
I discovered a new problem which I never seen or heard of before. My circuit works fine with the LCD hooked up. I removed the LCD restart and the pins output goes haywire..
I removed all the coding concerning the LCD in the program, did not work. Turns out, if I do not have 56 ohm resistance between the positive and negative, the circuit will not function properly. This resistance also need to be placed on the MCLR / ground rail !!!

here is the code I have, but I am not sure this will make a difference because the code does work with the 56ohm resistance..
'using a pic16F88  - on cart trial module.
' MPASM  Header

INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
 OSCCON = %01110000 '8 Mhz
 Define OSC 8 
CMCON = 7 : ANSEL = 0 : ADCON1 = 7

' Define ADCIN parameters
Define  ADC_BITS        8         ' Set number of bits in result
Define  ADC_CLOCK       3         ' Set clock source (3=rc)
Define  ADC_SAMPLEUS    50        ' Set sampling time in uS

ADCON1 = %00000010 'for 8 bit

 value var word : variable var word : i var byte 

'TRISA = %00000000      ' Set PORTA to all output
TRISB = %10000000
PORTB.1 =0
PORTB.2 =0
PORTB.3 =0
PORTB.4 =0

 ADCON0.2 = 1            'Start Conversion
    ADCIN 6, value 'Read channel PORTB.7
    pause 100
variable = 256 -value 
variable = variable *14    
pause 30

while i<=variable
    PORTB.1 =1
    PORTB.2 =1
    PORTB.3 =1        'green led
    PORTB.4 =0        'red led
    pause 1000

while i<=variable
    PORTB.1 =0
    PORTB.2 =0
    PORTB.3 =0    'green led
    PORTB.4 =1    'red led
    pause 1000
goto MAINloop
