Here is a driver written in assembly for the MCP3204 or MCP3208 12 bit A/D converter.
I've included the PBP defines to use it with the 16F628 and can be dropped in your program exactly as shown.
It will scan through the inputs and store the results in an array.
'*	The following must be defined in PBP (PIC16F628) Fuses are example only.
'*************************************** FUSES ***********************************
TRISA=%00110000     'PortA data direction. 1=Input, 0=Output. Default is all inputs    
TRISB=%11100010     'PortB data direction. 1=Input, 0=Output. Default is all inputs
CMCON=7                    'Turn off analog comparators
DEFINE OSC 4            '4 MHz oscillator
PAUSE 100                  'Wait .1 second
ADCE          VAR	PORTB.3     'A/D Chip enable  Output
AH	    VAR	BYTE	    'Input = Channel select, Output High byte conversion
AL	    VAR	BYTE	    'Output Low byte conversion
CLK              VAR      PORTB.0     'Clock pin  -> Output
DATAOUT   VAR	PORTB.1     'IO -> Processor  <-Input
DATAIN	    VAR	PORTB.2     'Processor -> IO  ->Output
RESULT      VAR      WORD[8]     '8 position array. Change to suit your needs
SPI_CNT	    VAR	BYTE	    'Bit count for SPI  ->Output
Temp            VAR      WORD        'Temporary storage a/d readings 

'*********************************** MAIN PROGRAM ***************************
       	J=0		    'Clear counter
        For J=0 to 3                        	    'Loop through 4 inputs. Change to suit your needs
	AH=J                              'Select channel 
	GOSUB	MCP3204    'Get A/D data
	Temp.highbyte=ah        'Add High byte to Temp
                  Temp.lowbyte=al           'Add Low byte to Temp
	RESULT[J]=Temp         'Store in array
        NEXT J
	GOSUB Somewhere and do stuff with RESULT[x]


'*********************************** ASM Routine ********************************
	swapf	_AH,f		;Channel select to high nibble
	bsf	_AH,7		;Set for single ended
	rrf	_AH,f		;Position channel select for device
	bsf	_AH,7		;Set start bit
	bcf	_ADCE		;Enable device
	movlw	_AH		;Point to channel select in AH
	movwf	FSR		;	/
	movlw	5		;send out 5 bits
	movwf	_SPI_CNT
	call	doutw		;	/
	movlw	6		;read 6 bits
	movwf	_SPI_CNT
	call	dinw		;Null bit + upper 4 bits of data to AH
	movlw	_AL		;Point to AL to read lower 8 bits of data
	movwf	FSR		;	/
	call	din8		;	/
	movlw	0x0f		;Mask out upper 4 bits of AH
	andwf	_AH,f		;	/
	bsf	_ADCE		;Disable device
	goto	Done
doutw	movwf   _SPI_CNT             
dout	bcf	_DATAIN		;Assume that the bit to be transfered is a
				;'0'.  Hence, de-assert DATAIN.
	rlf	INDF, F		;Rotate the actual bit to be transferred into
				;the carry bit.
	btfsc	STATUS,C	;Test the carry, if our assumption was
				;correct, skip the next instruction.
	bsf	_DATAIN		;No, actual bit was a '1'.  Assert DATAIN.
	bsf	_CLK		;Clock (CLK) = '1'.
	nop			;Adjust the number of nop instructions
				;between the assertion and de-assertion of
				;CLK in proportion to the PIC operating
	bcf	CLK		;Clock (CLK) = '0'.
	decfsz	_SPI_CNT, F	;Repeat until cnt = 0.
	goto	dout		;Cnt still > 0.
	rlf	INDF, F		;Restore register to its original condition.
	bcf	_DATAIN		;make sure DATAIN is low        
din8	movlw	8		;Initialize loop counter.
dinw	movwf	_SPI_CNT		;  
din   	bcf	STATUS,C	;assume data zero
	btfsc	_DATAOUT		;test DATAOUT for zero
	bsf	STATUS,C	;if not zero set carry
	rlf	INDF, F		;rotate data 
	bsf	_CLK		;Clock (CLK) = '1'.
	nop			;Adjust the number of nop instructions
				;between the assertion and de-assertion of
				;CLK in proportion to the PIC operating
	bcf	_CLK		;Clock (CLK) = '0'.
	decfsz	_SPI_CNT, F	;Repeat until cnt = 0.
	goto	din		;Cnt still > 0.