What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

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  1. #1

    Default What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    I am trying to get a PIC18F4620 to blink a LED.

    I think I have enough hardware bit I cannot get it to work.

    ' Name        : BLINK.pbp  Based on the MeLabs code examples for Lab-X1
    ' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler
    ' IDE            : MCSP
    ' Assembler   : MPASM
    ' Target PIC  : 18F4620 in 40 pin PDIP.
    ' Oscillator    : internal IntRC (Clkout) set in Config fuse at code burn time
    ' Programmer  : MeLabs U2 USB 
    ' Keywords    : BLINK LED
    ' Description : Minimal hardware PIC18F4620 in 40 pin DIP
    'The following program is a simple test to blink an LED on and off.  
    ' Hardware    : minimal breadboard  7805, input cap, output cap
    'pin 1 = reset, tied to +5
    'pin 11 +5V     
    'Pin 12 Gnd     
    '1 uF cap between pins 11 & 12
    'Pin 31 Gnd
    'Pin 32 +5V
    '1 uF cap between pins 31 & 32
    'Pin 33 Port B.0 has LED to Gnd via 1k resistor
    'Program is compiled with PBP3.0.7.4 and MCSP
    'At program time the IntRC (ClkOut) oscillator is selected.
       LED1  VAR  PORTB.0   ' Assign name "LED1" to PORTB.0 on pin 33
       OSCCON  = %11111111  '
                ' 0-------  IDLEN 0 = enters SLEEP on Sleep command = 4 uA
                ' 1-------  Enters IDLE and draws 550 uA
                ' -111----  IRCF <2:0> Int Osc freq select 111 = 8 MHz
                ' ----0---  OSTS Osc Startup Status - read only - ignore
                ' -----0--  IOFS IntOsc Freq Stable  - read only - ignore
                ' ------00  System Clock Select 00 = Primary Osc
       WDTCON  = %00000001  ' enables SWDT - needs WDT OFF in config 
                ' xxxxxxx1  SWDTEN  software controlled WDT enabled
       ADCON0  = %00000000  ' ADC OFF
                ' xx0000--  CH<3:0> select analog channels
                ' ------0-  1 = Go, 0 = Done
                ' -------0  1 = ADC ON, 0 = ADC OFF
       ADCON1 = %00001111 'VRefs = Vdd & Vss, All ports digital  
                ' 00------  unimplimented                 
                ' --00----  VCFG<1:0> Select Vcc & Gnd as ADC references
                ' ----0110  PCFG<3:0> A/D Port configuration see register 19-2 
    '   ADCON2  = %00111111 'Left just (=8 bit), ADacq time = 20 Tad, ADClk = Frc   
                ' 0-------  ADFM 0 = Left Justified 8 bit mode
                ' -x111---  ACQ<2:0> A/D acquisition time = 20 Tad
                ' -----111  ADCS<2:0> A/D conversion clock select = Fr/c
       CMCON   = %00000111  ' Comparators OFF 
                ' 00------  No comparator outputs
                ' --00----  No inversion on outputs
                ' ----0---  Vin to pins AN0 & AN1
                ' -----111  Comparators OFF 
       High LED1        ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
       Pause 500       ' Delay for .5 seconds
       Low LED1         ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
       Pause 500       ' Delay for .5 seconds
       Goto mainloop   ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
    When I program the PIC I select INTRC(ClkOut) as the clock option

    Any help gratefully received.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 30th October 2013 at 02:01. Reason: code tags

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    Don't want to be fatuous, but start by double checking that the LED is the right way around. A common fault.

    Cheers Ron...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    I would also try changing LED1 variable assignment to:
    LED1 VAR LATB.0 ' Assign name "LED1" to LATB.0 on pin 33

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    Isn't 1K on the LED a bit high?

    I usually have 330R.


  5. #5

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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    The LED polarity is correct. With the MCU removed, the LED lights when 5V is applied to PortB.0

  6. #6

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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    Thanks for the tip. I tried LATB.0 and it makes no difference.

  7. #7

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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    1k with high brightness LEDs is plenty.

    I think the problem is a missing register definition somewhere but I can't find it.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    Hi Brian,
    I would guess it's something in the default configs that is/are? at odds with your code, better to hand code the configs so you know what you have.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 30th October 2013 at 02:02.
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    Bit 7 of OSCCON, should not be a zero?


  10. #10
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    bit 7 only matters if using sleep

    add led1=0 near the beginning of your code

    You should also define the osc to 08

  11. #11
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?


    OSCCON = %01111000
    OSCTUNE = %01000000

    I use "INTIO2" but your setting should make no difference if you don't use osc pins as digital in/out.


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  12. #12
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    I'm not the best at reading the manual for this chip but from what I read on the data sheet OSCTUNE = %01000000 bit 6(PLLEN) can only be used with a 4 or 8 MHz oscillator.

    OSCCON = %01111000 defines a 8 MHz internal oscillator. I think the first part should be of OSCCON should be OSCCON = %011111xx that defines an internal stable oscillator. I don't understand what the last two bits do so that would take some more exploration. It looks like you've got a plethora of options that depend on your specific situation.

    In smaller chips the port usually needs to be set to digital for LEDs to light. I couldn't figure out how to do that for this chip.

    Also, if the LED takes 2.2 volts of the 5 volts applied that leaves 2.8 volts for the 1k resistor. That's only 2.8 milliamps if the chip doesn't drop any voltage. I think that's low and am surprised it will light with 5 volts applied.

    I hope it helps.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?

    He is using high brightness LEDs. They might consume less than the average 20mA used by common LEDs (might be very high efficiency LEDs).


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