18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Default 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

    Hello, I am a first-time caller, long time listener. You folks and this forum have been a wealth of knowledge over the years and I just wanted to say thank you. I currently have a problem that I haven’t been able to crack, I am sure I am missing something but just don’t know what.

    I am trying to get a TMR1 overflow interrupt (no vectors, I turned them off, I think) to work on a 18F26K42. I tried using the DT_INTS-18K42b.bas routine by MPGMike but kept getting a compile error, specifically on the SaveFSR (0), (1), and (2) lines. Based on an earlier post I went into the DT_INTS-18K42b.bas file and replaced the “movff”with “movffl” but that didn’t seem to help either. The test code is below:

        CONFIG FEXTOSC = OFF             
        CONFIG CLKOUTEN = OFF              
        CONFIG PR1WAY = OFF                 
        CONFIG CSWEN = ON                    
        CONFIG FCMEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG MCLRE = INTMCLR              
        CONFIG PWRTS = PWRT_OFF             
        CONFIG MVECEN = OFF                        ;disable vector table 
        CONFIG IVT1WAY = OFF               
        CONFIG LPBOREN = OFF               
        CONFIG BOREN = OFF                   
        CONFIG BORV = VBOR_245               
        CONFIG ZCD = OFF                    
        CONFIG PPS1WAY = OFF                
        CONFIG STVREN = OFF                  
        CONFIG DEBUG = OFF                  
        CONFIG XINST = OFF                  
        CONFIG WDTCPS = WDTCPS_31          
        CONFIG WDTE = OFF                    
        CONFIG WDTCWS = WDTCWS_7            
        CONFIG WDTCCS = LFINTOSC           
        CONFIG BBSIZE = BBSIZE_512           
        CONFIG BBEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG SAFEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTAPP = OFF                  
        CONFIG WRTB = OFF                   
        CONFIG WRTC = OFF                   
        CONFIG WRTD = OFF                   
        CONFIG WRTSAF = OFF                   
        CONFIG LVP = OFF                    
        CONFIG CP = OFF                      
    'Defines, Includes, and Constants-----------------------------------------------
    DEFINE OSC 64                                    ' Calibrate PBP to 64MHz clock
    OSCFRQ = 001000                               ' Set system clock to 64MHz internal
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18_k42b.bas"         ; Base Interrupt System
    include "ReEnterPBP.bas" 
    INT_LIST macro            ; IntSource,      Label,     Type, ResetFlag?
             INT_Handler      TMR1_INT,         _INC_TICK, PBP, YES  
    TRISA = 000000   
    TRISB = 000000   
    TRISC = 000000  
    LED   var PORTA.1
    'Initialize Registers----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ANSELA   = 000000                      ' Set digital
        ANSELB   = 000000                      ' Set digital
        ANSELC   = 000000                      ' Set digital
        ADCON0   = 000000                     ' Disable ADC  
        CM1CON0.7 = 0 : CM2CON0.7 = 0         'Disable comparators
        PMD0=$FF : PMD1=$FF : PMD2=$FF      'Turning off all Peripheral-
        PMD3=$FF : PMD4=$FF : PMD5=$FF      '-Modules, not sure if this is nessesary
        PMD6=$FF : PMD7 = $FF
        PMD1.bit1 = 0                                      'Enable the TMR1 module
        T1CON = 110000                                  'Prescale 1:8; Disable the TMR1
        T1GCON.bit7 = 0                                  'Disable gate, TMR1 always counting
        T1CLK = 000001                                   'Clock Source Fosc/4
        TMR1H = $00 : TMR1L = $00
        LED = 0   
        pause 1 
        Goto Main
    '----- INTERRUPT CODE -------------------
             toggle LED
             TMR1L = $00 : TMR1H = $00 
             PIR4.bit0 = 0
    '------ END OF INTERRUPTS CODE ----------

    Next, I tried the simple old “ON INTERRUPT GOTO” function of PBP3. The code below seems to compile, it just doesn't work. I can confirm that the TMR1H and TMR1L registers increase to 65535 and then wrap around to 0 and increase again, etc. The interrupt just never occurs. I am using an oscilloscope to monitor the LED pin.

        CONFIG FEXTOSC = OFF               
        CONFIG CLKOUTEN = OFF                
        CONFIG PR1WAY = OFF                    
        CONFIG CSWEN = ON                    
        CONFIG FCMEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG MCLRE = INTMCLR               
        CONFIG PWRTS = PWRT_OFF                
        CONFIG MVECEN = OFF                   
        CONFIG IVT1WAY = OFF                
        CONFIG LPBOREN = OFF               
        CONFIG BOREN = OFF                    
        CONFIG BORV = VBOR_245                
        CONFIG ZCD = OFF                    
        CONFIG PPS1WAY = OFF               
        CONFIG STVREN = OFF                    
        CONFIG DEBUG = OFF                  
        CONFIG XINST = OFF                    
        CONFIG WDTCPS = WDTCPS_31            
        CONFIG WDTE = OFF                   
        CONFIG WDTCWS = WDTCWS_7            
        CONFIG WDTCCS = LFINTOSC           
        CONFIG BBSIZE = BBSIZE_512            
        CONFIG BBEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG SAFEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTAPP = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTB = OFF                   
        CONFIG WRTC = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTD = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTSAF = OFF                    
        CONFIG LVP = OFF                    
        CONFIG CP = OFF                        
    'Defines, Includes, and Constants-----------------------------------------------
    DEFINE OSC 64                                   ' Calibrate PBP to 64MHz clock
    OSCFRQ = 001000                              ' Set system clock to 64MHz internal
    on interrupt goto INC_TICK
    TRISA = 000000   
    TRISB = 000000   
    TRISC = 000000  
    LED    VAr PORTA.1
    'Initialize Registers----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ANSELA   = 000000                      ' Set digital
        ANSELB   = 000000                      ' Set digital
        ANSELC   = 000000                      ' Set digital
        ADCON0   = 000000                     ' Disable ADC  
        CM1CON0.7 = 0 : CM2CON0.7 = 0                  'Disable comparators
        PMD0=$FF : PMD1=$FF : PMD2=$FF 
        PMD3=$FF : PMD4=$FF : PMD5=$FF 
        PMD6=$FF : PMD7 = $FF
        PMD1.bit1 = 0   'Turning on the TMR1 peripheral module
        T1CON = 110000                                          'Prescale 1:8; Disable the TMR1
        T1GCON.bit7 = 0                                          'Disable gate, TMR1 always counting
        T1CLK = 000001                                           'Clock Source Fosc/4
        TMR1H = $00 : TMR1L = $00 
        PIR4.bit0 = 0                                             'Clear the Int flag
        PIE4.bit0 = 1                                             'Enable timer int
        INTCON0.bit7 = 1                                      'Enable global int
        T1CON.bit0 = 1                                         'Start the timer 
        LED = 0
        pause 1 
        Goto Main
    '----- INTERRUPT CODE -------------------
             toggle LED 
             TMR1L = $00 : TMR1H = $00 
             PIR4.bit0 = 0
    '------ END OF INTERRUPTS CODE ----------

    I apologize for throwing two sets of code at you. I would be very happy if I could get either method to work. Software particulars: PBP; MPASM; MPLABX 5.76; Microcode Studio Plus 4.05. I am guessing I missed something or forgot to turn something on. I would love to learn more about "DEFINE INTHAND" but would be very happy to get any timer interrupt to work with any method possible at this point.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

    I don't have a definitive answer for you but here's a couple of things.

    First, if you haven't already, make SURE that you have Control of the pin where you have the LED connected. Make it blink a couple of times at startup or whatever.

    In case there's something weird with the .BIT modifier I'd try the "standard" PIR4.0 syntax. I'm not sure it's even any difference under the hood but just to make sure.

    In your main code, do:
    IF PIR4.0 = 1 THEN
       PIR4.0 = 0
    That'll tell you if the interrupt flag gets set or not.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

    your code would toggle led @32mS intervals , its a bit hard to see .
    I can't compile pbp3 for this chip but can say that these settings work in xc8

        CONFIG FEXTOSC = OFF               
        CONFIG CLKOUTEN = OFF                
        CONFIG PR1WAY = OFF                    
        CONFIG CSWEN = ON                    
        CONFIG FCMEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG MCLRE = INTMCLR               
        CONFIG PWRTS = PWRT_OFF                
        CONFIG MVECEN = OFF                   
        CONFIG IVT1WAY = OFF                
        CONFIG LPBOREN = OFF               
        CONFIG BOREN = OFF                    
        CONFIG BORV = VBOR_245                
        CONFIG ZCD = OFF                    
        CONFIG PPS1WAY = OFF               
        CONFIG STVREN = OFF                    
        CONFIG DEBUG = OFF                  
        CONFIG XINST = OFF                    
        CONFIG WDTCPS = WDTCPS_31            
        CONFIG WDTE = OFF                   
        CONFIG WDTCWS = WDTCWS_7            
        CONFIG WDTCCS = LFINTOSC           
        CONFIG BBSIZE = BBSIZE_512            
        CONFIG BBEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG SAFEN = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTAPP = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTB = OFF                   
        CONFIG WRTC = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTD = OFF                    
        CONFIG WRTSAF = OFF                    
        CONFIG LVP = OFF                    
        CONFIG CP = OFF                        
    'Defines, Includes, and Constants-----------------------------------------------
    DEFINE OSC 64                                   ' Calibrate PBP to 64MHz clock
    OSCFRQ = 8                              ' Set system clock to 64MHz internal
    OSCCON1 = $60
    on interrupt goto INC_TICK
    TRISA.1 = 0
    LED    VAR LATA.1
    'Initialize Registers----------------------------------------------------------------------
        ANSELA   = 0                      ' Set digital
         LED = 0
        INTCON0.7 = 1                                      'Enable global int
        T1CON = $35                                          'Prescale 1:8; enable the TMR1
        T1CLK = 1                                           'Clock Source Fosc/4
        PIR4.0 = 0                                             'Clear the Int flag
        PIE4.0 = 1                                             'Enable timer int
                                            'Start the timer 
        pause 1 
        Goto Main
    '----- INTERRUPT CODE -------------------
             IF COUNTER==31 THEN
             LED=!LED           ;TOGGLE LED ONCE PER SEC
             PIR4.0 = 0
    Last edited by richard; - 8th March 2018 at 09:51.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

    Sorry for the delay. I responded a week ago, but maybe I responded to the wrong post? Thank you for your feedback.

    Henrik- As far as I know I have control of the LED pin, I made a simple blinky light to prove it to myself on that pin. I also implemented the startup blink as you’ve suggested just to make sure I didn’t change anything. I changed the bit syntax (which I like better) but no luck.

    I also modified my code as you suggested, no luck. This must mean I didn’t set the interrupt, but I’m not sure what I am missing. I remember there used to be 3 int register bits that need to be set the peripheral, unmasked peripherals, and a global. Here I am only setting 2. Feels weird.

    Richard- I agree the light blink is a bit quick. I have an oscilloscope I’m using on the pin to help me out. Originally, I was trying to interrupt on TMR0 with a prescale of 1:32768 and a TMR0H and TMR0L of $FE17 or about (if I did my math right) 1 second. No luck there either.

    Thanks again for your feedback.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

    I would love to learn more about "DEFINE INTHAND" but would be very happy to get any timer interrupt to work with any method possible at this point.
    SecaRider, my hat is off and a knee is bent to respect your tenacity tackling the new K42. For starters, practically all of the latest PIC offerings responded to the tweaks in the PIR/PIE listings for the DT_INTS-xx.bas routines. It was discussed previously that due to the extended memory range, the DT_INTS would require a much more intensive revamp to work with the K42 PICs.

    With that said, "DEFINE INTHAND" is a DEFINE that directs the compiler to send the PC (Program Counter) to whatever you specify as your Interrupt Handler. Ultimately, with Vectored Interrupts turned off, that address will be 0x08. Universally agreed upon is the practice of placing your Interrupt Handler as close to the top of your Code Page as possible, with a command, "GOTO MAIN" (or START, or INIT) above your Interrupt Handler Label. DEFINE INTHAND is used only for Assembly Code interrupts. I don't know how proficient you are at ASM. There are work-arounds with w-save variables for "W", "BSR", "STATUS" and maybe some variables. Theoretically you could use INTHAND to go to an Interrupt Handler that uses PBP. The variables probably won't survive the RETURN intact (suggested by more skilled programmers in previous topics). If nothing else, you could INTHAND with your Interrupt Handler to "CALL" (ASM version of GOSUB) another PBP scripted subroutine.

    The K42s are different enough from anything else ever created in the PIC 8-bit lineup that they must be treated carefully. I hope this helps point you in a better direction.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles

    Quote Originally Posted by mpgmike View Post
    SecaRider, my hat is off and a knee is bent to respect your tenacity tackling the new K42.
    mpgmike - I fear it is less about tenacity and more about stubbornness and a little bit of self loathing. Thank you for the synopsis on the "DEFINE INTHAND," this is very useful information. I have a working knowledge of ASM. To me, it is easier to read than write. Your post did indeed help me decide a newer direction...K40's! Thanks again.

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