How to compare strings/array? RFID Project - Page 3

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  1. #81
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    Default Re: How to compare strings/array? RFID Project

    Going by the datasheet of the serial GLCD, it is obvious that the code in the AtmelAVR is pretty limited in capabilities. It can do text, pixels, lines, boxes, circles and not much else.

    If you want to do pictures, then look into the COLOR LCD. It is a far more capable product that can even do full motion video (in color) as shown in the video. I have one and would highly recommend it. Full info here

    In fact, since I no longer have a need for it, I may consider running a contest to give it away.
    Why pay for overpriced toys when you can have
    professional grade tools for FREE!!!

  2. #82
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    thanks i will look for an LCD that is capable for my needs.

  3. #83
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    In fact, since I no longer have a need for it, I may consider running a contest to give it away.
    Can I compete? or is there a limit?

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  4. #84

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    Default Re: How to compare strings/array? RFID Project

    Quote Originally Posted by astanapane View Post
    Dear All,

    thank you very much for your help. Ioannis helped me out to identify my mistakes on the code and he also gave me the right instructions in order to solve the problem.

    i would like also to thanks, Joe, Bruce and Gevo for their support.

    Please find attached pictures of my circuit.

    Dear astanapane,

    Publications of the source code of the forum. Çok güzel proje. Ben de yapmak isterim. Thanks.

  5. #85

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    Publications of the source code of the forum. Very nice project. I'd like to. Thanks

  6. #86
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    apologize for my absent so many years.

    I was working in Dubai for 4 years and really didnt have a time to login. I have more than a flight per day, so you understand that i wasnt able at all to handle many things at a time.

    Now im back to real life, and i will upload the code and the circuits as well tonight.

    Imagine that for so long time, the circuit remains the same in my lab, and i havent done anything to it yet apart from adding a second circuit, beside it with a keypad.

    None of the core of the codes are mine, i just did some configurations and changes to fit my needs. (im not proud of this, as i would like ones to write completely my own code from the scratch)

    The following image shows the circuit and the connection of one circuit to an other.

    Name:  rfid.jpg
Views: 608
Size:  555.8 KB

    I know that it is difficult to understand the schematic, as it is not corresponds at the moment to a circuit, but i have it on a TEST Board and i can do a small video of it.

    As i have mentioned, there are two circuits, separated, the RFID circuit (with the uLCD) and the CODELOCK with keyboard.

    What the circuit does:

    1) once you place the Tag to the RFID reader, the uLCD, displays the picture of the person carries the RFID tag
    2) at the same time, a BEEP on the buzzer is activated and sends a command to activate the second circuit.
    3) You have 5 seconds until you add the code on the keypad otherwise the circuit lose its power and is not activated any more.

  7. #87
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    the code for the RFID PIC16F88 chip

    '*  Author  : LEONARDO BILALIS                                  *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2017 [LEONARDOS BILALIS]            *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 19/3/2017                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.3                                               *
    '*  Notes   : This is an RFID ACCESS control with ulcd          * 
    '*          : and an interrupt LED on portb.3                   *
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; this command prevents the compiler to give you a notice of
                      ; crossing page boundary - make sure bits are set 
    Include "MODEDEFS.BAS"
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts
    OSCCON=%01111000	 '8 Mhz
    CMCON = 7	         'turn comparators off
    ANSEL = 0                'All digital
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $20     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank0
    wsave   VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM      ' alternate save location for W 
                                             ' if using $70, comment wsave1-3
    ' --- IF any of these three lines cause an error ?? ------------------------
    '       Comment them out to fix the problem ----
    ' -- Which variables are needed, depends on the Chip you are using -- 
    wsave1  VAR BYTE    $A0     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank1
    wsave2  VAR BYTE    $120    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank2
    wsave3  VAR BYTE    $1A0    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank3
    LED   VAR  PORTb.3   ; this is the operation led
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _ToggleLED1,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    T1CON = $31              ; Prescaler = 8, TMR1ON
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT     ; enable Timer 1 interrupts
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    buf	        VAR	byte [10]' RFID bytes buffer
    tagNum	    VAR	Byte	 ' from EEPROM table
    idx	        VAR	Byte	 ' tag byte index
    char	    VAR	Byte	 ' character from table
    x           var byte
    Symbol PWRLED  = PORTB.1   ; this shows that the initialization is finished and is ready for the RFID tag
    symbol LCD     = PORTB.5   ; to LCD operation
    Symbol rfidin  = PORTB.2   ; from RFID 
    Symbol GROAN   = PORTB.7   ; goes to groan when the rfid is denied
    Symbol TXRXIN  = PORTB.0   ; this is the RX input signal from the other circuit
    pause 2000
    serout2 LCD,32,[$55]      ' uOLED Initialize
    pause 2000
    serout2 lcd,32,[$56,$01]
    pause 1000
    serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
    pause 500
    serout2 lcd,32,[$55]
    pause 500
    serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
    pause 500
    serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$00,$03,$11,$ff,$ff," Leonardo Bilalis",$00]
    pause 200
    serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$02,$06,$10,$ff,"     Copyright 2017",$00]
    pause 3000
    serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
    pause 1000
    high pwrled                  'Software controlled Power LED (if this LED is not on at load check your code)
    ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]-----------------------------------------------------
    Tag1	DATA  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag2	DATA  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag3    data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag4    data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag5    data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag6    Data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag7    data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag8    data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag9    data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    Tag10   data  "xxxxxxxxxx"
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
    LOW portb.4	    ' lock the door!
    '----- [ LOGO ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
    serout2 LCD,32,[$55]      ' uOLED Initialize
    pause 500 
    gosub Logo_png
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
    serin2 portb.2,84,[WAIT($02),str BUF\10]
    pause 500
      FOR tagNum = 1 to 10       ' scan through known tags
        FOR idx = 0 TO 9		' scan bytes in tag
        READ (((tagNum-1)*10) + idx), char	' get tag data from table
        IF (char <> buf(idx)) THEN Bad_Char		' compare tag to table
        GOTO Tag_Found			' all bytes match!
    Bad_Char:					' try next tag
      tagNum = 0
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$01]
        pause 1000
        serout2 lcd,32,[$40, $49, $00, $00, $80, $80, $10, $00, $00, $C0]
        pause 500
        FREQOUT groan, 1000 */ $100, 115 */ $100	' groan
        pause 500
        serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
        pause 500
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$00]
        pause 200
        goto main
    IF tagNum = 1 then Leonardo       
    IF tagNum = 2 then ELENI         
    if tagnum = 3 then MAMAANNA       
    if tagnum = 4 then THEIAMARIA     
    if tagnum = 5 then MARIA          
    if tagnum = 6 then displayName6
    if tagnum = 7 then displayName7
    if tagnum = 8 then displayName8
    if tagnum = 9 then displayname9
    if tagnum = 10 then displayname10
    GOTO main
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$01]
        pause 1000
        serout2 lcd,32,[$40, $49, $00, $00, $80, $80, $10, $00, $00, $40]
        pause 500       'Pause ,5 sec then clear display
        goto open_door
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$01]
        pause 1000
        serout2 lcd,32,[$40, $49, $00, $00, $80, $80, $10, $00, $00, $00]
        pause 500    'Pause ,5 sec then clear display
        goto open_door
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$01]
        pause 1000
        serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$00,$03,$11,$ff,$ff," Thank you ANNA",$00]
        pause 200
        serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$02,$06,$10,$ff,"   Please enter code",$00]
        pause 500
        goto open_door
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$01]
        pause 1000
        serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$00,$03,$11,$ff,$ff," Thank you MARIA",$00]
        pause 200
        serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$02,$06,$10,$ff,"    Please enter code",$00]
        pause 500
        goto open_door
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$01]
        pause 1000
        serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$00,$03,$11,$ff,$ff," Thank you MARIA",$00]
        pause 200
        serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$02,$06,$10,$ff,"    Please enter code",$00]
        pause 500
        goto open_door
    '----------------------OPEN THE DOOR------------------------------    
        HIGH portb.4          ' remove latch
        pause 5000
        if TXRXIN = 1 then  
        pause 8000
        LOW portb.4		' restore latch
        serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
        pause 500
        serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$00] 
        goto main
     ;  serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
     ;  serout2 lcd,32,[$73,$00,$03,$11,$ff,$ff,"DOOR is OPENED",$00]
     ;  return    
    '----------------- [ LOGO Routine ] ------------------------------
    serout2 lcd,32,[$40, $49, $00, $00, $80, $80, $10, $00, $00, $00]
    pause 3000
    serout2 lcd,32,[$59,$03,$00]
    pause 200
    '-------------------- [ CLEAR ] ----------------------------------
    serout2 lcd,32,[$45]
    pause 500
    goto logo
    '---[TMR1 - interrupt handler]--------------------------------------------------
    TOGGLE led
    and the code for the PIC16F84A

    '*  Name    : CodeLock.bas                                      *
    '*  Author  : xxxxxx                                            *
    '*  Date    : xxxxxxxxxx                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Programable Code Lock with the PIC-16F84          *
    ; Change the code from 1234 by typing the code 1234 then * 1961#1961#   
    Include "MODEDEFS.BAS"
    RL1_ON_time con 1000 * 5  'sec. Relay ON time
    TrisA = 0  ' PORTA, all outputs
    PortA = 16 ' turn off Buzer
    OPTION_REG.7 = 0   ' PORTB Pullups.
    TrisB = %11110000  ' PORTB.0-3 outputs, 4-7 inputs  
    PortB = 0
    LD1 var PortA.2
    RL1 var PortA.3
    BUZ var portA.4
    cnt var byte
    key  var byte
    col  var byte
    row  var byte
    keycnt var byte
    pwOK var bit
    keybuf var byte[15]
    pwbuf var byte[4]
    EEPROM 0,[1,2,3,4] 'Default password 1,2,3,4 programmed at EEprom location 0..3
    Read 0, pwbuf[0]   'Copy password from EEprom address 0..3 in to pwbuf[0..3]
    Read 1, pwbuf[1]
    Read 2, pwbuf[2]
    Read 3, pwbuf[3]
    pwOK = 0
    keycnt = 0
        high ld1
        pause 200
        gosub Chk_KEYPAD
        pause 100
    goto Main
       for row = 0 to 3 
          PORTB = (dcd row) ^ $f    
          pause 1
          col = PORTB >> 4
          if (col <> $f) then  'key pressed 
             key = (row * 3) + (ncd (col ^ $f))
             gosub Got_KEY
             key = 255
       low ld1
       low buz 
       pause 40
       high buz
       gosub Beep
       while (PORTB >> 4) <> $f  
          pause 1
       if key = 11 then key = 0
       keybuf[keycnt] = key
       gosub Chk_keycnt
       PwOK = 0
       if (keybuf[0] = pwbuf[0]) and (keybuf[1] = pwbuf[1]) and (keybuf[2] = pwbuf[2]) and (keybuf[3] = pwbuf[3]) then pwok = 1
       PwOK = 0
       if (keybuf[5] = keybuf[10]) and (keybuf[6] = keybuf[11]) and (keybuf[7] = keybuf[12]) and (keybuf[8] = keybuf[13]) then pwok = 1
       pwbuf[0] =  keybuf[5]
       pwbuf[1] =  keybuf[6]
       pwbuf[2] =  keybuf[7]
       pwbuf[3] =  keybuf[8]
       Write 0, pwbuf[0] 'Store new password to EEprom location 0..3
       Write 1, pwbuf[1]
       Write 2, pwbuf[2]
       Write 3, pwbuf[3]
       select case keycnt
          case 4
             gosub Chk_PwOK
             if pwOK then 
                if keybuf[keycnt] = 12 then Access_OK
                if keybuf[keycnt] <> 10 then Clr_keybuf
                gosub Beep
                goto Clr_keybuf
          case 9
             if keybuf[keycnt] <> 12 then Clr_keybuf
             gosub Beep
          case 14
             if keybuf[keycnt] <> 12 then Clr_keybuf
             gosub Beep
             gosub Chk_NewPwOK
             if pwOK then 
                gosub Beep
                gosub Pw_Change
                gosub Beep
                goto Clr_keybuf
                goto Clr_keybuf
          case else
             if keybuf[keycnt] = 12 then Clr_keybuf
       end select
       keycnt = keycnt + 1    
       High RL1
       pause RL1_ON_time
       low RL1
       for cnt = 0 to 14 
          keybuf[cnt] = cnt 
       keycnt = 0 
    goto Main

  8. #88
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    Tomorrow afternoon the video of what the circuit and the code are all about.

  9. #89
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    Welcome back Leonardo!

    After this long time, your uLCD I guess is ... obsolete now!


  10. #90
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    Hi Ioanni, the ulcd is not obsolete but upgraded as for as i checked with a newer version. I think the only difference is the change of the pins position. Instead of the pins are place in one line now they are in 2 lines

  11. #91
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    Not very good quality of video and explanation but hope you can understand.

    Im not a programmer so, it is the best i could up to now.

    Next step is to add a RFID KEY MASTER in order to record more RFID tags in to the epprom without having to reprogram the chip.

  12. #92
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    Dear all,

    the project for my home up to now works OK!.

    Here is also a 3D printed case i have designed in order to place nice and clean all the components and electronics.

  13. #93
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    Dear all,

    i have a small problem with my code and circuit.

    After 3 or 4 tries, maybe less maybe after 2 or 3 minutes.....(it is strange) when i pass the RFID from the reader, the first circuit, works perfect, but the second circuit, looks like does not listen to any command from the keypad.

    It looks like that it gets power from the first circuit, but when i try to press any button from the Keypad, does not respond.

    here is the code of the circuit that is related to the keypad.

    If you notice, i havent add any commands for the fuses....because when i did that i was getting errors

    ;@ DEVICE pic16F84A, HS_OSC, WDT_OFF, PWRT_ON, PROTECT_OFF --> this is not working.

    ;@ __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _CP_OFF --> this was passing the first error the counldnt find the PIC16F84A but i was getting an error (2007)

    The problem is: If i load the code without fuses, the program and circuit works fine on the test board.
    When i transfer it to the PCB after 2-3 minutes when i try to pass the TAG from the reader, the Keypad looks like that is not responding.

    '*  Name    : CodeLock.bas                                      *
    '*  Author  : xxxxxx                                            *
    '*  Date    : xxxxxxxxxx                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Programable Code Lock with the PIC-16F84          *
    ; Change the code from 1234 by typing the code 1234 then * 1961#1961#   
    Include "MODEDEFS.BAS"
    RL1_ON_time con 1000 * 5  'sec. Relay ON time
    TrisA = 0  ' PORTA, all outputs
    PortA = 16 ' turn off Buzer
    OPTION_REG.7 = 0   ' PORTB Pullups.
    TrisB = %11110000  ' PORTB.0-3 outputs, 4-7 inputs  
    PortB = 0
    LD1 var PortA.2
    RL1 var PortA.3
    BUZ var portA.4
    cnt var byte
    key  var byte
    col  var byte
    row  var byte
    keycnt var byte
    pwOK var bit
    keybuf var byte[15]
    pwbuf var byte[4]
    EEPROM 0,[1,2,3,4] 'Default password 1,2,3,4 programmed at EEprom location 0..3
    Read 0, pwbuf[0]   'Copy password from EEprom address 0..3 in to pwbuf[0..3]
    Read 1, pwbuf[1]
    Read 2, pwbuf[2]
    Read 3, pwbuf[3]
    pwOK = 0
    keycnt = 0
        high ld1
        pause 1
        gosub Chk_KEYPAD
    goto Main
       for row = 0 to 3 
          PORTB = (dcd row) ^ $f    
          pause 1
          col = PORTB >> 4
          if (col <> $f) then  'key pressed 
             key = (row * 3) + (ncd (col ^ $f))
             gosub Got_KEY
             key = 255
       low ld1
       low buz 
       pause 40
       high buz
       gosub Beep
       while (PORTB >> 4) <> $f  
          pause 1
       if key = 11 then key = 0
       keybuf[keycnt] = key
       gosub Chk_keycnt
       PwOK = 0
       if (keybuf[0] = pwbuf[0]) and (keybuf[1] = pwbuf[1]) and (keybuf[2] = pwbuf[2]) and (keybuf[3] = pwbuf[3]) then pwok = 1
       PwOK = 0
       if (keybuf[5] = keybuf[10]) and (keybuf[6] = keybuf[11]) and (keybuf[7] = keybuf[12]) and (keybuf[8] = keybuf[13]) then pwok = 1
       pwbuf[0] =  keybuf[5]
       pwbuf[1] =  keybuf[6]
       pwbuf[2] =  keybuf[7]
       pwbuf[3] =  keybuf[8]
       Write 0, pwbuf[0] 'Store new password to EEprom location 0..3
       Write 1, pwbuf[1]
       Write 2, pwbuf[2]
       Write 3, pwbuf[3]
       select case keycnt
          case 4
             gosub Chk_PwOK
             if pwOK then 
                if keybuf[keycnt] = 12 then Access_OK
                if keybuf[keycnt] <> 10 then Clr_keybuf
                gosub Beep
                goto Clr_keybuf
          case 9
             if keybuf[keycnt] <> 12 then Clr_keybuf
             gosub Beep
          case 14
             if keybuf[keycnt] <> 12 then Clr_keybuf
             gosub Beep
             gosub Chk_NewPwOK
             if pwOK then 
                gosub Beep
                gosub Pw_Change
                gosub Beep
                goto Clr_keybuf
                goto Clr_keybuf
          case else
             if keybuf[keycnt] = 12 then Clr_keybuf
       end select
       keycnt = keycnt + 1    
       High RL1
       pause RL1_ON_time
       low RL1
       for cnt = 0 to 14 
          keybuf[cnt] = cnt 
       keycnt = 0 
    goto Main
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    Last edited by astanapane; - 3rd April 2017 at 09:28.

  14. #94
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    first thing first. I will edit the ,inc file and commend it in order to avoid the error 2007

    overwritting previous address contents (2007)

    then i will see if that works. I will post results tomorrow afternoon.

  15. #95
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    Which compiler you use now?


  16. #96
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    an old one, as far as i remember is the 2.6b

  17. #97
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    Then yes, you should edit the *.inc file first the way you stated.


  18. #98
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    Thanks Ioanni.

    In case of the newer version, should i have to edit again the .inc files?

    Let me first fix the code and then will discuss further.

  19. #99
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    PBP 3 does not need messing with the inc files. But has different fuses setup. More easy.


  20. #100
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    it took me a while to find the proper configuration of the fuses, but code works fine.

    At the moment it works on a TEST BOARD, but not on the pcb board. Maybe i have done a mistake on the drawing and i create an overflow or a bad EMF that causes a problem to the resonator.

    What im thinking of is to use the internal OSC of the PIC16F84A, 4Mhz, instead of the external 4Mhz resonator. In that way i will also eliminate a component and i will check whether that was the problem.

  21. #101
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    Finally i did a second circuit, which both of the PICs are not related to once each other, but they are a separate operational circuits. Each of then drives the same relay.

    As i have told you this a circuits that will be outside on a main door in a small Village, so people that would like to come in, they need to know either the PASSCODE on the Keypad, or to have with them an RFID key.

    After a small discussion we had, old people didnt like to carry an RFID key, so they requested if it is possible to have only the keypad.

    On the other side, the younger of the family, liked the idea of the rfid, which the only downside it is to take care not to loose it. Ofcourse both will know the main password on the keypad so, for those will have an rfid key, if once does not work, will have the option to use the keypad to access the door.

    To be honest, in nowadays, especially in the village, you do not need a super extreme security system. In addition to that, the simplest the better!!!

    I understand that to carry an RFID key is the same as to have the real key to open the door. In my next experiment i will try to include a fingerprint sensor, but im waiting to see a good one, because at the moment none is so reliable.

    Name:  rfid circuit.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  435.9 KB

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