Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Stuart, FL USA

    Default Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

    Hi Experts,

    I have a very simple task to perform. I need to pass a couple of bytes from one PIC12F683 to another PIC12F683 and can't get it to work! I've tried everything that I could think of and can't pinpoint the problem. I am using GPIO.5. I have been very successful with SERIN in other projects. In fact, I am receiving packets from a radio receiver using GPIO.0 on this same PIC and it works fine. For some reason GPIO.5 is not cooperating.

    The Weak Pullup on GPIO.5 (DataOut) pin is enabled and the data is transmitted and received True". My idle state is in the "Mark" condition (High).

    The TX PIC sends this -
    Serout DataOut,1,[ProgID,IDByte] ' Xmit Qualifier and new ID

    The TX PIC is sending the packet out. I have my oscilloscope connected to verify it. I don't think the Qualifier is being recognized or processed. What am I missing???

    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''

    Receiver Code -


    ; set CONFIG1 for internal oscillator, watchdog on, MCLR pin as OFF
    __config _WDTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _INTOSCIO & _PWRTE_ON


    OSCCON = 100000 ' Set system clock 4MHz(1MHz internal w/x4 PLL enabled)

    DEFINE OSC 4 ' Calibrate PBP timing to 4MHz system clock

    OPTION_REG = 000000 ' Enable Weak Pullups Control
    WPU = 100000 ' Disable all Weak Pullups except GPIO.5
    ANSEL = 0000 ' No analog inputs
    TRISIO = 1001 ' Make GP1, GP2 outputs. GP0, GP3, GP4 & GP5 = inputs
    CMCON0 = 0111 ' Turn off comparators
    ADCON0 = 0 ' Turn off A/D

    IDByte var byte ' Receiver ID.
    AlarmByte var Byte ' Received Alarm
    AlarmVal var byte ' Alarm Zone(s)
    RxIn var GPIO.0 ' Incoming Packet Port
    Z1Alarm var GPIO.2 ' Zone1 Alarm LED
    Z2Alarm var GPIO.1 ' Zone2 Alarm LED
    ByteSum var Byte ' IDByte & AlarmByte Sum Value
    ChkSum var byte ' ChkSum value to test
    ProgID var byte ' Programmer Present Verify
    PrgIn var GPIO.5 ' Programmer Detect & Data Port
    IDByteRx var byte ' New IDByte
    ProgIDRx var byte ' Received Programmer ID

    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''

    Serin PrgIn,1,5000,PassProg,[ProgIDRx],IDByteRx ' Wait for 5 seconds for new I.D. to arrive
    if ProgIDRx = $A THEN GOSUB UpdateID ' Verify arrival and execute UpdateID Subroutine
    PassProg: ' No Packet received - Timeout reached - Jump out and repeat
    PAUSE 500
    GOTO MainLoop

    Z1Alarm = 1 : Z2Alarm = 1 ' LEDs to Confirm programing Subroutine
    PAUSE 500
    Z1Alarm = 0 : Z2Alarm = 0 ' Turn off LEDs
    PAUSE 1000
    Z1Alarm = 1 : Z2Alarm = 1 ' LEDs to Confirm in programing mode
    PAUSE 1000
    Z1Alarm = 0 : Z2Alarm = 0 ' Turn off LEDs
    IDByte = IDByteRx
    Write 1, IDByte ' Write new ID to EEPROM



    I appreciate your help. Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

    I have not looked closely at your code yet and I don't know if this will make any difference but I did react to the following:
    The Weak Pullup on GPIO.5 (DataOut) pin is enabled and the data is transmitted and received True".
    Please note that the WPU is turned off when pin is configures as an output. See section 4.2.2 in the datasheet.

    Apart from that, are both PICs on the same PCB, sharing the same power supply and, more importantly, the same ground?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Stuart, FL USA

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    Default Re: Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

    Thank you Henrik for you prompt reply.

    The Receiver PIC's GPIO.5 is indeed configured as an input and the two systems do share a common ground.

    Transmit PIC - GPIO.2 is set as an output and the outbound packet is sent by SEROUT DataOut,1,[ProgID,IDByte]

    Receive PIC
    - GPIO.5 is set as an input and is configured to receive the packet by SERIN

    I didn't include the transmitter PIC code because the oscilloscope verified that the packet is being sent.

    I wonder... what logic state should SERIN be idling at? I have it at logic high to generate a "mark" condition.

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

    two thoughts looking at your code.........
    ...ProgIDRx = $A............ did you CLEAR ProgIDRx after reception and might need to be ....$"A" not sure but

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
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    Default Re: Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

    Hi Amgen,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, ProgIDRx is cleared. And its value is $A (or10). But, I haven't been able to receive it yet because nothing is being received. SERIN always exits upon the 5 second Timeout variable "PassProg" as if nothing is present at the pin.

    And, in addition, If I had noise on the pin, SERIN would never time out. So, that indicates that SERIN is, at least, partially working, I would think.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Melbourne Australia

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    Default Re: Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC

    I don't really use serin so I can't be of much help, but just to educate me: isn't the contents inside the square brackets a qualifier or filter - like the WAIT modifier in serin2?


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