Hello all,

I've been struggling with a, for a not-picbasic-newbie (which I am! ), simple problem. I'm trying to let a LED blink on the overflow rate of timer0. Unfortunately I wasn't very succesfull.

When I run the following code (I know the LED won't blink with this, but that's step 2)

define loader_used 1  
define osc 20        

led var portc.1            ;LED is connected on PortC.1

wsave var   byte $20 system
ssave var   byte bank0 system
psave var   byte bank0 system

Goto main

define INTHAND tmroverflow

tmroverflow movwf	wsave
            swapf	STATUS, W
            clrf	STATUS
            movwf	ssave              ;Interrupt
            movf	PCLATH, W          ;Routine
            movwf	psave              ;with Save function
            bsf     _led               ;Put on LED  
            movf	psave, W
            movwf	PCLATH
            swapf	ssave, W
            movwf	STATUS
            swapf	wsave, F
            swapf	wsave, W
            bcf     intcon,2           ;Clear Interrupt Flag

   INTCON = %10100000                  ;GIE enabled, T0IE enabled
   OPTION_REG = %00000101              ;Prescaler on TMR0 rate 1:32
   goto loop
   goto loop                           ;Wait here for interrupt
When I run it in debug mode, the compiler goes insane and gives me mismatched address errors after the timer didn't respond for some time (the watchdog timer is off, so it isn't him who's complaining )
I think that my mistake is in the INTCON and/or the OPTION_REG, but experimenting with this values didn't helped me further neither.
The "save" function is O.K asfar as I can see, since it's straight out of the manual!!

All it need to do for step 1 is to light the LED...

So if someone sees the problem right away, and I'm sure there will be many, please help this desperate newbie! I will be very gratefull!

