SHIFTOUT is not working

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default SHIFTOUT is not working

    Hi all,

    I am trying to write a PBP program to interface a PIC18F2520 to the MCP23S17 port expander (on the EasyPIC6 dev board).

    If you don't know the Port Expander is an SPI device that adds two 8 bit ports. To configure it you send a command byte ($40) followed by the register address you wish to write to and the value you wish to write (e.g. to set portA as an output you write $00 to the IODIRA register). Then to write a value to the port you send the command byte followed by the register GPIOA address and the value you wish to write, e.g. $FF to turn the port all ON.

    If you didn't understand the above don't worry - its not particularly important in understanding my problem.

    My program simply sets up the port expander by sending the appropriate bytes (see above) using the shiftout command and then runs a loop that increments a variable each cycle and writes it to the two ports on the port expander (which will just light some LEDs to give a visual indication that the port expander is working). The loop runs every 100ms and toggles PORTB.0 (an LED) on each cycle so I know that the program is running.

    I compiled the code and simulated it in ISIS and it works fine. However when I load it onto the PIC it does not work - the PORTB.0 LED flashes so the program is running, however the Port Expander LEDs do nothing. I put an oscilloscope on the nCS, SCLK and SDO lines to check that the data is being sent by the pic as it is in the simulation. I can see the nCS pin toggling as it should, however there is nothing on the SCLK and SDO lines. This means that despite the simulation running correctly the PIC is just not shifting the data out therefore the port expander is not anything.

    As an experiment I toggles the SCLK line manually inside the loop (just once up and once down) and put the scope on it. I can see this behaviour on the scope so I know that the pin is setup correctly as an output, it just isnt being driven by the shiftout command.

    I also tried shiftout on two other pins but got nothing on them either so perhaps its a setup problem?

    It seems odd that it simulates fine but does not function in reality, although I do not truly trust the ISIS simulation as I have seen it do very odd things in the past.

    If anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know as its beginning to drive me insane.

    Include "modedefs.bas"
        __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSC_XT_1H & _FCMEN_OFF_1H & _IESO_OFF_1H
        __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L & _BOREN_OFF_2L  & _BORV_2_2L
        __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H
        __CONFIG    _CONFIG4L, _STVREN_ON_4L
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' ==============================================================================
    TRISA = 0
    TRISC = 0
    TRISB = 0
    PORTA = 0
    PORTC = 0
    PORTB = 0
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' ADC Config
    ' ==============================================================================
        ADCON0.0 = 0          'Disable ADC Module
        ADCON1 = %00001111	  'Set PORTA to digital
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' Constants
    ' ==============================================================================
    CONTROL_BYTE con $40    ' write operation to device address $00
    IOCON con $0A
    IODIRA CON $00
    IODIRB CON $01
    GPIOA CON $14
    GPIOB con $15
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' Pin Definitions
    ' ==============================================================================
    SCLK var PORTC.3
    SDI var PORTC.4
    SDO var PORTC.5
    nCS var PORTA.2
    nRST var PORTA.3
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' Variables
    ' ==============================================================================
    Data_Byte var byte
    Register var byte
    LCD_Cmd var bit     ' denotes whether the data sent to the LCD is a command or
                        ' a character. i.e. determines the state of the RS pin
    LCD_Byte var byte   ' the byte to send to the LCD (character or command)
    gosub PE_INIT
    pause 250
    DATA_BYTE = $00
        pause 100
        'DATA_BYTE = $00
        gosub SEND_PE_BYTE
       ' DATA_BYTE = $00
        gosub SEND_PE_BYTE       
        toggle PORTB.0
        DATA_BYTE = DATA_BYTE + 1
    goto loop:
            nRST = 0 ' reset the port expander
            pause 10
            nRST = 1
            REGISTER = IOCON         
            DATA_BYTE = %00100000
            gosub SEND_PE_BYTE       ' setup IOCON for Bank 0 non-sequetial operation
            REGISTER = IODIRA
            DATA_BYTE = $00
            gosub SEND_PE_BYTE 
            REGISTER = IODIRB
            DATA_BYTE = $00
            gosub SEND_PE_BYTE       ' set PORTB as output
            nCS = 0 ' enable PE
            nCS = 1 '      
            pause 10

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

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    In case anyone else has the problem I did - i.e. SHIFTOUT not generating any signals, here is how I solved it:

    I should have followed the three standard debugging rules when it comes to odd behaviour in PICs:

    1. Check the MCLR pin isn't held low (it wasn't)
    2. Check there is a clock signal (there was)
    3. Check the CONFIG bits - HERES THE PROBLEM!

    I went through all of the CONFIG options and discovered that with Extended Instruction Set enabled SHIFTOUT did not work, but as soon as it was disabled everything worked as expected!

    I guess the simulation doesn't differentiate between extended and non-extended and just works in either case.

    Hope this helps anyone who has the same problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

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    Default ****out problem

    Thanks for your message, but what do you mean by " Extended Instruction " ?

    bye the way, I have a problem, not the same but ...

    I try to use also the SHIFTOUT command to send data to a PLL (via Clock and Data pins)
    I use the mode (1 or 5) but the clock is always at HIGH level and there is just a DOWN pulse
    From the help explanation (clock idles high or low) my understanding was
    clock idles low .... clock signal is at LOW level and a positive pulse occur
    clock idles High ... clock signal is at HIGH level and a négative pulse occur
    as I said I try mode 1 or 5, and I see NO difference on the oscilloscope !

    any idea ?


    Quote Originally Posted by awmt102 View Post


    In case anyone else has the problem I did - i.e. SHIFTOUT not generating any signals, here is how I solved it:

    I should have followed the three standard debugging rules when it comes to odd behaviour in PICs:

    1. Check the MCLR pin isn't held low (it wasn't)
    2. Check there is a clock signal (there was)
    3. Check the CONFIG bits - HERES THE PROBLEM!

    I went through all of the CONFIG options and discovered that with Extended Instruction Set enabled SHIFTOUT did not work, but as soon as it was disabled everything worked as expected!

    I guess the simulation doesn't differentiate between extended and non-extended and just works in either case.

    Hope this helps anyone who has the same problem.

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