
In my apliacation, I will make a scan to several pcb boards through serial communication. For test purpose, i have only one pcb connect to the PC trough a USBtoRS232 converter, later, it must work as a wireless network. On the boards scan procedur, the PC application send data to ask the boards one after another, if they have new data to store on the PC aplicattion. Everytime the asked PCBboard have no data, after a timeout on the PC applications, the programm on the PC ask the next pcb board, and so on...It works about 15...30 Minutes perfectly, after that period, in one of the scan phases, the pcb board that have new data, try to send and freeze the communication, the program on the PC doesn't receive the data anymore. I have to unplug the USBtoRS232 converter and plug again and restart the PC application. Have somebody an idea how to solve this problem. Due this application have to work continually and autonomous, nobody won't exist to unplug and plug the USBtoRS232 again restart the PC application.

Best regards

''Here part of code that freeze the communication after 30 minutes with 18F4520

engine = 2

SERIN2 rx_,bmode,500,final,[wait ("P"),dec2 function,dec3 board, dec3 dumy] ''receive the comando what to do
'     *******************  PC ask the if have new data, the flag  reg_complet have this information *******************
if (function = 30) and (engine = board) and (reg_complet = 1) then 

''read the data from the 18F4520 eeprom
  read 10,tmp0
  read 11,tmp1
  read 12,tmp2
  read 13,tmp3
  read 14,tmp4
  read 15,tmp5
  read 16,tmp6
  read 17,tmp7
  read 18,tmp8
  read 19,tmp9
  read 20,tmp10
  read 21,tmp11
  read 22,tmp12
  read 23,tmp13
  read 24,tmp14
  read 25,tmp15
  read 26,tecnico1
  read 27,tecnico0               
''send the new data to the PC
serout2 tx_,bmode,["dumi",";",hex2 tmp0,";",hex2 tmp1,";",hex2 tmp2,_
                             ";",hex2 tmp3,";",hex2 tmp4,";",hex2 tmp5,_
                             ";",hex2 tmp6,";",hex2 tmp7,";",hex2 tmp8,_
                             ";",hex2 tmp9,";",hex2 tmp10,";",hex2 tmp11,_
                             ";",dec3 tmp12,";",dec3 tmp13,";",dec3 tmp14,_
                             ";",hex2 tmp15,";",hex4 tecnico,13,10]
serout2 tx_,bmode,["y",13,10] ''end of data
SERIN2 rx_,bmode,5000,final,[wait ("OK"),dec3 board] ''wait during 5 seg a confirmation from the PC application that have received the new data
 if board = engine then
 reg_completo = 0   ''data received, clear the flag that have no more new data to send
 write 4, reg_complet ''save the flag for posterior test