Have been using my PICKIT2 for years to program PBP into PIC chips on my board apps via ICSP connection. Has always worked great. Especially when using the FineLine IDE.
However in last few days for somereason I am seeing some anomalies. Had to manually select the chip via PICKIT2 user interface even though FLide was telling it the chip type. Then it appeared that it wrote my PBP code to the 16F886 OK when I used the "Auto Import HEX +write device" button on the PICKIT2. I say it looked OK because the program memory window displayed by the PICKIT2 appeared like it had my code.

However, when I try to READ the device with the PICKIT2 GUI READ button, I see all zeros in all the memory addresses and in the EEPROM addresses. I notice also under the Configuration: label on the GUI a message is being displayed in RED color saying "All protect". I have never seen this before. Can anyone tell me what it means and how I can resolve this??