2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

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  1. #1
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    Default 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    HI I have been trying for a long time now I have downloaded a program from a site years ago for a 2 digit up down counter they give several versions of the prg. But I cannot get any to work I keep getting(( label redefinition error) it wont go past that point has any body tried this prg it is still on the web but no help I hope someone can either figure it out or tell me what to do as I would really like to get this prg working I am going to try to upload it here Thanks for any help Ray PS if you would like to see the site go to 2digit updn counter with 7 segment display at talking electronics
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    you realize thats assembler code not pbp code . it wont compile like that in pbp
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    Hi Thanks but it says in the instructions that it is programed with pick-2 which I have also I have mplab
    it also gives me the same errors ,Can you lead me to how I can get the pic code version
    I would like it for the micro studio programmer version As I would like to alter it to start counting at 15
    I want to use it for my antenna tower counting how high the tower is as im raising it
    Thanks for the info sure do apricate it Ray

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    I have downloaded a program from a site years ago for a 2 digit up down counter they give several versions of the prg.

    I would like it for the micro studio programmer version

    you have downloaded the wrong version then , you have a {machine code } asm version

    but it says in the instructions that it is programed with pick-2 which I have
    all pic compilers will produce A HEX intel object code output file that programmers like a
    pickit2 can use , that means nothing really

    But I cannot get any to work I keep getting(( label redefinition error)
    the code you have posted will build in mplabx 2.35 in a properly configured asm project
    if you :-
    fix the config section {needs to be uppercase}.
    don't try to redefine cmcon and status.
    refer to all registers using uppercase [CMCON,STATUS,OPTION_REG],mplabx in standard configuration is case sensitive

    if you have a pbp version then post it
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    Thanks Richard I have tried the prg in mplab it gave me errors I,ll go over the files like you said I did get one of them to work in mplab the one with the dice but I don't want that one
    Here is a copy of the pbp version as you requested thank you for the help you are giving me
    I don't know anything about machine code also my age is a factor im currently 92 yrs old
    cant do the things I used to Ray
    I had to zip the file I wont let me up load the pnp file
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    I had a look a http://www.talkingelectronics.com/te...ive_index.html
    where it seems you got the code from. there is no pbp version its all asm. puting a pbp extension on a asm file will not convert asm code to pbp code

    this compiles for me with mpasm 5.36 , i have preloaded counter to 15

    ;****************************************************************;* 2 Digit UP / Down Counter    17/6/2009	
    ;Port B drives two 7 segment displays
    ;Up Sw on RA2   Down Sw on RA3
    ;"Units" drive on RA0   "Tens" drive on RA1					*
    ;* 								*
    	list P = 16F628A		;microcontroller 
    	include 	;registers for F628A
    ;code protection - off
    ;low-voltage programming - off
    ;power-up timer -  on
    ;watchdog timer - off
    ;use internal RC for 4MHz - all pins for in-out
    ; variables - names and files
    		;Files for F628A start at 20h 
    temp1		equ 20h	;for delay
    temp2		equ 21h	;for delay
    SwUp		equ 22h	;
    SwDwn		equ	23h	;
    units		equ	24h	;
    tens		equ	25h	;
    Sw_Flag		equ	26h	;
    status		equ	0x03
    cmcon		equ	0x1F
    rp1			equ	0x06
    rp0			equ	0x05
    ;Beginning of program
    reset	org		00				;reset vector address	
    		goto	SetUp			;goto SetUp
    table	addwf   PCL,F           ;02h,1  add W to program counter 
            retlw   b'00111111'     ; "0"   -|F|E|D|C|B|A
            retlw   b'00000110'     ; "1"   -|-|-|-|C|B|-
            retlw   b'01011011'     ; "2"   G|-|E|D|-|B|A
            retlw   b'01001111'     ; "3"   G|-|-|D|C|B|A 
            retlw   b'01100110'     ; "4"   G|F|-|-|C|B|-
            retlw   b'01101101'     ; "5"   G|F|-|D|C|-|A
            retlw   b'01111101'     ; "6"   G|F|E|D|C|-|A
            retlw   b'00000111'     ; "7"   -|-|-|-|C|B|A
            retlw   b'01111111'     ; "8"   G|F|E|D|C|B|A
            retlw   b'01101111'     ; "9"   G|F|-|D|C|B|A
    ;* port A and B initialisation					*
    SetUp	bsf		status,rp0	
    		movlw	b'00001100'		;Make RA0,1 out   RA2,3 in
    		movwf	05h			
    		clrf	06h				;Make all RB output
    		bcf		status,rp0		;select programming area - bank0 
    		movlw	b'10000000'		;Turn off T0CKI
    		movwf	OPTION_REG		
    		clrf 	06h				;Clear Port B of junk 
    		movlw   5        ; preload count to 15
                    movwf   units
                    movlw   1
                    movwf   tens		 		
    		clrf	Sw_Flag
    		movlw	07h				;turn comparators off and enable
    		movwf	cmcon			;    pins for I/O functions						
    		goto 	Main						
       ;Delay 10mS 		10 x 1,000uS
    D_10mS	movlw	0Ah
    		movwf	temp2
    D_a		nop
    		decfsz temp1,1
    		goto D_a
    		decfsz temp2,1
    		goto D_a	
    		retlw 00
    Up		btfsc	Sw_Flag,2
    		retlw	00
    		bsf		Sw_Flag,2
    		incf	units,1
    		movlw	0Ah			;put 10 into w
    		xorwf	units,0		;compare units file with 10
    		btfss	03,2	;zero flag in status file. Will be set if units is 10
    		retlw	00
    		clrf	units
    		incf	tens,1
    		movlw	0Ah			;put 10 into w
    		xorwf	tens,0		;compare units file with 10
    		btfsc	03,2	;zero flag in status file. Will be set if tens is 10
    		clrf	tens				
    		retlw	00			;display passes 99 but not below 0
    Dwn		btfsc	Sw_Flag,3
    		retlw	00
    		bsf		Sw_Flag,3
    		decf	units,1
    		movlw	0FFh		;put FFh into w
    		xorwf	units,0		;compare units file with FFh
    		btfss	03,2	;zero flag in status file. Will be set if units is 10
    		retlw	00
    		movlw	09
    		movwf	units		;put 9 into units file
    		decf	tens,1
    		movlw	0FFh		;put 0FFh into w
    		xorwf	tens,0		;compare tens file with 0FFh
    		btfsc	03,2	;zero flag in status file. Will be set if tens is 0FFh
    		goto	$+2			;tens file is 0FFh    Jump down 2 instructions
    		retlw	00						
    		clrf	tens
    		clrf	units
    		retlw	00			;display  not below 0		
    Main	btfss	05,2			;test switch-press for UP
    		call	Up				;UP switch pressed
    		btfss	05,3			;test switch-press for Down
    		call	Dwn				;Down switch pressed
    		movlw	b'00000001'		;Make RA0 HIGH for units drive 	
    		movwf	05h	
    		movf	units,0			;copy unit value into w
    		call	table			;unit display value will return in w
    		movwf	06h				;output units value
    		call	D_10mS			;call delay
    		clrf	06h				;clear display
    		movlw	b'00000010'		;Make RA1 HIGH for tens drive 	
    		movwf	05h			
    		movf	tens,0			;copy tens value into w		
    		call	table			;tens display value will return in w
    		movwf	06h				;output tens value
    		call	D_10mS			;call delay
    		clrf	06h				;clear display
    		btfsc	05,2			;bit will be zero when sw is pressed
    		bcf		Sw_Flag,2
    		btfsc	05,3			;bit will be zero when sw is pressed
    		bcf		Sw_Flag,3				
    		goto	Main		
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    I tried yesterday and deleted all my old files from the talking electronics site then download a new ASM file and used the mplab ver8.9 wizard this time
    and lo and behold it worked. But my biggest surprise is when I just logged on to this site I saw that you had also compiled the prg
    then you also went ahead and pre set it for me Boy I don't know how to thank you enough Rich you made my day Thank you again and again Ray

  8. #8
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    you made my day
    ray if you're 92 and still doing this stuff then that's enough to make anybody's day
    i'm glad to help
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    I am really happy and proud to have you Ray here on this forum. Hope I am still doing that stuff if I get on your age too!


  10. #10
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    Hi guys its me again thanks for all the kind words really apricate it I have been going nuts I cannot get the chip programmed I have 3 types of programmers pickit3 mplab ICD2 and melabs usb none of them want to program the chip

    they all come up with device not found it says it dosent have power to the chip to be programed so I checked first with pickit3 yes no power at the connection site so I went into the programmer configure setup turned the power to device on checked voltage
    I had 5 volts went to program again same message checked no voltage again then I tried mplab ICD2 same thing made sure jumper was at 5v target same massage trying to program my melabs will let me program if the file was in hex so went to mplabs to convert to hex
    every time I try to build a file it gave me the message failed it said no source files present Im at wits end I was wondering if someone could supply me with a hex file of the program may be melabs will work if hex.
    Sorry guys for the complaining

  11. #11
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    I have 3 types of programmers pickit3 mplab ICD2 and melabs usb none of them want to program the chip they all come up with device not found
    if none of your programmers can find the chip and its connected and powered correctly then that issue needs to be resolved before you can continue.
    there is no way forward with a dud setup or chip.

    Im at wits end I was wondering if someone could supply me with a hex file of the program
    you said
    used the mplab ver8.9 wizard this timeand lo and behold it worked.
    the result of that process is a HEX intel object code output file , that's all you need for any of your programmers
    you must have a hex file already , you just need to find and use it

    trying to program my melabs will let me program if the file was in hex so went to mplabs to convert to hex
    every time I try to build a file it gave me the message failed it said no source files present
    quite correctly, there is no such process as to convert an asm file to hex with melabs anything . the melabs pbp compiler produces a intel hex object file from pbp code
    of which you have none of. the melabs programmer is perfectly happy to use the hex files produced by mplab, mpasm, mpasmwin or mplabx

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  12. #12
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors


    you said that the hex file worked! Then you ask for a hex that works. You already have that hex file.

    First you need to find why all three programmers will not connect to your chip.

    1. Maybe the chip is fried?

    2. Are you sure the connections are correct?

    3. Are you sure you have the correct chip for the specific hex file?


  13. #13
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    Hi Guys I solved out a lot of the problems .But now I keep getting this out of date error so I downloaded the latest file of the inc files for the 16F628A chip
    but I keep getting this error can either Loannis or Richard tell me what going on.????
    I have downloaded the hex file from talking elect. and programed it to my pcb it works perfect all I need is the preset.

    PS I also downloaded the asm file from talking elect and get the same error as I got with Richards asm file
    I just cant seem to make the hex file needed to program the chip

    Sorry but I tried everything so I would not have to bother you Thanks again for ANY help
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  14. #14
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    The simplest form of the mpasm 'include' directive has the form:
    include p16f628a.inc
    I think the angle brackets made part of the line drop out in richard's post, so if you try to copy that code you'll have to fix it.

    Also, depending on which version of the code you're trying to assemble you may have to turn off the 'case-sensitive' option.
    With case-sensitive on the 'config' statement has to match the settings in the .inc file exactly.
    Your copy has mixed-case, but richard's copy has it all in caps (as in the .inc file)

    And just a suggestion... if I were you I'd get rid off all the spaces in the path and filename. That just complicates things.

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    I think the angle brackets made part of the line drop out in richard's post, so if you try to copy that code you'll have to fix it.
    well spotted tumbleweed, i failed to notice that
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  16. #16
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    Default Re: 2 didit up down counter using 16F628A program errors

    I GOT IT thank to you guys everything is honky dory I thought all along it was the header then you confirmed it
    I decided to work on it so I deleted the entire header section then I went to the16F628A inc file then copied
    the entire header and config section then pasted it into the area where I had deleted the old one
    then went to mplab when I ran the complier everything perfect with no problems
    So then I programed it into the chip and it works great thanks to you guys
    So thanks to Rich and Loannis for all the ideas you did a great job I am a happy forum member Thanks again Ray

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