Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

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  1. #1

    Default Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I have six boards, each with either a 18F2620 or 4431 chip talking back and forth through a wireless TX. Here is an example of code

      serout2 WtX,84, ["P",1,OutgoingPop1.lowbyte,OutgoingPop1.Highbyte,OutgoingPop2.lowbyte,OutgoingPop2.Highbyte,_
                           OutgoingPop3.lowbyte,OutgoingPop3.Highbyte,OutgoingPop4.lowbyte,OutgoingPop4.Highbyte,OF1,OF2,Of3,OF4 ]
    and then the receiving side.
    '   debugin [wait ("P"),UnitID2,TotalRate1.lowbyte,TotalRate1.Highbyte,TotalRate2.lowbyte,TotalRate2.Highbyte,_
    '                       TotalRate3.lowbyte,TotalRate3.Highbyte,TotalRate4.lowbyte,TotalRate4.Highbyte,OFI1,OFI2,OFI3,OFI4]
    The problem is, even for when I have just two boards talking back and forth is that both boards get into a scenario of both listening and not talking, opposite my marriage. Both are WAITing.

    What is the trick to get around this? I was thinking of maybe sending another bit that when received would let the receiver know its ok to send. That seemed maybe feasible when there are only two boards talking back and forth but would get pretty complicated when six are talking. When I say six are talking, there is a main board and five others. The main board just listens to one board and talks back and forth to the other four boards.

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    One thing I need to mention the WAIT character I am sending is different between the one board that is just sending and the other boards sending and receiving besides the main board listening to all. I think I need to change the WAIT character to the same for all then add another byte that is the board ID and do a loop that either exits when the ID is met or a counter meets the max. I will try that tonite with many Miller Lites.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    Add a time-out to the wait.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I thought TIMEOUT would only work when the incoming line wasn't active at all. If there is data on the input pin even if its wrong Timeout won't happen if I read the info correctly.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    Here is something from Bruce that will time-out and active serial port. Works very well for radios.
    '*  Name    : DEC.BAS                                           *
    '*  Author  : B. Reynolds                                       *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2009 Reynolds Electronics           *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 11/15/2009                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0 (Momentary decoder version)                   *
    '*  Notes   : 4-BIT DECODER IC FOR RF REMOTE CONTROL            *
    '*          : USING THE PIC12F635                               *
        DEFINE OSC 4
        DEFINE NO_CLRWDT 1      ' Watchdog timer is disabled, so we don't need to reset it
        DEFINE INTHAND RESET_VT ' Interrrupt on Timer1 overflow to reset outputs in 65.5mS
                                ' if no serial data received in this time period
        SYMBOL  MODE = GPIO.3   ' baud select. 1=4800, 0=2400
        SYMBOL  D_IN = GPIO.5   ' Encoder data input pin
        SYMBOL  TMR1IF = PIR1.0 ' Timer1 overflow interrupt flag (reset in int handler)
        SYMBOL  TMR1IE = PIE1.0 ' Timer1 interrupt enable bit
        'Variables for saving state in interrupt handler
        wsave    VAR    BYTE $70 system        ' Saves W
        ssave    VAR    BYTE bank0 system    ' Saves STATUS
        psave    VAR    BYTE bank0 system    ' Saves PCLATH
        fsave    VAR    BYTE bank0 system    ' Saves FSR
        ' Working variables
        MATCH     VAR BYTE bank0 system ' Match variable
        DAT_IN1   VAR BYTE  ' 1st Data byte
        DAT_IN2   VAR BYTE  ' 2nd Data byte for verify
        CHK_SUM   VAR BYTE  ' Holds checksum received
        CheckSum  VAR BYTE  ' Checksum of data bytes received
        LOOPS     VAR BYTE  ' Loop var
        BAUD      VAR WORD  ' Holds baud rate
        ' Constants
        Synch    CON "~"    ' 01111110 synch byte
        N2400    CON 16780  ' 2400 bps inverted
        N4800    CON 16572  ' 4800 bps inverted
         ' hardware init
        GPIO = 0            ' Clear outputs on power-up
        TRISIO = 101000  ' GPIO.5=data input, GPIO.3=baud select input
        WPUDA = 0           ' Disable weak pull-ups
        IOC = 0             ' Interrupt on change disabled
        VRCON = 0           ' Comparator Vref disabled
        CMCON0 = 7          ' Disable comparators
        OSCCON = 100000  ' Internal 4MHz select
        OPTION_REG = 128    ' Pull-ups off
        ' Setup Timer1 for resets after ~65.5mS
        T1CON = 000000   ' Internal clock, 1:1 prescale, Timer1 off for now
        TMR1L = 0 
        TMR1H = 0           ' Timer1 low & high bytes cleared
        TMR1IF = 0          ' Clear Timer1 overflow flag before enabling interrupt
        TMR1IE = 1          ' Enable Timer1 overflow interrupt
        INTCON = 000000  ' Global & peripheral ints enabled
        MATCH = 0           ' Clear match count
        GOTO    MAIN        ' Jump over int handler
        movwf    wsave            ; Save W
        swapf    STATUS, W        ; Swap STATUS to W (swap avoids changing STATUS)
        clrf    STATUS            ; Clear STATUS
        movwf    ssave            ; Save swapped STATUS
        movf    PCLATH, W        ; Move PCLATH to W
        movwf    psave            ; Save PCLATH
        movf    FSR, W            ; Move FSR to W
        movwf    fsave            ; Save FSR
        ; Do interrupt stuff here
        bcf     T1CON,TMR1ON    ; Stop Timer1
        clrf    TMR1L           ; Clear low byte
        clrf    TMR1H           ; Clear high byte
        bcf     PIR1,TMR1IF     ; Clear Timer1 interrupt flag bit
        clrf    GPIO            ; Clear outputs on button release (or timeout)
        clrf    MATCH           ; Clear match variable
        ; Restore FSR, PCLATH, STATUS and W registers
        movf    fsave, W        ; retrieve FSR value
        movwf    FSR                ; Restore it to FSR
        movf    psave, W        ; Retrieve PCLATH value
        movwf    PCLATH            ; Restore it to PCLATH
        swapf    ssave, W        ; Get swapped STATUS value (swap to avoid changing STATUS)
        movwf    STATUS            ; Restore it to STATUS
        swapf    wsave, F        ; Swap the stored W value
        swapf    wsave, W        ; Restore it to W (swap to avoid changing STATUS)
        bsf     T1CON,TMR1ON    ; Re-enable Timer1 before exiting interrupt handler
        retfie                    ; Return from the interrupt
        ' Set data rate
        IF MODE = 1 THEN
           BAUD = N4800
           BAUD = N2400
        ' Fire up Timer1 before entry to serial input routine
        T1CON.0 = 1
        ' at 4MHz Timer1 overflows in 65536 * 1uS (~65.5mS) if no Synch byte
        ' and serial data arrive on time. SERIN2 timeout & label options
        ' are useless with a noisy RF receiver output - as noise continually
        ' resets the timeout period causing it to hang forever.
        ' Wait for Synch byte, then get new inbound data & checksum
        T1CON.0 = 0    ' Stop Timer1 once we've received data
        TMR1L = 0      ' Clear low byte
        TMR1H = 0      ' Clear high byte
        ' / **** Begin data validation **** /
        ' Calculate checksum
        CheckSum = DAT_IN1 + DAT_IN2
        ' Test new checksum against one received in CHK_SUM
        IF CheckSum != CHK_SUM THEN MAIN ' Failed checksum, return
        ' Test data bytes for match
        IF DAT_IN1 != DAT_IN2 THEN MAIN ' Failed data comparison, return
        MATCH = MATCH + 1        ' We have a match so increment match count
        IF MATCH = 2 THEN DECODE ' Everything matched twice, we're good
        GOTO Main                ' Else do it all over
        ' Everything looking good - so place new data on outputs
        ' Place decoded values on port pins..
        GPIO = (DAT_IN1 & 010111)
        DAT_IN1 = !DAT_IN2  ' Destroy the match
        MATCH = 0 
        GOTO MAIN
    The forum is stripping off "%". But you should get the idea.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    Tobias, is there some reason why you aren't using the HARDWARE serial port? Using interrupts on the receive side solves 90% of all problems.
    Charles Linquist

  7. #7

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I have the wireless module connected to the hardware serial port pins but I have never used that before. Is there any good reading to learn how?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    It is just as easy as using SERIN/SEROUT

    I don't know what speed your chips are running - but.

    Use MisterE's PIC Multi-Calc to help you set up the proper DEFINES

    Then use something like the following:

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
        CR CON 13
        LF  CON 10
        DataStatus = 0
        INTCON.7 = 1   
        INTCON.6 = 1
            INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"         ; Base Interrupt System
            INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
                   INT_Handler    RX1_INT,    _GetChar,    PBP,  yes           
      goto OverISRs:
              HSEROUT[CR,LF,"At least some data received"]    ;     THIS IS JUST FOR DEBUG!!!  REMOVE IN ACTUAL PGM.
                         HSERIN 15,BadData,[wait ("P"),UnitID2,TotalRate1.lowbyte,TotalRate1.Highbyte,TotalRate2.lowbyte,TotalRate2.Highbyte,_
             DataStatus = 1 
            GOTO GoodData
              DataStatus.7 = 1
    @ INT_ENABLE RX1_INT      
          If DataStatus.0  then
             HSEROUT [CR,LF,#UnitID2,#TotalRate1,"  .............................
          if DataStatus.7 then
             HSEROUT [CR,LF,"Data Error!"]
             DataStatus = 0 
       goto main

    I haven't actually tested this but it should work.
    Charles Linquist

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I missed something in my earlier post - between OVERISRs and MAIN you need the line


    Also, you can use LEDs in place of the HSEROUTs to show you have reached that point in the code (as a debugging aid).
    Last edited by Charles Linquis; - 18th December 2011 at 13:25.
    Charles Linquist

  10. #10

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    Charles, thanks I will give that a go when I get back. I am on the road for the next four days.

    One other thing I was thinking about today flying from CO to PA...First off here is what I am doing. I am controlling electric motors on a agriculture planter. Each row has an electric motor. For each four rows I have one control box. In the tractor I have a board and touchscreen. The tractor board can be called the master board. It sends the required motor speed to each board for each rows motor. The planter boards then take the speed, do the PID and then report back to the master the row speed.

    The thing I was thinking about was right now I have the master sending out data to each board separately. I was wondering if it would be better if it sent out one data packet that had Control Box ID and the four speeds for every control box within one data stream. So for example I have a 16 row planter. There are four control boxes talking back and forth to the master/tractor board. The master sends out four different packets. Each with Control Box ID and the four row speeds. So all four boards are getting data, only one is doing something with it. The other three are waiting for their data. I am wondering if there would be any drawbacks to send out one packet that would be like this

    Box1, Speed1, Speed2, Speed3, Speed4,Box2, Speed5, Speed6, Speed7, Speed8,Box3, Speed9, Speed10, Speed11, Speed12,
    Box4, Speed13, Speed14, Speed15, Speed16,

    Then the tractor only has to take time to send out one data pack and each control box gets speed data every time the tractor sends out data, no waiting for its own data.

    Are there any drawbacks to sending longer data streams?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I think that the "large packet" idea has no drawbacks, and is easier to maintain and code. By the way, I grew up on a farm in southwest Iowa and got my EE degree at Iowa State.
    Charles Linquist

  12. #12

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    you will be able to appreciate this then, here is my site

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Linquis View Post
    I think that the "large packet" idea has no drawbacks, and is easier to maintain and code. By the way, I grew up on a farm in southwest Iowa and got my EE degree at Iowa State.

  13. #13

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I have 6 PICs chattering amongst themselves in a gas mixer. The comms is cable based, not wireless, but there are similarities. I found I had to send a number of preamble characters to get the receivers reliably synchronised. The number of preamble characters and the value of the character need to be chosen with some care in an attempt to get a 'balanced' signal on the line. Sending four $AA or $55 characters then "$" as a 'start of message' works a treat for me.

    Snip from RxPacket:
    serin2 msg, 84, 250, rxpacketdone, [wait ("$")]

    for C_A = 0 to 1
    serin2 msg, 84, [rxchar[C_A]]
    chksum = chksum + rxchar[C_A]
    next C_A
    pkttype = rxchar[0] : msglen = rxchar[1]

    for C_A = 2 to (msglen + 1)
    serin2 msg, 84, [rxchar[C_A]]
    chksum = chksum + rxchar[C_A]
    next C_A

    for C_A = 2 to 3
    serin2 msg, 84, [rxchar[msglen + C_A]]
    next C_A

    if rxchar[msglen + 2] <> "*" then getmessage 'should be EoM.
    if rxchar[msglen + 3] <> chksum then getmessage 'try again

    Snip from TxPacket:
    'Send PreAmble
    chksum = 0
    for C_A = 1 to precnt
    serout2 msg, 84,[preambl]
    next C_A

    'Send Start of Message
    serout2 msg, 84,["$"]

    'Send message and accumulate ChkSum
    for C_A = 0 to (msglen + 1)
    serout2 msg, 84, [txchar[C_A]]
    chksum = chksum + txchar[C_A]
    next C_A

    'Send EoM and ChkSum
    txchar[msglen+2] = "*" : txchar[msglen+3] = chksum
    serout2 msg, 84, [txchar[msglen+2], txchar[msglen+3]]
    pause 5 'time enough for recipient to let go of Ack line
    if ack = 0 then sendmessage 'recipient is requesting a repeat

    'Message sent or timed out so release CommsBus
    TRISB = %11111111



  14. #14

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    I am playing around with HSERIN and not having much luck. I am pretty sure I have sorted out the problem and I am hosed for making HSERIN work on this board. WHen I use DEDBUGIN here is the setup info

    DEFINE DEBUGIN_MODE 1 ' 1 = inverted, 0 = true

    If I am understanding the manual correctly, I can't configure HSERIN for inverted mode.

    Here is the HSERIN code

    define CODE_SIZE 48
    define OSC 8
    Include "modedefs.bas"    ' Mode definitions for Serout
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"     ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ; Include if using PBP interrupts 
    RCSTA = $90 ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA = $20 ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    SPBRG = 12  ' 9600 Baud @ 8MHz, 0.16%
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 12  ' 9600 Baud @ 8MHz, 0.16%
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
    'DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 5                                                                                                        
    'DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 1    ' 1 = inverted, 0 = true
    'DEFINE DEBUGIN_MODE 1  ' 1 = inverted, 0 = true
    Switch4           var     PortD.0        
    Switch3           var     PortE.2            
    Switch2           var     PortC.0             
    Switch1           var     PortC.3            
    MotorSpeed        var     PortC.1            
    Population        var     PortC.2             
    Enable4           var     PortD.1             
    Enable3           var     PortD.2             
    Enable2           var     PortD.3             
    Enable1           var     PortD.4             
    Input1            var     PortB.1             
    Input2            var     PortB.4             
    Input3            var     PortB.3             
    Input4            var     PortD.7             
    LCD               var     PortD.5
    WTX               Var     PortC.5
    WRX               var     PortC.7
    StandAlone        var     PortD.6
    RPM               var     word
    Duty1             Var     Word
    Duty2             Var     Word
    Duty3             Var     Word
    Duty4             Var     Word
    Duty1S            data    word      200 '20% Duty Cycle  
    Duty2S            data    word      400 '20% Duty Cycle  
    Duty3S            data    word      600 '20% Duty Cycle  
    Duty4S            data    word      800 '20% Duty Cycle  
    HighCycle         var     word
    LowCycle          var     word
    BCD1              var     byte
    BCD10             var     byte       
    TotalRate         var     word 
    TotalRate1        var     word
    TotalRate2        var     word
    TotalRate3        var     word
    TotalRate4        var     word
    RPM1              var     word
    RPM2              var     word
    RPM3              vaR     WORD
    RPM4              VAR     WORD
    MotorCount        var     byte              'Tracks motorspeed input
    HighTime1         var     word
    LowTime1          var     word
    HighTime2         var     word
    LowTime2          var     word
    HighTime3         var     word
    LowTime3          var     word
    HighTime4         var     word
    LowTime4          var     word
    TotalTime1        var     word
    TotalTime2        var     word
    TotalTime3        var     word
    TotalTime4        var     word
    Freq              var     word
    UpperLimit        VAR     word
    LowerLimit        VAR     word
    ChannelCount      var     byte
    TotalTime         var     word
    MaxTotalTime      var     word
    UnitID            var     byte
    EPDID             var     byte
    Rate1             var     word
    Rate2             var     word
    Rate3             var     word
    Rate4             var     word
    T1                var     word  'Used to measure RPM
    T2                var     word  'Used to measure RPM
    T3                var     word  'Used to measure RPM
    RSTATE1           var     byte
    RSTATE2           var     byte
    RSTATE3           var     byte
    RSTATE4           var     byte
    GoodBad           var     bit
    Prefix            con     $FE            
    LcdCls            CON     $51         
    CursorPS          con     $45          
    Backlight         con     $53           
    Contrast          con     $52
    INTCON.7 = 1   
    INTCON.6 = 1
    INTCON2.7 = 1         'Pull Ups disabled
    ADCON0 = 0            'A/D OFF        
    ANSEL0 = %00010000    'All analogue channels to digital except AN4                          
    ANSEL1 = %00000000    'All analogue channels to digital
    TRISA = %111111       'PortA to inputs
    TRISB = %00100000     'PortB to outputs, except B5----------------------------------------------------04
    TRISC = %10010110     'PortC, Switch3 and Switch4 outputs; Motorspeed and Population inputs
    TRISD = %01000000     'PortD, Switch 1 output; Enable1-4
    TRISE = %011 
    PWMCON0=%01111111     'All odd PWMs enabled, all independent
    PTCON0 = %00001000    '2.0khz=00000100 2.9khz=00000000          '400hz/20Mhz=00001000
    Freq= 249             '2.0kHz=249 2.9kHz=50000           '400hz/20mHz=50000
    LowerLimit=100        '200 is 6%
    UpperLimit=1000       '1000=100% (Max is 3332 3000 is 90% for 2.9khz)
    PTPERL =Freq.LowByte              ' 
    PTPERH =Freq.HighByte  
    Symbol Capture = PIR2.0 ' CCP2 capture flag
    Symbol Overflow = PIR1.0
    Overflow = 0            '
    PWMCON1 = 1             ' updates enabled, overrides sync w/timebase
    PTCON1 = %11000000      ' PWM time base is ON, counts up  500hz
    FLTCONFIG = %00000000   ' enable fault A, cycle-by-cycle mode
    RCSTA.7=1 'SPEN serial port enable bit
    INTCON = 0              ' Interrupts off
    CCP2CON = %00000101     ' Capture mode, capture on rising edge
    T2CON = %10000001       ' TMR1 prescale=1, clock=Fosc/4, TMR1=on
    T1CON = %10010001       ' TMR1 prescale=1, clock=Fosc/4, TMR1=on
    pause 100
    Serout2 LCD, 84, [Prefix,LcdCLS]
    pause 10
    SEROUT2 LCD,84, [Prefix,CursorPS,0, "EPD HSERINTEST"]
    pause 2000
    Serout2 LCD, 84, [Prefix,LcdCLS]
    '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    RX_INT,  _Get_char,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    @   INT_ENABLE   RX_INT     ; enable external (INT) interrupts
    goto OverISRs:
      HSERIN  100, BadData, [wait ("I"),RPM.LowByte,rpm.highbyte,RSTATE1,RSTATE2,RSTATE3,RSTATE4] 
      goto GoodData
      gosub DisplayData
    goto RunAround
      If GoodBad = 1 then
        SEROUT2 LCD,84, [Prefix,CursorPS,0, "Good Data"]
        SEROUT2 LCD,84, [Prefix,CursorPS,0, "Bad Data"]
      GoodBad = 0      
      If MotorCount = 1 then
        If Enable1 = 0 then
          High Switch1
          Low Switch2
          Low Switch3
          Low Switch4
          gosub Get_RPM
          TotalTime1 = HighTime1+LowTime1                                          
      If MotorCount = 2 then
        If Enable2 = 0 then
          Low Switch1
          High Switch2
          Low Switch3
          Low Switch4 
          gosub Get_RPM      
          TotalTime2 = HighTime2+LowTime2          
      If MotorCount = 3 then
        If Enable3 = 0 then
          Low Switch1
          Low Switch2
          High Switch3
          Low Switch4
          gosub Get_RPM      
          TotalTime3 = HighTime3+LowTime3                    
      If MotorCount = 4 then
        If Enable4 = 0 then
          Low Switch1
          Low Switch2
          Low Switch3
          High Switch4
          gosub Get_RPM
          TotalTime4 = HighTime4+LowTime4           
      If MotorCount = 4 or Motorcount >4 then 
        MotorCount = 1
        MotorCount = MotorCount + 1
          HighCycle = 0  ' High pulse width = T2 - T1
          LowCycle = 0
          overflow = 0 
        pauseus 300 
        Capture = 0          
        CCP2CON = %00000101 
        overflow = 0 
        WHILE Capture=0 and overflow=0 
        If OVerflow=1 then
          goto NoRPM
        T1.HighByte = CCPR2H : T1.LowByte = CCPR2L
        Capture = 0        
        CCP2CON.0 = 0      
        WHILE Capture=0 and overflow=0 
        If OVerflow=1 then
          goto NoRPM
        T2.HighByte = CCPR2H : T2.LowByte = CCPR2L
        Capture = 0        
        CCP2CON.0 = 1     
        WHILE Capture=0 and overflow=0 
        If OVerflow=1 then
          goto NoRPM
        T3.HighByte = CCPR2H : T3.LowByte = CCPR2L
        CCP2CON = 0         
        HighCycle = T2-T1   
        LowCycle = T3-T2    
      BCD1=BCD1 & $0F
      BCD1=BCD1^ $0F 
    '  BCD1=PORTA
    '  BCD1=BCD1 & $F0
    '  BCD1=BCD1^ $F0
    '  BCD1 = BCD1 >>4 
    '  Unitid=bcd1 

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    If you want to invert your hserial, you can do that with the PIC18 devices. Look in the datasheet at the baudcon register, and set RXDTP and TXCKP. This would let you do things like connect to a computer's serial port without using a max RS232 interface. A little more info here:

  16. #16

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem


  17. #17

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    Default Re: Serin2,Serout2,Wait problem

    it seems that function isn't available for all 18F's including my 4431. Good info to know though.

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