Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Merseyside, UK

    Smile Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Hi thank you for reading…

    Using a 16f818/819

    I am attempting to put something together that is asleep most of the time and only wakes up for a minute or so to read a display when a button is pressed…To save battery power.

    I was thinking of using the ON INTERRUPT command on RB0 , And @SLEEP (the asm version, not the PicBasic Pro)

    At the moment I am using the internal Pullups …(Option_Reg.7) … Some talk suggests issues on wakeup ?

    I have no code yet as am looking for examples most of what I can find confuses me… I can do hardware but software is not easy !!

    Any help / pointers welcome

    Thank you for reading.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818


    Here is one way to do that ( Pic is a 18F2520 )

    	LCDOUT $FE,2, "BYE-BYE "
    	For I = 8 to 0	Step -1					'Animation arret
    		LCDOUT 	$FE,$C0,REP "*"\I," "			'	...  4s 			
    		PAUSE 500
    	NEXT I
    	PORTB.4 	= 0					'Ports LCD à 0
    	PORTB.5 	= 0
    	PORTC.7 	= 0					' PortC à 0
    	PORTC.6 	= 0
    	PORTC.5 	= 0
    	PORTC.4 	= 0	
    	AlLCD 		= 1					' Coupure LCD
    	AlRef 		= 0					' Coupure Vref	
    	ADCON0.0	= 0					' Désactivation ADC
    	T3CON.0		= 0				' arret TMR3
    	T1CON.0		= 0				' arret TMR1
    	T0CON.7 	= 0				' arret TMR0
    	INTCON.7 	= 0			' Wakeup sans interruptions
    	INTCON3.0 	= 0						' reset flag INT1
    	INTCON3.3 	= 1			' validation INT1 pour réveil
    	Alim		= 0			'Coupure alimentation
    	Signal 		= 0			'Extinction voyant régime
    @ SLEEP
    @ Nop						' Redémarrage par mise du contact sans coupure générale
    							' Arret par décharge capa alim. 
    	INTCON3.3 	= 0			'Neutralisation INT1
    	INTCON3.0 	= 0			'Reset Flag INT1
    	Alim		= 1			'Remise alimentation si remise contact rapide.
    Wakeup: 'Début du Programme - reveil du PIC / Affichage Memoire
    FLAGS 	= 0					' Validation Reset LCD
    	PORTB.4 = 0					'Ports LCD à 0
    	PORTB.5 = 0
    	PORTC.7 = 0					' PortC.4-7 à 0
    	PORTC.6 = 0
    	PORTC.5 = 0
    	PORTC.4 = 0
    Reveil 	= 1
    LSelect	= 0
    GOTO Load				'Rechargement mémoires et Affichage de Départ
    Here, the processor stops and restarts @ the line after the "@Sleep" command, because GIE bit has been disabled.
    The @NOP is highly recommended here ...

    IF GIE is not disabled , processor will jump to the Interrupt stubb ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Merci Alain.

    I'm keeping a link to this thread.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Hello again...

    Have put together some code as I see it... :-

    ' Name        : PI.pbp
    ' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.5
    ' Assembler   : MPASM
    ' Target PIC  : PIC16F628A or similar type
    ' Hardware    : VeroBoard
    ' Oscillator  : 4Megs Internal
    ' Keywords    : I2CREAD, I2CWRITE, LCDOUT
    ' Description : PICBASIC PRO program for an LCD clock program
    ' using the Dallas DS1307 I2C RTC.
    ' Define LCD pins
            DEFINE LCD_EBIT 6
    ' Alias pins
            SDA Var PORTB.1
            SCL Var PORTB.4
            wakebutton var PORTB.0 'shake
            lcdandrtc var PORTA.6 'LCD and RTC ON/OFF
            timeout1 var byte
            'timeout2 var byte
    ' Allocate variables
            RTCYear  Var Byte
            RTCMonth Var Byte
            RTCDate  Var Byte
            RTCDay   Var Byte
            RTCHour  Var Byte
            RTCMin   Var Byte
            RTCSec   Var Byte
            RTCCtrl  Var Byte
            TRISA=0 'outputs
            TRISB=15 'Bit 0,1,2,3 inputs
            CMCON=7 'turns  off analogs
    wakeup: INTCON=%00010000 'RB0 is interrupt
            OPTION_REG.6=0 'Trig on falling
            OPTION_REG.7=0 'Enables pull ups       
            Pause 500            ' Wait for LCD to startup
            Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            Lcdout "WELCOME TO"  ' Display WELCOME TO 
            Lcdout $fe, $C0, "      PI DAY" ' Display  PI Day
            Pause 2000       ' Wait 2 seconds
            Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            'Set initial time 
            RTCYear = $15
            RTCMonth = $03
            RTCDate = $03
            RTCDay = $06
            RTCHour = $20
            RTCMin = $46
            RTCSec = 0
            RTCCtrl = 0
            'Gosub settime        ' Set the time
            Goto mainloop        ' Skip over subroutines
    ' Subroutine to write time to RTC
    'settime:I2CWrite SDA, SCL, $D0, $00, [RTCSec, RTCMin, RTCHour, RTCDay, RTCDate, RTCMonth, RTCYear, RTCCtrl]
    '        Return
    ' Subroutine to read time from RTC
    gettime:I2CRead SDA, SCL, $D0, $00, [RTCSec, RTCMin, RTCHour, RTCDay, RTCDate, RTCMonth, RTCYear, RTCCtrl]
    ' Main program loop 
    mainloop:Gosub gettime        ' Read the time from the RTC
            ' Display time on LCD
            'Lcdout $fe, 1, hex2 RTCMonth, "/", hex2 RTCDate, "/" , hex2 RTCYear,_
            '"  ", hex2 RTCHour, ":", hex2 RTCMin, ":", hex2 RTCSec
            Lcdout $fe, 1, HEX2 RTCDate, "/", HEX2 RTCMonth,"   ", HEX2 RTCHour, ":", HEX2 RTCMin, ":", HEX2 RTCSec
            IF RTCHour <=$12 then  gosub morning
            IF RTCHour >=$13 then  gosub afternoon
            IF RTCHour=$03 and RTCMin=$14 Then CACHE ' Morning Cache
            IF RTCHour=$15 and RTCMin=$14 Then CACHE ' Afternoon Cache
            if rtcmin=(timeout1+2) then bedtime
            Pause 500            ' Do it about 2 times a second
            Goto mainloop        ' Do it forever
    morning:    Lcdout $fe, $C0, "CACHE @  3:14AM"
    afternoon:  Lcdout $fe, $C0, "CACHE @ 3:14PM" 
    CACHE:  Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            Lcdout $fe, $C0, "CACHE IS LOCATED"
            PAUSE 2000
            Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            Lcdout "N   XX",$DF, "  YY.ZZZ "  ' Display N   123° 456.789
            Lcdout $fe, $C0, "W   XX",$DF, "  YY.ZZZ " ' Display  W   123° 456.789
            PAUSE 20000
    bedtime:high lcdandrtc 'turn of lcd and rtc
            INTCON.1=0 'reset RB0 interupt flag
            @ sleep
            @ NOP
            @ NOP
            pause 500 'wakeup delay
            goto wakeup
    Would appreciate some comments .... good or bad on above code.... I am not really sure about my jumps out of the main loop to "bedtime" I have just identified that if it is more than 58 mins to the hour my +2 calc wont work :-) So need to find a work around ?

    Thank you for reading... Andy

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818


    You are correct that your timeout1 test/calculation will fail when the RTC roles over from 59 to 00.
    Also, if for some reason that the execution is delayed you could miss an entire minute which would further affect your timeout1 test.

    I took the liberty of adding/modifying the logic to make this portion more robust (although I can't test this :-) )
    Take a look at the revised code and see if this helps you.

    ' Name        : PI.pbp
    ' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.5
    ' Assembler   : MPASM
    ' Target PIC  : PIC16F628A or similar type
    ' Hardware    : VeroBoard
    ' Oscillator  : 4Megs Internal
    ' Keywords    : I2CREAD, I2CWRITE, LCDOUT
    ' Description : PICBASIC PRO program for an LCD clock program
    ' using the Dallas DS1307 I2C RTC.
    ' Define LCD pins
            DEFINE LCD_EBIT 6
    ' Alias pins
            SDA Var PORTB.1
            SCL Var PORTB.4
            wakebutton var PORTB.0 'shake
            lcdandrtc var PORTA.6 'LCD and RTC ON/OFF
            timeout1 var byte
            'timeout2 var byte
            PrevTime var byte     'Holds previously read RTCMin
            CurTime  var byte     'Holds currently read RTCMin
            TimeoutMax var byte 'You can change this to a constant if it is not changed during execution
            WakeupFlag var bit    'Used for wakeup/reset tracking for timer
            TimeoutMax = $02    'You can delete this if TimeoutMax is a constant
            WakeupFlag = 1        'Preset to true
    ' Allocate variables
            RTCYear  Var Byte
            RTCMonth Var Byte
            RTCDate  Var Byte
            RTCDay   Var Byte
            RTCHour  Var Byte
            RTCMin   Var Byte
            RTCSec   Var Byte
            RTCCtrl  Var Byte
            TRISA=0 'outputs
            TRISB=15 'Bit 0,1,2,3 inputs
            CMCON=7 'turns  off analogs
    wakeup: INTCON=%00010000 'RB0 is interrupt
            OPTION_REG.6=0 'Trig on falling
            OPTION_REG.7=0 'Enables pull ups       
            Pause 500            ' Wait for LCD to startup
            Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            Lcdout "WELCOME TO"  ' Display WELCOME TO 
            Lcdout $fe, $C0, "      PI DAY" ' Display  PI Day
            Pause 2000       ' Wait 2 seconds
            Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            timeout1 = TimeoutMax   'Preset timeout1 for countdown
            'Set initial time 
            RTCYear = $15
            RTCMonth = $03
            RTCDate = $03
            RTCDay = $06
            RTCHour = $20
            RTCMin = $46
            RTCSec = 0
            RTCCtrl = 0
            'Gosub settime        ' Set the time
            Goto mainloop        ' Skip over subroutines
    ' Subroutine to write time to RTC
    'settime:I2CWrite SDA, SCL, $D0, $00, [RTCSec, RTCMin, RTCHour, RTCDay, RTCDate, RTCMonth, RTCYear, RTCCtrl]
    '        Return
    ' Subroutine to read time from RTC
    gettime:I2CRead SDA, SCL, $D0, $00, [RTCSec, RTCMin, RTCHour, RTCDay, RTCDate, RTCMonth, RTCYear, RTCCtrl]
            CurTime = RTCMin    '
            if WakeupFlag = 1 then  '1st time after a wakeup/reset
                PrevTime = CurTime  'Set PrevTime after wakeup/reset
                WakeupFlag = 0        'Clear the flag
    ' Main program loop 
            Gosub gettime        ' Read the time from the RTC
            ' Display time on LCD
            'Lcdout $fe, 1, hex2 RTCMonth, "/", hex2 RTCDate, "/" , hex2 RTCYear,_
            '"  ", hex2 RTCHour, ":", hex2 RTCMin, ":", hex2 RTCSec
            Lcdout $fe, 1, HEX2 RTCDate, "/", HEX2 RTCMonth,"   ", HEX2 RTCHour, ":", HEX2 RTCMin, ":", HEX2 RTCSec
            IF RTCHour <=$12 then  gosub morning
            IF RTCHour >=$13 then  gosub afternoon
            IF RTCHour=$03 and RTCMin=$14 Then CACHE ' Morning Cache
            IF RTCHour=$15 and RTCMin=$14 Then CACHE ' Afternoon Cache
            'if rtcmin=(timeout1+2) then bedtime
            If CurTime > PrevTime Then
                timeout1 = timeout1 - (CurTime - PrevTime)
                PrevTime = CurTime
                'Oops something happened. Current time is less than Previous time
                'This should take care of the rollover from 59 to 00 minutes and unexpected delays
                'If timeout1 = 0 no need to do anything, the timeout1 test below will put the unit to sleep
                'The WakeupFlag will be set when we go to sleep and PrevTime and CurTime will be set properly
                'after we wakeup and proceed through the mainloop
                if timeout1 > 0 then
                    timeout1 = timeout1 - 1 'decrement the timeout value
                    PrevTime = CurTime  'Reset Previous time to a valid number for the countdown timer
            if timeout1 = 0 then    'Timeout reached
                WakeupFlag = 1     'Reset the flag
                goto bedtime        'countdown has reached 0, go to sleep
            Pause 500            ' Do it about 2 times a second
            Goto mainloop        ' Do it forever
    morning:    Lcdout $fe, $C0, "CACHE @  3:14AM"
    afternoon:  Lcdout $fe, $C0, "CACHE @ 3:14PM" 
    CACHE:  Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            Lcdout $fe, $C0, "CACHE IS LOCATED"
            PAUSE 2000
            Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen
            Lcdout "N   XX",$DF, "  YY.ZZZ "  ' Display N   123° 456.789
            Lcdout $fe, $C0, "W   XX",$DF, "  YY.ZZZ " ' Display  W   123° 456.789
            PAUSE 20000
    bedtime:high lcdandrtc 'turn of lcd and rtc
            INTCON.1=0 'reset RB0 interupt flag
            @ sleep
            @ NOP
            @ NOP
            pause 500 'wakeup delay
            goto wakeup
    Last edited by Tabsoft; - 3rd March 2015 at 18:02.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Missed this...

    Thanks TABSoft..... Will try later.

    Let you know how I get on


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Just had a play with this….

    Sorted a few problems out around the sleep…. Still got issues jumping out of the main loop to go to sleep…But the sleep works !!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818


    You can encase your mainloop code in a Do/Loop While with a test of the WakeupFlag.
    Then when the WakeupFlag is set at timeout, the loop will terminate and you can replace the "GOTO mainloop" instruction with a GOTO bedtime as the last instruction of mainloop.


    You can use a Do/Loop with an "Exit" statement in place of the "GOTO bedtime" instruction in the timeout1 If/Then test. Still replace the "GOTO mainloop" instruction with a "GOTO bedtime" instruction as the last instruction in mainloop.

    Also, I overlooked the fact that you are jumping to CACHE twice a day and CACHE falls through to bedtime without setting the WakeupFlag. You shou set the WakeupFlag before you jump to CACHE.

    What kind of problems are you having?
    Last edited by Tabsoft; - 7th March 2015 at 22:02.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Idea in the night of using a FOR / NEXT loop with a IF / THEN / GOTO

    Easy Fix ??

    Wil try later !!!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    FOR / NEXT Instruction worked…

    One Cycle of my loop takes a .5 Seconds so :-

    Timeout = 0 to 240

    Next Timeout
    GOTO Label

    Thank you for help


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Interrupts and Sleep help 16f818

    Thank you for reading

    Just need to get the quiescent current down whist in sleep mode. Currently seeing around the 2mA mark.

    I am hoping we can get it lower than that…?

    Thank you for reading.


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