Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    After I got external EEPROM working, now it's time to do some graphics.
    For this purpose I use ST7920 controller based LCD, which has parallel interface, so works directly with LCDOUT statement, making many complicated things simpler. However, it can't transmit $FE to display, since it is used as statement. This creates many issues with graphics to be sent to display. So I have to replace LCDOUT with something "discrete".
    I've read HD44780 manual, but some moments are not clear, so are there any code ideas, with which I just can simply send required byte to HD44780 compatible screen, in 4 bit mode, but without using LCDOUT statement?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    When I was young I did that on a Z80 self made computer in assembly.

    Surely I will not do it again... Too much work.

    I do understand why you want this. Too cheap as graphic display but too much complicated to make it work with Lcdout. Better use a Nextion display. Easier, many colors, RS232 controled and touch input too!

    Last edited by Ioannis; - 5th February 2022 at 12:00.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    I've read HD44780 manual, but some moments are not clear, so are there any code ideas, with which I just can simply send required byte to HD44780 compatible screen, in 4 bit mode, but without using LCDOUT statement?
    Since LCDOUT works perfectly fine for the HD44780 for which it is meant there's probably never been a need to sort of recreate the same functionallity. Obviously loads and loads of examples for assembly, both PIC and other uC can be found on the internet but you're not interested in that.

    What "moments" are not clear specifically? Perhaps we can clear those "moments" up and then you'll be fine.

    Are you intending to completely replace LCDOUT or are you trying to find a solution only for the occation(s) when you need to send 254?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    Regarding the nextion display, unfortunately, while in general, idea is good, there are several key disadvantages:
    1. High cost
    2. Bad quality, low contrast, bad viewing angle and not sunlight readable display.
    3. Need for SD card
    4. Long boot time
    5. Complicated, badly written and not user oriented IDE

    So nextion is junk, and unless they fixed all these 5 (which is not going to happen anyways), I'm not going to look for it

    Contrary to that, ST7920 display is pin to pin compatible with standard 1602 LCD modules, has actually two display framebuffers - one for HD44780 mode, another for graphical, and it does OR for them automatically - so you can write text via HD44780 mode, and use graphic mode to only display graphical elements, their overlay is automatically handled by display - thus removing requirement for large amount of ram, rom, eeprom and need to keep separate framebuffer.

    As I understand, working with HD44780 means manipulation with Enable and RS pins, and setting data pins according to required bytes to be sent, and spitting them into two 4 bit parts. So since I usually connect 44780 pins to single port in sequence - like data lines to portb.0-portb.3 and RS and E pins to PORTB.4 and PORTB.5, I guess there should be a statement, which allows to set port bits according to certain variable bits. So after reading HD44780 manual, I don't think it will be too complicated to do bitbanging and drive it in that way...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    I've actually used a Nextion displays for a project or two because that's what the customer wanted and I must say find a couple of your comments a bit strange. In fact it makes me wonder if YOU have actually tried one....

    1. High cost <-OK, relative to a 1602 or 128x64 graphics display, sure. But compared to a similar product from say 4D Systems, no.
    2. Bad quality, low contrast, bad viewing angle and not sunlight readable display. <- Only used in indoors so can't comment on that
    3. Need for SD card <- Certainly not. None of the projects I've done with them have use an SD card.
    4. Long boot time <- What? Please define long. In my experience they start like "instantly".
    5. Complicated, badly written and not user oriented IDE <- Sure, it's a bot rough but it does get the job done and it allows you test out commands etc virtually.

    EDIT, I just dug one of mine out and powered it up.
    Yes, it starts "instantly" (less than 1s). No, there's no SD-card in it and it still works.
    Black text on white background is no problem reading at almost ANY angle but black text on gray buttons does wash out when viewed from the 6 o'clock position.
    Last edited by HenrikOlsson; - 5th February 2022 at 16:36.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousOne View Post
    Regarding the nextion display, unfortunately, while in general, idea is good, there are several key disadvantages:
    1. High cost
    2. Bad quality, low contrast, bad viewing angle and not sunlight readable display.
    3. Need for SD card
    4. Long boot time
    5. Complicated, badly written and not user oriented IDE
    1. comparing to a 12864 monochrome LCD, at about the same size i think it is about 25 euros. So for a color full graphics no. It is not.
    2. My iPhone is also not readable under the sun. Other than that, I found them very acceptable for the price.
    3. No need for SD. The SD is only for loading the program. But that can be done with RS232 also. Not true then.
    4. Boot is instant. Maybe faster than the PIC that it will communicate!
    5. The IDE is different than MCStudio. But not bad! Instead it is helpful and also has emulator that can be used with the PCs RS232 and communicate with your PIC so you can test the system even before you purchase the LCD itself!

    You may need to test it and see for yourself.

    I have a 12864 display but never managed to control it from a PIC. Maybe it is time to show how. The one I got is WG12864D by Winstar with T6963C controller and a couple of LC7940 chips.

    Last edited by Ioannis; - 5th February 2022 at 16:39.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    Have you seen this:

    Also this but for a different controller:


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    1. ST7920 module has same physical dimensions and outline as standard 1602 LCD module, but has 132x32 pixels resolution and larger physical area of pixels (less wasted space, compared to traditional 1602 displays). This means that it can display up to 18 characters x 4 lines using standard 8x8 font matrix. You can have a look here (The slow drawing is animation effect, using LCDOUT it is possible to update whole screen at approximately 20fps rate):

    Regarding the 25 euros, I don't know where you buy them, but I bought nextion on taobao, the basic model, for about $11. ST7920 LCD module is about $6, standard 1602 LCD module is about $1. OLED 1602 - also $10.

    2. Your iphone, your issues. I like my devices to be fully accessible and have as few disabilities, as possible.

    3. And where store graphics, sound files, etc, without SD ?

    4. I don't see any instant boot times, with empty code - maybe.

    5. I have tried it by myself, several times, several versions. IDE looks like monkey's drawing - visually they tried to emulate visual studio, but they didn't went into internals.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    I did a project several years ago for a friend. Maybe this code can help you. This isn't the entire program, but close. I am updating only values that change, leaving the rest alone.

    '*  Date    : 8/13/2017                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.6                                               *
    '*  Notes   : PIC18F26K22                                       *
    RS      var     PORTC.6             ;Register Select for LCD, 0 = Comd, 1 = Data
    En      var     PORTC.7             ;Pulsout Enable to write to LCD
    b0      var     byte                ;Main For/Next Loop Variable
    b1      var     byte                ;LCDout Variable
    b3      var     byte                ;For/Next Loop Variable
    BatL    var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Batt    var     byte                ;Battery Voltage, ADC Steps
    BattA   var     byte[3]             ;Battery Voltage, ASCii Converted
    BatV    var     byte                ;Battery Voltage XX(.)X
    CFG     var     byte                ;Set-Up Bits, DATA @10
    Disp_Sel var    byte                ;Cursor Points To, 10 Choices in Disp_Prog
    DispSet var     CFG.3               ;Denotes Display Programming Complete
    IOL     var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Line1   var     byte[17]            ;Disp_Prog Line1 Display Data Variable
    Line2   var     byte[17]            ;Disp_Prog Line2 Display Data Variable
    Line3   var     byte[17]            ;Disp_Prog Line3 Display Data Variable
    Line4   var     byte[17]            ;Disp_Prog Line4 Display Data Variable
    LnSel   var     byte                ;Line Selected, 1 >> 4d
    LPsi    var     byte                ;Low Operating Pressure
    LPsiA   var     byte[2]             ;LPsi ASCii Converted
    Order   var     byte                ;Used in Disp: for positioning
    OrderCt var     byte                ;Disp_Prog Order Keeper for Variables Displayed, Line1
    Pos     var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Psi1    var     byte                ;Vaporizer Pressure, ADC Steps (8 bit)
    Psi1A   var     byte[2]             ;Vaporizer Pressure, ASCii Converted
    Psi1L   var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Psi1P   var     byte                ;Vaporizer Pressure, ADC >> Psi
    Psi2    var     byte                ;Regulated Pressure, ADC Steps (8 bit)
    Psi2A   var     byte[2]             ;Regulated Pressure, ASCii Converted
    Psi2L   var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Psi2P   var     byte                ;Regulated Pressure, ADC >> Psi
    PTarg   var     byte                ;Target Vaporizer Pressure, Psi
    PTargA  var     byte[2]             ;Target Vaporizer Pressure, ASCii Converted
    PTargL  var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Ppres   var     byte                ;Target Vaporizer Pressure, ADC >> Psi
    TPS     var     byte                ;TPS ADC Steps, Read/Display Only
    TPSA    var     byte[3]             ;TPS Volts, ASCii Converted
    TPSL    var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    TPSV    var     word                ;TPS Volts, 0.00 >> 5.00
    VDCL    var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    VTL     var     byte                ;Display Screen Position Number
    Work    var     byte                ;Source of Working Bits
    ;Program Labels:
        Order = 0                       ;Display top of screen
        Work = 0                        ;Stock, Clears All Operating Bits
        LnSel = 1                       ;Line Selected for Display
        Source = 1                      ;Stock on Output to CNG ECU
        GP = 0
        Inj = 0
        Rled = 0
        pause 100
        gosub Load_Vars                 ;Loads EEPROM Values into Appropriate Variables
        goto Init_LCD                   ;Starts LCD, Loads Start Screens
      ;do stuff
        gosub Disp
        goto Main 
        low RS
        PORTB = $30
            high En
            pauseus 4
            low En
            pause 5
        PORTB = $30
            high En
            pauseus 4
            low En
            pauseus 160
        PORTB = $30
            high En
            pauseus 4
            low En
            pauseus 160
        PORTB = $38
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $10
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $0C
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $06
            gosub Send
        PORTB = 1
            gosub Send
            pause 1
        PORTB = $80
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1 
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, [" T-Cat Fuel Sys "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        pause 1
        PORTB = $C0
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, ["   Controller   "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        pause 1
        PORTB = $90
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, ["   R & D Club   "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        pause 1
        PORTB = $D0
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, ["  Version 1.7   "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        pause 500
        for b0 = 1 to 5    
            pause 250
            Rled = 1
            pause 250    
            Rled = 0
        next b0
        low RS
        PORTB = 1
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $80                         ;Line 1
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1    
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, [" To Switch, 1/0 "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0    
        pause 1
        low RS
        PORTB = $C0                         ;Line 2
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, [" Display Val ^ "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        pause 1
        low RS
        PORTB = $90                         ;Line 3
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1    
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, ["  Program ^ & v  "], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        PORTB = $D0
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1    
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            lookup b0, ["T-Cat Controller"], b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        Source = 1
        loop while (ButU = 0) and (ButT = 0) and (ButD = 0) and (Sw = 0)
        if Sw = 1 then
            pause 50
            if Sw = 1 then
                IO = 1
                loop while SW = 1
    ;            Source = 0
                GP = 0
                Inj = 0
                Rled = 0
                PAUSE 200
                goto Main
        If (ButU = 1) or (ButD = 1) then
            pause 50
            if (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 0) then
                loop while ButU = 1
                GP = 0
                Inj = 0
                Rled = 0
                PAUSE 200
                goto Park
            if (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 1) then
                loop while (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 1)
                goto Prog0
        goto Start2
        LnSel = 1
        low RS
        PORTB = 1
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $80
            gosub Send
        high RS
        OrderCt = LnSel + Order
        gosub Disp_Seq
        LnSel = LnSel + 1
        low RS
        PORTB = $C0
        gosub Send
        high RS
        OrderCt = LnSel + Order
        gosub Disp_Seq
        LnSel = LnSel + 1
        low RS
        PORTB = $90
        gosub Send
        high RS
        OrderCt = LnSel + Order
        gosub Disp_Seq
        LnSel = LnSel + 1
        low RS
        PORTB = $D0
        gosub Send
        high RS
        OrderCt = LnSel + Order
        gosub Disp_Seq
        LnSel = 1
        Select Case OrderCt
            case is = 1         : gosub Set_TC1L        ;Vap Temp
            case is = 2         : gosub Set_PSI1L       ;Vap PSI
            case is = 3         : gosub Set_PSI2L       ;Regulated PSI
            case is = 4         : gosub Set_PTargL      ;Vap PSI Targ
            case is = 5         : gosub Set_LPsiL       ;Low PSI Aux Enable
            case is = 6         : gosub Set_TPSL        ;TPS
            case is = 7         : gosub Set_BatL        ;Battery Volts
        end Select
        ARRAYWRITE LPsiA, [#LPsi]
        for b0 = 0 to 13
            LOOKUP b0,["Low PSI Set = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if LPsi < 10 then
            LPsiA[1] = LPsiA[0]
            LPsiA[0] = " "  
        PORTB = LPsiA[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = LPsiA[1]
            gosub Send
        for b0 = 0 to 9
            LOOKUP b0,["Battery = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if BatV < 100 then
            BattA[2] = BattA[1]
            BattA[1] = BattA[0]
            BattA[0] = " "
        PORTB = BattA[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = BattA[1]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = "."
            gosub Send
        PORTB = BattA[2]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = " "
            gosub Send
        PORTB = "V"
            gosub Send
        ARRAYWRITE PSI1A, [#Psi1P]
        for b0 = 0 to 9
            LOOKUP b0,["Vap Psi = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0    
        if PSI1P < 10 then
            PSI1A[1] = PSI1A[0]
            PSI1A[0] = " "
        PORTB = PSI1A[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = PSI1A[1]
            gosub Send
        for b0 = 0 to 3
            PORTB = " "
            gosub Send
        next b0
        ARRAYWRITE Psi2A, [#Psi2P]
        for b0 = 0 to 9
            LOOKUP b0,["Reg Psi = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if PSI2P < 10 then
            PSI2A[1] = PSI2A[0]
            PSI2A[0] = " "
        PORTB = Psi2A[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = Psi2A[1]
            gosub Send
        for b0 = 0 to 3
            PORTB = " "
            gosub Send
        next b0
        ARRAYWRITE PTargA, [#PTarg]
        for b0 = 0 to 13
            LOOKUP b0,["Vap PsiTarg = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        PORTB = PTargA[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = PTargA[1]
            gosub Send
        arraywrite TC1A, [#TC1F]
        for b0 = 0 to 10
            LOOKUP b0,["Vap Temp = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if TC1F < 100 then
            TC1A[2] = TC1A[1]
            TC1A[1] = TC1A[0]
            TC1A[0] = " "
        PORTB = TC1A[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = TC1A[1]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = TC1A[2]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = " "
            gosub Send
        PORTB = " "
            gosub Send
        for b0 = 0 to 5
            LOOKUP b0,["TPS = "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if TPSV < 100 then
            TPSA[2] = TPSA[1]
            TPSA[1] = TPSA[0]
            TPSA[0] = "0"
        if TPSV < 10 then
            TPSA[2] = TPSA[1]
            TPSA[1] = "0"
            TPSA[0] = "0"
        PORTB = TPSA[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = "."
            gosub Send
        PORTB = TPSA[1]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = TPSA[2]
            gosub Send 
        for b0 = 0 to 5
            LOOKUP b0,[" Volts"],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0 
        high En
        pauseus 8
        low En
        pause 1
        select Case LnSel
            case is = 1 : PORTB = $80
            case is = 2 : PORTB = $C0
            case is = 3 : PORTB = $90
            case is = 4 : PORTB = $D0
        end select
        read 6,PTarg
            loop while (ButU = 1) or (ButD = 1) or (ButT = 1)
        low RS
            pause 1
        PORTB = 1
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $80
            gosub Send
        pause 1
        high RS
            pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            LOOKUP b0,["Target Vap Pres "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        pause 1
        PORTB = $C0
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 3
            LOOKUP b0,["    "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        arraywrite PTargA, [#PTarg]
        if PTarg < 10 then
            PTargA[1] = PTargA[0]
            PTargA[0] = " "
        PORTB = PTargA[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = PTargA[1]
            gosub Send
        if ButU = 1 then
            PTarg = PTarg + 1
            goto Prog0d
        elseif ButD = 1 then
            PTarg = PTarg - 1
            goto Prog0d
        for b0 = 0 to 3
            LOOKUP b0,[" PSI"],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if ButU = 1 then
            PTarg = PTarg + 1
            pause 10
            goto Prog0d
        elseif ButD = 1 then
            PTarg = PTarg - 1
            pause 10
            goto Prog0d
        loop while (ButU = 0) and (ButD = 0) and (ButT = 0)
        if ButU = 1 then
            pause 100
            if (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 0) and (ButT = 0) then
                PTarg = PTarg + 1
                for b0 = 0 to 100
                    if ButU = 0 then                            
                        goto Prog0d
                    pause 10
                next b0
        if ButD = 1 then
            pause 100
            if (ButD = 1) and (ButU = 0) and (ButT = 0) then
                PTarg = PTarg - 1
                for b0 = 0 to 100
                    if ButD = 0 then                            
                        goto Prog0d
                    pause 10
                next b0
        if ButT = 1 then
            pause 250
            if ButT = 1 then
                loop while ButT = 1
                write 6,PTarg
                goto Prog1
        if (ButU = 1) or (ButD = 1) then
            pause 250
            if (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 1) then
                goto Start_Screen
        goto Prog0d
        read 7,LPsi
            loop while (ButU = 1) or (ButD = 1) or (ButT = 1)
        low RS
            pause 1
        PORTB = 1
            gosub Send
        PORTB = $80
            gosub Send
        high RS
            pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            LOOKUP b0,[" Low Operating  "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        pause 1
        PORTB = $C0
            gosub Send
        high RS
            pause 1
        for b0 = 0 to 15
            LOOKUP b0,["  Pressure =    "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        low RS
        pause 1
        PORTB = $90
            gosub Send
        high RS
        pause 1
        arraywrite LPsiA, [#LPsi]
        if LPsi < 10 then
            LPsiA[1] = LPsiA[0]
            LPsiA[0] = " "  
        PORTB = LPsiA[0]
            gosub Send
        PORTB = LPsiA[1]
            gosub Send
        for b0 = 3 to 14
            LOOKUP b0,[" PSI        "],b1
            PORTB = b1
            gosub Send
        next b0
        if (ButU = 1) and (LPsi < 40) then
            LPsi = LPsi + 1
            goto Prog1d
        elseif (ButD = 1) and (LPsi > 5) then
            LPsi = LPsi - 1
            goto Prog1d
        elseif (LPsi > 40) or (LPsi < 5) then
            goto Prog1d
        loop while (ButU = 0) and (ButD = 0) and (ButT = 0)
        if ButU = 1 then
            pause 100
            if (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 0) and (ButT = 0) then
                if LPsi < 40 then
                    LPsi = LPsi + 1
                for b0 = 0 to 100
                    if ButU = 0 then                            
                        goto Prog1d
                    pause 10
                next b0
        if ButD = 1 then
            pause 200
            if (ButD = 1) and (ButU = 0) and (ButT = 0) then
                if LPsi > 10 then
                    LPsi = LPsi - 1
                for b0 = 0 to 100
                    if ButD = 0 then                            
                        goto Prog1d
                    pause 10
                next b0
        if ButT = 1 then
            pause 250
            if ButT = 1 then
                loop while ButT = 1
                write 7,LPsi
                goto Start_Screen
        if (ButU = 1) or (ButD = 1) then
            pause 250
            if (ButU = 1) and (ButD = 1) then
                goto Start_Screen
        goto Prog1d 
        read 6,PTarg
            arraywrite PTargA, [#PTarg]
        read 7,LPsi
            ARRAYWRITE LPsiA, [#LPsi]
        read 10,CFG                       

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

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    Default Re: Replacing LCDOUT with direct statements?

    That looks promising!

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