Hello to all of you,

I started with an idea for a datarecorder using a 16F877, i2c eeprom and rtc/thermometer and got it working after a couple of weeks of testing/rewiring/re-testing.

Now what I want to do is to have a second 877 to "just" read the eeprom on the idle time of the first pic. For what I've read this is a multi-master scheme, the problems I have now are probably due to a lack of multi-master config in PBP? because when I place the 2nd master in the bus, it starts reading from the eeprom, and suddenly, the RTC goes crazy (somehow gets setup with weird data like 76:89:40 on the time registers) and neither pic is sending configuration data to the RTC.

Is there a way to emulate the I2CRead/Write routines in a way that allows me to have the multi-master setup?

All help is appreciated.

