Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post

And before "You" change anything, ...
"MAKE SURE" you have a backup of the file.
Don't blame me if it gets messed up and you don't have anything to restore it with.
And, I will apologize to MeLabs Support ahead of time for the extra support calls this will generate.


I appreciate you sharing the code with us; and respect your knowledge. Thank you.

Even though you clearly stated it, you will get this question anyway.

Question from an UnKnown user:
Hi Darrel, I tried to apply your "LCD_AnyPin" code into my project. I followed your instructions exactly as you stated. But, it did not work and now my LCDOUT command does not work at all. Can you collaborate me to solve this problem? because I don't see any problem on my side. I think your code is not ready for everyone, yet. Didn't you test it before releasing it?