config bits

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Thread: config bits

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default config bits

    i bought a pickit 3,having a chip 18f45k20.
    i have asked for help on the config bits and i got this reply
    @ __config _config1h,fosc_hspll1h
    @ __config _config2h, _wdten_on_2h & wdtps_5122h
    @__config _config3h, _mclre_off_3h & _pbaden_off_3h
    @__config _config4l, _lvp_off_4l & _xinst_off_4l

    non of the above seems to work.i get a code 118 error.
    i want to get the leds on portd to work ,with internal osc
    buying the pickit 3 was a cool thing for me but i never guessed that the chip could be so mind boggling.
    i have tried to read the data sheet,but i just need a kick start.

    this is the code i have,but i am sure there is still code missing

    ' config bits which don't seem to work
    PORTD=%00000000 ' all pins on port d are outputs
    Led var portd.7 '
    high led
    pause 500
    low led
    goto GO

    from the above code i know i am missing code.

    can someone please help me out of my dillemma.

    maybe i should rather have bought C and not pbp

  2. #2
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    Read this link:
    before you can put those configs into your code, you have to comment out the default configs, located in the file which should be in the root directory of your PBP install. Oh and you will have to make MPASM the default assembler in MCS in order to compile for 18F series. In Microcode Studio, Click view, Compile and program options, assembler tab, and check mpasm. Oh and PBP is WAAAAAY easier than C.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 9th February 2010 at 09:02.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default config bits

    i believe that pbp is easier than c but i have had a squizz at the inc file.

    i have tried the examples written in c,and they work.
    mpasm is my default.

    explain what you mean with the following?

    you have to comment out the default configs, located in the file which should be in the root directory of your PBP install.
    maybe this is where i am going wrong.

    wrt the inc file.
    the bottom half of the inc file has the following:

    _FOSC_LP_1H EQU H'F0' ; LP oscillator
    _FOSC_XT_1H EQU H'F1' ; XT oscillator
    _FOSC_HS_1H EQU H'F2' ; HS oscillator
    _FOSC_RC_1H EQU H'F3' ; External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on RA6
    _FOSC_EC_1H EQU H'F4' ; EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on RA6
    _FOSC_ECIO6_1H EQU H'F5' ; EC oscillator, port function on RA6
    _FOSC_HSPLL_1H EQU H'F6' ; HS oscillator, PLL enabled (Clock Frequency = 4 x FOSC1)
    _FOSC_RCIO6_1H EQU H'F7' ; External RC oscillator, port function on RA6
    _FOSC_INTIO67_1H EQU H'F8' ; Internal oscillator block, port function on RA6 and RA7
    _FOSC_INTIO7_1H EQU H'F9' ; Internal oscillator block, CLKOUT function on RA6, port function on RA7

    _FCMEN_OFF_1H EQU H'BF' ; Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
    _FCMEN_ON_1H EQU H'FF' ; Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled

    _IESO_OFF_1H EQU H'7F' ; Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
    _IESO_ON_1H EQU H'FF' ; Oscillator Switchover mode enabled

    ;----- CONFIG2L Options --------------------------------------------------
    _PWRT_ON_2L EQU H'FE' ; PWRT enabled
    _PWRT_OFF_2L EQU H'FF' ; PWRT disabled

    _BOREN_OFF_2L EQU H'F9' ; Brown-out Reset disabled in hardware and software
    _BOREN_ON_2L EQU H'FB' ; Brown-out Reset enabled and controlled by software (SBOREN is enabled)
    _BOREN_NOSLP_2L EQU H'FD' ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only and disabled in Sleep mode (SBOREN is disabled)
    _BOREN_SBORDIS_2L EQU H'FF' ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)

    _BORV_30_2L EQU H'E7' ; VBOR set to 3.0 V nominal
    _BORV_27_2L EQU H'EF' ; VBOR set to 2.7 V nominal
    _BORV_22_2L EQU H'F7' ; VBOR set to 2.2 V nominal
    _BORV_18_2L EQU H'FF' ; VBOR set to 1.8 V nominal

    ;----- CONFIG2H Options --------------------------------------------------
    _WDTEN_OFF_2H EQU H'FE' ; WDT is controlled by SWDTEN bit of the WDTCON register
    _WDTEN_ON_2H EQU H'FF' ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect.

    _WDTPS_1_2H EQU H'E1' ; 1:1
    _WDTPS_2_2H EQU H'E3' ; 1:2
    _WDTPS_4_2H EQU H'E5' ; 1:4
    _WDTPS_8_2H EQU H'E7' ; 1:8
    _WDTPS_16_2H EQU H'E9' ; 1:16
    _WDTPS_32_2H EQU H'EB' ; 1:32
    _WDTPS_64_2H EQU H'ED' ; 1:64
    _WDTPS_128_2H EQU H'EF' ; 1:128
    _WDTPS_256_2H EQU H'F1' ; 1:256
    _WDTPS_512_2H EQU H'F3' ; 1:512
    _WDTPS_1024_2H EQU H'F5' ; 1:1024
    _WDTPS_2048_2H EQU H'F7' ; 1:2048
    _WDTPS_4096_2H EQU H'F9' ; 1:4096
    _WDTPS_8192_2H EQU H'FB' ; 1:8192
    _WDTPS_16384_2H EQU H'FD' ; 1:16384
    _WDTPS_32768_2H EQU H'FF' ; 1:32768

    ;----- CONFIG3H Options --------------------------------------------------
    _MCLRE_OFF_3H EQU H'7F' ; RE3 input pin enabled; MCLR disabled
    _MCLRE_ON_3H EQU H'FF' ; MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled

    _HFOFST_OFF_3H EQU H'F7' ; The system clock is held off until the HF-INTOSC is stable.
    _HFOFST_ON_3H EQU H'FF' ; HF-INTOSC starts clocking the CPU without waiting for the oscillator to stablize.

    _LPT1OSC_OFF_3H EQU H'FB' ; Disabled, T1 operates in standard power mode.
    _LPT1OSC_ON_3H EQU H'FF' ; Timer1 configured for low-power operation

    _PBADEN_OFF_3H EQU H'FD' ; PORTB<4:0> pins are configured as digital I/O on Reset
    _PBADEN_ON_3H EQU H'FF' ; PORTB<4:0> pins are configured as analog input channels on Reset

    _CCP2MX_PORTBE_3H EQU H'FE' ; CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RB3
    _CCP2MX_PORTC_3H EQU H'FF' ; CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RC1

    ;----- CONFIG4L Options --------------------------------------------------
    _STVREN_OFF_4L EQU H'FE' ; Stack full/underflow will not cause Reset
    _STVREN_ON_4L EQU H'FF' ; Stack full/underflow will cause Reset

    _LVP_OFF_4L EQU H'FB' ; Single-Supply ICSP disabled
    _LVP_ON_4L EQU H'FF' ; Single-Supply ICSP enabled

    _XINST_OFF_4L EQU H'BF' ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
    _XINST_ON_4L EQU H'FF' ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode enabled

    _DEBUG_ON_4L EQU H'7F' ; Background debugger enabled, RB6 and RB7 are dedicated to In-Circuit Debug
    _DEBUG_OFF_4L EQU H'FF' ; Background debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 configured as general purpose I/O pins

    ;----- CONFIG5L Options --------------------------------------------------
    _CP0_ON_5L EQU H'FE' ; Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) code-protected
    _CP0_OFF_5L EQU H'FF' ; Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not code-protected

    _CP1_ON_5L EQU H'FD' ; Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) code-protected
    _CP1_OFF_5L EQU H'FF' ; Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not code-protected

    _CP2_ON_5L EQU H'FB' ; Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) code-protected
    _CP2_OFF_5L EQU H'FF' ; Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not code-protected

    _CP3_ON_5L EQU H'F7' ; Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) code-protected
    _CP3_OFF_5L EQU H'FF' ; Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not code-protected

    ;----- CONFIG5H Options --------------------------------------------------
    _CPB_ON_5H EQU H'BF' ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) code-protected
    _CPB_OFF_5H EQU H'FF' ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected

    _CPD_ON_5H EQU H'7F' ; Data EEPROM code-protected
    _CPD_OFF_5H EQU H'FF' ; Data EEPROM not code-protected

    ;----- CONFIG6L Options --------------------------------------------------
    _WRT0_ON_6L EQU H'FE' ; Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) write-protected
    _WRT0_OFF_6L EQU H'FF' ; Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not write-protected

    _WRT1_ON_6L EQU H'FD' ; Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) write-protected
    _WRT1_OFF_6L EQU H'FF' ; Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not write-protected

    _WRT2_ON_6L EQU H'FB' ; Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) write-protected
    _WRT2_OFF_6L EQU H'FF' ; Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not write-protected

    _WRT3_ON_6L EQU H'F7' ; Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) write-protected
    _WRT3_OFF_6L EQU H'FF' ; Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not write-protected

    ;----- CONFIG6H Options --------------------------------------------------
    _WRTB_ON_6H EQU H'BF' ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) write-protected
    _WRTB_OFF_6H EQU H'FF' ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected

    _WRTC_ON_6H EQU H'DF' ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) write-protected
    _WRTC_OFF_6H EQU H'FF' ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected

    _WRTD_ON_6H EQU H'7F' ; Data EEPROM write-protected
    _WRTD_OFF_6H EQU H'FF' ; Data EEPROM not write-protected

    ;----- CONFIG7L Options --------------------------------------------------
    _EBTR0_ON_7L EQU H'FE' ; Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    _EBTR0_OFF_7L EQU H'FF' ; Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks

    _EBTR1_ON_7L EQU H'FD' ; Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    _EBTR1_OFF_7L EQU H'FF' ; Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks

    _EBTR2_ON_7L EQU H'FB' ; Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    _EBTR2_OFF_7L EQU H'FF' ; Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks

    _EBTR3_ON_7L EQU H'F7' ; Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    _EBTR3_OFF_7L EQU H'FF' ; Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks

    ;----- CONFIG7H Options --------------------------------------------------
    _EBTRB_ON_7H EQU H'BF' ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    _EBTRB_OFF_7H EQU H'FF' ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks


    _IDLOC0 EQU H'200000'
    _IDLOC1 EQU H'200001'
    _IDLOC2 EQU H'200002'
    _IDLOC3 EQU H'200003'
    _IDLOC4 EQU H'200004'
    _IDLOC5 EQU H'200005'
    _IDLOC6 EQU H'200006'
    _IDLOC7 EQU H'200007'

    this i got from microchip/mpasm suite.

    as per above discussion must it come from pbp install.if so please elaborate.
    how does the inc file fit into all the programming if taking into consideration that i must set the config bits in the program i am writing?

  4. #4
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    The .inc file Joe is referring to is located in the PBP directory - it's not the one in the MPASM directory. If you open it up you'll see something like this: (this is for another PIC though)
            LIST p = 18F4220, r = dec, w = -302, f = inhx32
            INCLUDE "P18F4220.INC"  ; MPASM  Header
            __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _XT_OSC_1H
            __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _BOR_ON_2L & _BORV_20_2L & _PWRT_ON_2L
            __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H
            __CONFIG    _CONFIG3H, _MCLRE_ON_3H & _CCP2MX_ON_3H
            __CONFIG    _CONFIG4L, _STVR_ON_4L & _LVP_OFF_4L & _DEBUG_OFF_4L
    It's these __CONFIG lines you're supposed to comment out in order to have them in your program OR you can edit them to suit your need in the .inc file directly but make sure you back up the original.

    The file you're looking at (from the MPASM directory) is what defines names for the various CONFIG-settings (and everything else in the PIC) and it is what shows you WHICH cofig bits are available and in which CONFIG-word they are for that particular PIC.

    As you can see, the .inc file from the MPASM directory is included in the project BY the .inc file in the PBP-directory (the line INCLUDE "P18F4220.INC" ; MPASM Header. It does this in order to allow you to, in your program, use "names" like PORTD, TRISD, TMR0 instead of the actual memory adress for the particular register.

    Here's a part of the file you quoted earlier:
    ;----- CONFIG2H Options --------------------------------------------------
    _WDTEN_OFF_2H EQU H'FE' ; WDT is controlled by SWDTEN bit of the WDTCON register
    _WDTEN_ON_2H EQU H'FF' ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect.
    _WDTPS_1_2H EQU H'E1' ; 1:1
    _WDTPS_2_2H EQU H'E3' ; 1:2
    _WDTPS_4_2H EQU H'E5' ; 1:4
    _WDTPS_8_2H EQU H'E7' ; 1:8
    This shows you the names for the "config options" available in the CONFIG2H word, so if you want to enable the Watchdog timer and set its prescaler to 1:4 you do:
    Now, this IS a confusing subject and it comes up here a lot. I usually use a bootloader and seldom mess with the CONFIG fuses in the program so I'm not very confident with it either but I hope I haven't screwed up my explanation, if I have I'm sure someone will jump in and straighten it out.


  5. #5
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    but please explaine the following.

    comment out.

    if i understand correctly!
    the inc file within the pbp, i copy and paste it in pbp program

    or do i have to change it within the inc file?

  6. #6
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    If you want to set the CONFIG fuses in YOUR program they can't be set in the .inc file TOO, which they are by default. In order to be able to set them in YOUR you need to take them out of the .inc file.

    Commenting out means convert the lines to comments so that they don't get compiled/assembled. You do that with a semicolon, like this:
            LIST p = 18F4220, r = dec, w = -302, f = inhx32
            INCLUDE "P18F4220.INC"  ; MPASM  Header
    ;        __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _XT_OSC_1H
    ;        __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _BOR_ON_2L & _BORV_20_2L & _PWRT_ON_2L
    ;        __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H
    ;        __CONFIG    _CONFIG3H, _MCLRE_ON_3H & _CCP2MX_ON_3H
    ;        __CONFIG    _CONFIG4L, _STVR_ON_4L & _LVP_OFF_4L & _DEBUG_OFF_4L
    See the semicolon at the beginning of the lines - this is effectively the same as deleting those lines from the file but "commenting them out" instead allows you to easily revert back if need be.

    Here's what happens. When you compile a program the compiler automatically adds the .inc file that is located in the PBP folder. The code in this file automatically adds the .inc file located in the MPASM folder.

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