Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me in achieving my application in mind. I want to receive data from pc with in the following format "A123", B"10", "C5"
where A, B and C is the start data letter and after it are numeric values ranging from 1-255. I did a little research, and mostly I found HSERIN command being used ex.(hserin 1000, _WaitTimeOut, [str rbuffer\5\13]). but not really sure how I can incorporate what I have so far.
The following code (from Mr_e) is what I'm using right now, but I need to incorporate a string filtering for incoming data like "A123".
Include "modedefs.bas"
DEFINE osc 20            ' We're using a 4 MHz oscillator

' Define ADCIN parameters
Define ADC_BITS     8  ' Set number of bits in result
Define ADC_CLOCK     3  ' Set clock source (3=rc)
Define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50  ' Set sampling time in uS

adval Var Byte          ' Create adval to store result
i        Var Byte       ' For-loop variable
position Var Byte       ' LED position variable
bright1   Var Byte       ' Brightness variable  

'    PORT setting
    '    ============
         TRISA  = 000001    ' Set PORTA to all input
         ADCON1 = 000010   ' Set PORTA analog and right justify result
         TRISC=000000        ' RC.7 => USART RX pin set to input
                                ' all other pin set to output
         TRISB=0                ' RB<7:0> set to output
'    USART setting
    '    =============
         ' Since we will not use HSERIN/HSEROUT, we must
         ' write directly to internal PIC register
         TXSTA=$24              ' enable transmit and SPBRGH=1
         RCSTA=$90              ' Enable USART and continuous receive
         SPBRG=129           ' BAUD RATE = 9600 BAUDS

'    Interrupt definition
    '    ====================
         PIE1.5   =1            ' enable USART receive interrupt
         INTCON.6 =1            ' enable peripheral interrupt
    '    Alias definition
    '    ================
         RCIF      var PIR1.5   ' receiver interrupt
         StatusLED var PORTB.2  ' the LED who show a 'running process'
    '    Variable definition
    '    ===================
         Delay     var word     ' 
         DataIn    var byte     ' use to store RCREG content
         Discard   var byte     ' use to erase RCREG register
         cntr      var byte
         cntr = 1
    '    Hardware/software initialisation
    '    ================================                                                                                                                                               
         PORTB=0                ' clear PORTB 
         on interrupt goto USARTInterrupt

    PAUSE 500           ' Wait .5 second

    ADCIN 0, adval             ' Store ADC value to adval
    Hserout["Data recieve:",adval,13] 
    GOTO loop1               ' Do it forever

disable interrupt
    '    Here's the interrupt routine who will make the user
    '    much happy by giving him the feeling to have the 
    '    control on the machine when the status of the user
    '    LED will change
    RCSTA=0                     ' Disable serial port AND
                                ' clear possible error (FERR,OERR)
    datain=RCREG                ' Get data
    while RCif                  ' wait untill the RCREG is empty
          discard=RCREG         ' by reading it and store result in a
    wend                        ' don't care variable
    select case datain          ' What to do with that data???
           case "1"            ' User selection = 1
                PortB.0 = 1        
           case "2"           ' User selection =2
                PortB.0 = 0
           end select           
    RCSTA=$90                   ' Re-enable the serial PORT AND
    resume                      ' get out of here
enable interrupt
Thanks in advance,