Hi there,

If got a little problem (but strange to me). I'm trying to use portE of my pic18F4455. Now i'm using it as an input, but later I also want to use it as an output.

The problem is that only pin RE3 look to work fine.

Here the code I'm using:
        Include "modedefs.bas" 
        DEFINE OSC 4
        E_0         VAR     WORD
        E_1         VAR     WORD
        E_2         VAR     WORD
        E_3         VAR     WORD
        TestLED     VAR     PORTC.6
        RS232TX     VAR     PORTD.2
    ADCON0 = 7
    ADCON1 = 7
    ADCON2 = 7
    CMCON  = 7
    TRISC  = 255
    HIGH TestLED
    Pause 100
    LOW TestLED
    PAUSE 100
    HIGH TestLED
    Pause 100
    LOW TestLED
    SEROUT RS232TX,N9600, ["Start...",13,10]
    GOTO Main
      E_0 = PORTe.0
      E_1 = PORTe.1
      E_2 = PORTe.2
      E_3 = PORTe.3
      SEROUT RS232TX,N9600, ["E0=", #E_0, " E1=", #E_1, " E2=", #E_2, " E3=", #E_3 ,13,10]
      Pause 200


In the serial output only the RE3-value changes from 1 to 0, when I switch the pin from high to low


E0=0 E1=0 E2=0 E3=1
E0=0 E1=0 E2=0 E3=0

What am I doing wrong?