OK I have a Childs Electric Powered GO KART, ( Peg-Perego / Power Wheels type thing ) that I'm doing a
REBUILD / HOP-UP on for my 3 year old nephew. The thing came with a single 6 Volt battery and runs
forward by pressing a button on the steering wheel. I'm adding NOS / Turbo by installing a second
6 Volt battery in series. ( Insane I know but see this site http://www.modifiedpowerwheels.com/ ).
Also Wired in a switch for a powered reverse.
( see MY circuit and explanation at http://home.comcast.net/~david.lynch1/GoKartCkt.html )

Anyway I'm posting here with a question about some code I just hacked out to controle a
6 Volt ONLY "Soft Start" so the little one can't hold down the "NOS / Tutbo" button and step
on the "GAS Pedal" & end up launching form a dead stop to 12 Volts in an instant.
On the matter of 12 Volts burning up the motor, word is that most of these motors are 18 Volts.

My thought is to use a PIC12F675 to check voltage at the motor & if it's 6 or 12 volts
then it's OK for the "Go Faster" button to be pressed, the PIC needs to do nothing
except loop back to check again. BUT, if the motor voltage is 0 (zero) then the thing
is standing at a stop and if the Go Fast button is pressed when the gas pedal is pressed
I want to use a relay to disable the 12 Volts for some period of time, and allow the thing to
start at 6 Volts then release the relay and apply the full 12 Volts

Now ASSUMING that I have all my registers set properly and constants and variables
declaired, is the CODE as SIMPLE as this or have I COMPLEATLY missed it?
	ADCIN 0, Motor_Volts

	If Motor_Volts > 0 THEN start 	' do nothing as SOME voltage exist at the motor
					' and we really don't care if the voltage goes from 
					' 6V+ to 12V+, that is what it is intended to do
		IF Motor_Volts = 0 THEN Delay_12V

	GOTO start			' do we NEED this statement?


	Motor_V2 = Motor_Volts

	WHILE Motor_V2 = 0		' as long as the motor voltage is at zero volts
					' we want to engage the RELAY which disables
	HIGH 12Volt_Cancel_Relay_OutPin	' 12 Volts from getting to the motor so we do not
					' have a HARD start from zero directly to 12 Volts
	ADCIN 0, Motor_V2
        PAUSE 3000

	LOW 12Volt_Cancel_Relay_OutPin
	GOTO start