Error[105] C:\PBP\12F629.INC 21 : Cannot open file (Include File "P12F629.INC" not found)
Error[113] C:\PBP\12F629.INC 22 : Symbol not previously defined (_INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT)
Error[113] C:\PBP\12F629.INC 22 : Symbol not previously defined (_WDT_ON)
Error[113] C:\PBP\12F629.INC 22 : Symbol not previously defined (_MCLRE_ON)
Error[113] C:\PBP\12F629.INC 22 : Symbol not previously defined (_CP_OFF)

This confuses me because... I havent changed anything since yesterday other than I installed C18. However my other projects with 18F2520 still compile. A whole ****load of errors after these ensue, but I believe its due to the first one. I checked and C:\PBP\15F629.INC is there...