Three different PBP programs to calculate the Dallas 8bit CRC.

' PIC16F628
' These routines are documented in Dallas Semiconductor Application Note 27
' Understanding and Using Cyclic Redundancy Checks
' This program contains three subroutines for calculating the Dallas 1Wire 8bit CRC.
' The computationally intensive short version is called CRC8. Use this one when
' you don't have enough PIC memory to store the table version (approx 270 words)
' and can afford the processing time.
' The table version CRC8LU is computationally fast since it works on byte at a time
' rather than bit at a time as CRC8 does.
' The Assembly Language version of the computationally intensive version is CRC8AL.
' Times per 8 bit CRCByte:
' CRC8LU 35usec
' CRC8AL 115usec
' CRC8 260usec

TestBit var Bit ' CRC8
TestByte var Byte ' CRC8AL
CRCData var Byte ' CRC8 & CRC8LU & CRC8AL
CRC var Byte ' CRC8 & CRC8LU & CRC8AL
I var Byte ' CRC8 & CRC8AL
' Test data
CRCData = $02
CRC = 0
'Gosub CRC8
'Gosub CRC8LU
' Test CRC should be $BC

' ********** Subroutine CRC8 **********
' PBP Version not using lookup table
' Expects CRC starting value and CRCData
' CRC will be cumulative unless reset externally
' Gives ending CRC value and destroys CRCData
' Uses I-Byte, TestBit-Bit, CRC-Byte, CRCData-Byte
For I = 0 to 7 ' Do for all 8 bits in data byte
TestBit = CRC.0 ^ CRCData.0 ' XOR bit0 of data byte and crc
CRCData = CRCData >> 1 ' Position data byte for next bit test
If TestBit = 0 then Shift ' If test bit not set, just shift CRC
CRC = CRC ^ $18 ' If set, account for EXOR feedback
Shift: ' Shift right the CRC byte
CRC = CRC >> 1 ' CRC bit 0 to bit bucket
CRC.7 = TestBit ' Test bit rotates into CRC bit 7
Next I

' ********** Subroutine CRC8AL **********
' Assembly Language version of Dallas CRC8 calculator
' Expects CRC starting value and CRCData
'CRC will be cumulative unless reset externally to routine
' Gives ending CRC value in CRC and destroys CRCData
' Uses I-Byte, TestByte-Byte, CRC-Byte, CRCData-Byte
_CRC8AL ; Dallas CRC8 Assembly Language PIC16F628
MOVWF _I ; Do this for all 8 bits of CRCByte
MOVF _CRC,0 ; Put CRC into W
XORWF _CRCData,0 ; XOR CRC with CRCData
MOVWF _TestByte ; Put results in TestByte
RRF _TestByte,1 ; Shift TestByte.0 into Carry bit
BTFSS STATUS,C ; If Carry = 1, account for EXOR feedback gates
GOTO CRCSHIFT ; Otherwise just shift CRC and CRCByte
MOVF _CRC,0 ; Get latest copy of CRC
XORLW 0x18 ; XOR with 18Hex
MOVWF _CRC ; Keep a copy of results
RRF _CRC,1 ; Rotate CRC incorporating carry
RRF _CRCData,1 ; Rotate CRCData, carry shifts in but not important
DECFSZ _I,1 ; Keep track of #times through loop
GOTO CRCLOOP ; Go to start if not looped through the 8 bits
RETURN ; Return if all 8 bits analyzed

' ********** Subroutine CRC8LU **********
' Expects CRC at some starting value with data to CRC
' passed in CRCData.
' Gives ending CRC value and destroys CRCData
' Uses CRCData-Byte, CRC-Byte
CRCData = CRCData ^ CRC
Lookup CRCData, [0,94,188,226,97,63,221,131,194,156,126,32,163,253, 31,65,_
157,195,33,127,252,162,64,30,95,1,227,189,62,96,13 0,220,_
35,125,159,193,66,28,154,160,225,191,93,3,128,222, 60,98,_
190,224,2,92,223,129,99,61,124,34,192,158,29,67,16 1,255,_
70,24,250,164,39,121,155,197,132,218,56,102,229,18 7,89,7,_
219,133,103,57,186,228,6,88,25,71,165,251,120,38,1 96,154,_
101,59,217,135,4,90,184,230,167,249,29,69,198,152, 122,36,_
248,166,68,26,153,199,37,123,58,100,134,216,91,5,2 31,185,_
140,210,48,110,237,179,81,15,78,16,242,172,47,113, 147,205,_
17,79,173,243,112,46,204,146,211,141,111,49,178,23 6,14,80,_
175,241,19,77,206,144,114,44,109,51,209,143,12,82, 176,238,_
50,108,142,208,83,13,239,177,140,174,76,18,145,207 ,45,115,_
202,148,118,40,171,245,23,73,8,86,180,234,105,55,2 13,139,_
87,9,235,181,54,104,138,212,149,203,41,119,244,170 ,72,22,_
233,183,85,11,136,214,52,106,43,117,151,201,74,20, 246,168,_
116,42,200,150,21,75,169,247,182,232,10,84,215,137 ,107], CRC
' PBP only handles 255 constants in the list (256 for 18Cxxx). Since table is
' indexed starting at zero, special case for $FF (256th element).
If CRCData = $FF Then
CRC = 53