = 7 + X                        ' S  (7,15,23,31) points to End of next DByte BtnVal offset to X
  next Y                               ' loop for 4 bytes
   ' only save code if it differant to stored IR code 
     ' ****  this will need to change when using the config IR section
     x=1        ' ensure 1 
     for x = 1 to 4 
       read x , STDByte[x]             ' read the last saved IR code at startup
      if  DByte[x] <> STDByte[x] then 
          write x,DByte[x]     
    next x  
  IOCAF.4 =0      ; clear IOCAF - clear the IOC flags port A.4
@ INT_RETURN      ; return used for Interupt call   
' ------------------------------------------------------