8x8 keypad matrix...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default 8x8 keypad matrix...

    Hi, I got my 4x4 keypad working using keypad.bas file from Setve. Now I'm trying to modify it to create 8x8 PortB for rows and PortD for Columns. Kindly check my codes and schematic, I use 1k for the resistors.
    TRISB = %00000000 	
    PortB = 0 
    TRISD = %11111111 	
    PortD = 1  		
    ADCON1 = 7 		;Make PORTA and PORTE digital 				
    OPTION_REG.7 = 0 	
    INCLUDE "KeyPad.bas" 
        '    Hardware connection
        '    ===================
        DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW        8       ' 8 row 
        define KEYPAD_ROW_PORT   PORTB   '   on PORTB
        DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW_BIT    0       '      
        DEFINE KEYPAD_COL        8       ' 8 col 
        DEFINE KEYPAD_COL_BIT    0       '      
        '    Serial Communication definition
        '    ===============================
        DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h            ' enable transmit, BRGH=1
        DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 129            ' 9600 Bauds
        '    Variables definition 
        '    ===================
        myvar                    var byte
        '    ---------------------------------[Program Start]----------------------------------------------
        @ READKEYPAD _myvar
        hserout ["Key=",dec myvar,13,10]
        goto start
    thanks in advance,
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  2. #2
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    Hi mbox,
    Please, always, always post the PIC part number as some really are very different. I have gotten to the point of making a comment in all my code with that information.
    Did this work for you with the serial output on the "other" chip you were using?
    What chip "was" that?

    Did you edit keypad.bas to alert it as to the changes? (Best I remember it defines everything on PortB . .) .
    I have had no success porting the program Steve wrote for LLoyd Edwards to use serial LCDs, (did I remember to say thank you LLoyd?), Thank You LLoyd. I will have to revisit it as i probably did something bone headad like try to use Tx pin as output . . .
    Last edited by Archangel; - 22nd February 2010 at 03:09.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
    Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves
    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Gerogetown, Texas

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    here is some code I use for a 8X10 switch matrix I think you will get the idea how to modify it for a 8X8 matrix. I do not remember where I got the matrix part of this code so I can not give credit to the author. By the way I do not use any resistors. Works fine for me without.
    DEFINE OSC 48   
    ADCON1 = $F       'port A digital
    CMCON = 7         'PortA Digital
    PortE.7 = 1              'set weak pullups port D
    USBBufferSizeMax   con 8  ' maximum buffer size
    USBBufferSizeTX    con 8  ' input 
    USBBufferSizeRX    con 8  ' output
    ' the USB buffer...
    USBBuffer        Var Byte[USBBufferSizeMax] 
    USBBufferCount   Var Byte 
    TrisB = %00000000
    TrisD = %11111111
    TrisE.0 = 1
    TrisE.1 = 1
    shift  var byte
    keyout var byte
    keyold var byte
    K_Flag Var Bit
    Key	   Var Byte
    Debounce 	Var 	Bit 	  	' Flag to indicate a keypress.
    D_Flag 		Var 	Bit 	  	' Debounce flag used by Inkeys.
    keysend var byte
        '   Interrupt definition
        '   ====================
            '   USB interrupt used to keep USB connection alive
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,         Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    USB_INT,  _DoUSBService,   ASM,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    pause 500 
    usbinit ' initialise USB...
    USBService                                    ' keep connection alive
    UIE = $7F
    UEIE = $9F
    goto ProgramStart  
    ' This subroutine Scans the 16 button keypad and returns the key pressed in "KEY"
    ' If no key is pressed the value returned is 128.
    ' It also returns a Bit-Flag called DEBOUNCE which is 1 if a key is still in use
    ' And 0 if not. This acts as a debounce for the Keypad.
    	Debounce=1				' Setup the initial value for Debounce
    	Key=0					' Clear the variable KEY, prior to scanning
        Portb=%11111110				' Pull the fourth row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%11111101				' Pull the third row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%11111011				' Pull the second row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%11110111				' Pull the first row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%11101111				' Pull the fourth row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%11011111				' Pull the third row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%10111111				' Pull the second row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
        Portb=%01111111				' Pull the first row line LOW
    	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
    '    key=80
    '    Porta=%11111011				' Pull the fourth row line LOW
    '	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
    '	If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then map it 
    '	key=90
    '    Porta=%11110111				' Pull the third row line LOW
    '	Gosub Scancol				' Scan the columns
        If K_Flag=1 then goto Map		' If a key is pressed then m
        D_Flag=0				' No key pressed, so Reset debounce flag
    	Debounce=0 			        ' No key pressed, so Reset key Debounce flag
    	Goto Exit				' Exit from the subroutine
    ' Do the following code if a key has been pressed
    Map:	portb.0 = 0
    '        if porta.1 = 0 then
    '            shift = 1
    '            else
    '            shift = 0
    '        endif  
            If D_Flag=1 then exit 		' Already responded to this press, so exit
    	  D_Flag=1				' Set Debounce flag
    	  Debounce=0 				' Reset key Debounce flag
                                                             'Key Code
     Exit:	Lookup Key,[81,86,88,47,4,84,83,87,82,85,_    '0-9
                        20,0,21,0,0,0,19,24,17,22,_       '10-19
                        65,72,69,48,3,68,67,71,66,70,_    '20-29
                        28,0,29,0,0,0,27,0,25,30,_        '30-39
                        60,64,61,43,8,0,59,63,36,62,_     '40-49
                        44,40,37,42,7,0,35,39,41,38,_     '50-59
                        49,56,53,46,5,52,51,55,50,54,_    '60-69
                        73,80,77,45,6,76,75,79,74,78,_    '70-79
                        0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,_             '80-89
                        0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],Keyout       '90-99 Map of the keypad legends
        Return					' Exit from the subroutine
    ' This subroutine scans the columns
    ' The bit, K_Flag returns a 1 if a key is pressed, and 0 if no key pressed
    ' Also, if no key is pressed the variable KEY will return with the value of 16
    	K_Flag=1				' Set K_Flag initially to 1
    	If Portd.0=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the first column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Portd.1=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the second column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Portd.2=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the third column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Portd.3=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the fourth column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, KEY now equals 16
    	If Portd.4=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the first column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Portd.5=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the second column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Portd.6=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the third column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Portd.7=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the fourth column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, KEY now equals 16
    	If Porte.0=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the third column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, and try another row
    	If Porte.1=0 then S_Exit		' Return if a key on the fourth column is pressed
    	Key=Key+1				' Else increment KEY, KEY now equals 16	
        K_Flag=0				' Set the K_Flag to indicate no key pressed
        'key = 0
    S_Exit:	Return					' And exit the subroutine
    ' ************************************************************
    ' * receive data from the USB bus                            *
    ' ************************************************************
       USBBufferCount = USBBufferSizeRX              ' RX buffer size
       USBIn 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBIn   ' read data, if available
    ' ************************************************************
    ' * wait for USB interface to attach                         *
    ' ************************************************************
       USBBufferCount = USBBufferSizeTX              ' TX buffer size
       USBOut 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBOut ' if bus available, transmit data
       DoUSBService:    'Keeps USB alive
    @   INT_RETURN
    Again:	gosub Keyscan			  ' Go and scan the keypad
    	If K_Flag = 0 then	  ' If no key is pressed then do the following: -
    	Goto Again			  ' And look again when woken up.
    	'High Strobe  			  ' Enable the Strobe pin
            Pause 200			  ' Delay for 50ms after strobe pin is set HIGH
            if keyold != key then
            usbbuffer[0] = Keyout	  	  ' Transmit the KEY byte
      	    gosub dousbout
            keyold = keyout
    	Goto again			  ' Do it all again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

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    Thanks for the quick responce, I'm using pic16f877, the same PIC I use for my 4x4 keypad. If possible I want to make use the keypad.bas include file work for the 8x8. I did not make any changes to the keypad.bas but instead I include this in my code...
    DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW        8       ' 8 row 
        define KEYPAD_ROW_PORT   PORTB   '   on PORTB
        DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW_BIT    0       '      
        DEFINE KEYPAD_COL        8       ' 8 col 
    I also want to make clear, is the DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW_BIT and DEFINE KEYPAD_COL_BIT is where you suppose to connect your first row and column?


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbox View Post
    Thanks for the quick responce, I'm using pic16f877, the same PIC I use for my 4x4 keypad. If possible I want to make use the keypad.bas include file work for the 8x8. I did not make any changes to the keypad.bas but instead I include this in my code...
    DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW        8       ' 8 row 
        define KEYPAD_ROW_PORT   PORTB   '   on PORTB
        DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW_BIT    0       '      
        DEFINE KEYPAD_COL        8       ' 8 col 
    I also want to make clear, is the DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW_BIT and DEFINE KEYPAD_COL_BIT is where you suppose to connect your first row and column?

    I see mister_e has commented the DEFINES in keypad.bas you should scroll down and see this in amongst the assembly code:
    <font color=green>
        ;    Default settings
        ;    ================
        KB_ROW        = 4                                      ; 4 ROW keypad
        KB_ROW_PORT   = PORTB                                  ; Keypad ROW on PORTB
        KB_ROW_BIT    = 0                                      ; ROW0 = PORTB.0
        KB_COL        = 4                                      ; 4 COL keypad
        KB_COL_PORT   = PORTB                                  ; Keypad Col on PORTB
        KB_COL_BIT    = 4                                      ; COL0 = PORTB.4
        DebounceDelay = d'200'                                 ; debounce delay 200mSec
    </font color>
    I do not know if the defines will override this or not, somehow I doubt it, but it very well may.
    Also here are some threads on this subject:
    Last edited by Archangel; - 23rd February 2010 at 02:31.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
    Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves
    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

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    Default Re: 8x8 keypad matrix...

    Hello In your code you have enabled pullups resistor to vcc in portb so please change your ports
    because "Column bits must have Pull-up resistor attach to VCC"
    DEFINE KEYPAD_ROW 6 ' 6 row
    DEFINE KEYPAD_COL 4 ' 4 col
    Last edited by VinuPP; - 9th October 2014 at 18:45.

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