I currently have my PC's serial port ready to send and receive to the PIC 18F4520....
I have a max232n connected and have connected the pic to the correct pins on the max232n.
I would like to receive the data in hyperterminal.
BUT would also like to experiment with HSEROUT and DEBUG etc

SO here are the questions.

Of the following choices SEROUT,HSEROUT or DEBUG which one do I choose
1.To communicate between two pics

2.From PC to PIC which one should I choose in the following instances
A.Without a max232n
B.With a max232n

3.From PIC to RF

4.From PIC to IR

For all the above when may I use the internal oscillator and when not ?

And lastly ....
Assuming the Port I would like to transmit/send the data out of is PORT C6
and the receiving port is PORT C 7,
would the line be something like
SerOut PinNumber,T2400,DataOut
Pause 100 'Delay for Receive viewing
goto Loop