PIC18F1220 locked up

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    Default PIC18F1220 locked up

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to make an 80 year countdown timer for an art project using a PIC18F1220. I'm using MPASM and PBP2.60.
    When I copy the configs from P18F1220.INC file and paste them in my code it will compile fine and also my pickit2 does not complain. Only thing is that after programming the chip locks up and I cannot reprogram or erase it.
    If I leave out the configs and use the ones in the PBP inc file it will program but my pickit2 says there's some config words not in the hex file.
    I already lost three chips this way, anybody has an idea why? and is there a way to unlock the chips?
    Thanks a lot

    ' 80 year countdown clock, thanks to Bill Legge for the MAX7221 code
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG1H, _IESO_ON_1H & _FSCM_OFF_1H & _RC_OSC_1H
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L & _BOR_OFF_2L & _BORV_27_2L
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H & _WDTPS_32K_2H
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG4L, _DEBUG_OFF_4L & _LVP_ON_4L & _STVR_ON_4L
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG5L, _CP0_OFF_5L & _CP1_OFF_5L
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG5H, _CPB_OFF_5H & _CPD_OFF_5H
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG6L, _WRT0_OFF_6L & _WRT1_OFF_6L
        @__CONFIG  _CONFIG7L, _EBTR0_OFF_7L & _EBTR1_OFF_7L
    include "modedefs.bas"
    define OSC 4 	
    PORTA     = %00000000	
    PORTB     = %00000000		
    TRISA     = %00000000		
    TRISB     = %00000000					
    OSCCON    = %01100000       '4MHZ clock
    ADCON0    = %00000000		
    ADCON1    = %11111111					
    INTCON    = %11000000
    T1CON     = %00001101
    PIE1.0    = 1
    preset    con 45543
    CS_Max1	   VAR	PORTB.4		' Chip select for MAX7221 IC1
    CS_Max2	   VAR	PORTB.3		' Chip select for MAX7221 IC2
    CS_DS	   VAR	PORTB.2		' Chip select for DS1302 IC
    clockpin   VAR	PORTB.0		' Clock for SPI communication
    datapin	   VAR	PORTB.1		' Serial Data Out for SPI communication
    servo      var  PORTB.5
    rtcyear    VAR  BYTE		' Allocate variables
    rtcday     VAR  BYTE
    rtcmonth   VAR  BYTE
    rtcdate    VAR  BYTE
    rtchr      VAR  BYTE
    rtcmin     VAR  BYTE
    rtcsec     VAR  BYTE
    rtccontrol VAR  BYTE
    command    var  byte            
    counter    var  word
    I          var  byte
    temp       var  byte
    temp2      var  word
    temp3      var  long
    temp4      var  word
    old_second var  byte
    servoCounter var word
    flag1      var bit
    flag2      var bit
    'GoSub settime   
    pause 100
    	HIGH CS_Max1
    	HIGH CS_Max2
        pause 100		
    	low CS_Max2
    	shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[1,%01001110]	' "S"					
    	high CS_Max2 
        low CS_Max2
    	shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[2,%01001111]	' "E"					
    	high CS_Max2 
        low CS_Max2
    	shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[3,%01011011]	' "C"					
    	high CS_Max2 	
    	low CS_Max2
    	shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[4,%00000000]	' blank digit					
    	high CS_Max2 	
        LOW CS_Max1
        shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$09,%11111111]	' Decode register - all 8 digits
        HIGH CS_Max1
        LOW CS_Max2
        shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$09,%11110000]	' Decode register - decode only 4 digits
        HIGH CS_Max2
    	LOW CS_Max1
        LOW CS_Max2
        shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0A, $0F]	' Intensity register - 32/32 brightness
        HIGH CS_Max1
        HIGH CS_Max2    
        low CS_Max1
        low CS_Max2
        shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0B, $07]	' Scan limit register - display all digits    
        high CS_Max1
        high CS_Max2                            ' otherwise not equally bright    
        LOW CS_Max1
        LOW CS_Max2
        shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0F, $00]	' test mode off
        HIGH CS_Max1
        HIGH CS_Max2    
        LOW CS_Max1
        LOW CS_Max2
        shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[$0C, $01]	' normal operation
        HIGH CS_Max1
        HIGH CS_Max2    
    on interrupt goto myint
         gosub calculate
         pauseus 1000
    goto loop1
        gosub gettime   
        if rtcsec <> old_second then   
            temp3 = 0
            for counter = 1 to rtcmonth
                lookup2 counter,[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],temp2
                temp3 = temp3 + temp2
            temp3 = ((60 - rtcyear) * 365) - temp3  'aantal dagen
            temp3 = ((temp3 * 24)-rtchr)            'aantal uren
            temp3 = (temp3 * 60) - rtcmin           'aantal minuten
            temp3 = (temp3 * 60) - rtcsec           'aantal seconden
            old_second = rtcsec
            gosub display
    	CS_DS = 1         
    	ShiftOut datapin, clockpin, LSBFIRST, [$BF]      
    	ShiftIn datapin, clockpin, LSBPRE, [rtcsec, rtcmin, rtchr, rtcdate, rtcmonth, rtcday, rtcyear, rtccontrol]
    	CS_DS = 0         
    	temp = (rtcsec/16) * 10 + (rtcsec//16)	
    	rtcsec = temp
    	temp = (rtcmin/16) * 10 + (rtcmin//16)
    	rtcmin = temp
    	temp = (rtchr/16) * 10 + (rtchr//16)
    	rtchr = temp
    	temp = (rtcyear/16) * 10 + (rtcyear//16)
    	rtcyear = temp
    	temp = (rtcday/16) * 10 + (rtcday//16)
    	rtcday = temp
    	temp = (rtcmonth/16) * 10 + (rtcmonth//16)
    	rtcmonth = temp
    	temp = (rtcdate/16) * 10 + (rtcdate//16)
    	rtcdate = temp
    		for I=0 to 3
    			low CS_Max2
    			shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[I+5,temp3 dig I]						
    			high CS_Max2 
    		next I
    		for I=0 to 7                              ' higher part of display
    			low CS_Max1
    			shiftout datapin,clockpin,1,[I+1,temp3 dig (I+2)]						
    			high CS_Max1 
    		next I		
    	rtcyear = $11
    	rtcday = $01
    	rtcmonth = $4
    	rtcdate = $5
    	rtchr = $11
    	rtcmin = $07
    	rtcsec = 0
    	CS_DS = 1        
    	ShiftOut datapin, clockpin, LSBFIRST, [$8E, 0]
    	CS_DS = 0         
    	CS_DS = 1         
    	ShiftOut datapin, clockpin, LSBFIRST, [$BE, rtcsec, rtcmin, rtchr, rtcdate, rtcmonth, rtcday, rtcyear, 0]
    	CS_DS = 0         
        if PIR1.0 = 1 then
          PIR1.0 = 0
          servo = 1
          pauseus 1000 + servoCounter
          servo = 0
          temp4 = preset
          TMR1H = temp4.highbyte
          TMR1L = temp4.lowbyte
          flag1 = 0
        if flag2 = 0 then
           if servoCounter >= 1000 then 
              flag2 = 1
              goto myint
           servoCounter = servoCounter + 5           
           if servoCounter <= 0 then 
              flag2 = 0
              goto myint
           servoCounter = servoCounter - 5
    Last edited by eggman; - 7th April 2011 at 15:09. Reason: credits

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